A Note To All Suppliers

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
I recently made a purchase from a supplier that's turned into a friggin' joke.
1- NO communication. I had NO idea when my order was shipped or what carrier. For the amount of time it takes to email that information is negligible at best, so I wrote it off to an oversight. I did contact the supplier, but got SFA in response.
2- When the order arrived, the 2 items I ordered were mixed up in the same box, even to the point of parts for both items mixed up in the same bag.
3- Installation instructions. None. When I took what was passed off as "instructions" to the guy that does all my repairs (owns a business that specializes in repair of everything from extractors, dehums, etc.) he was at a loss as to how to do the installation. It took 20 minutes over the phone to accomplish what should have been easy had the item arrived with a couple of pages of illustrated directions. One positive here was the time the staff member spent to help. He was the one shining star in the whole debacle.
4- Parts that didn't arrive with the order. For crying out loud- TELL ME .It was only after I phoned did I find out missing parts were back ordered. It takes seconds to communicate these issues, not ignore and hope they'll go away or whatever.
5- After sales support. When one of the products wasn't working as it was supposed to, either by the installation or something else, at the very least make contact with the customer to try and correct the issue. We're carpet cleaners, not mechanics and JUST MAYBE it was an easy fix or a defective product. And try returning a phucking email within a few hours of picking it up, not waiting. How long does it take to type a few words in response?

For the time it would have taken to avoid these issues and the "cheerleader" I might have been, it seems ludicrous that I got treated like shit or a friggin' dummy. It's a well known fact that I have a big mouth and don't like bullshit, but I feel like I've been sprayed all over with bovine excrement. Now I will have to think long and hard before they see another dime from me, and I'm not the least bit shy about spending money to make my business prosper or my job easier.
But for the love of Great Aunt Kate-
LOOK AFTER YOUR CUSTOMERS- After all, it's the customer that keeps you in business.

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