A personal plea on behalf of animals from me.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
This actually happened today while I was on my way to the office so I have sent this out to 100's of contacts and wanted to ellicit help here as well. Thanks for reading and onsidering taking action. Ken

Dear friends and colleagues

While listening to Mike "Stoney" Stone, Bill McAllister & Sara Fouracre on 97.1FM The Ticket around 7:25 am this morning I was appalled to hear them encourage listeners to call in to tell how they have hit animals in their vehicle. They were laughing and making jokes about animals being killed or injured, even talking about “making duck soup” out of one of the victims. How this is related to Sports Talk I don’t know.

If you are also appalled by this “humor” please take a moment to speak out by e-mailing program director Jimmy Powers james.powers@cbsradio.com and cc Debbie Kenyon, CBS Market Manager Detroit, at Debbie.kenyon@cbsradio.com
You can also text message 97.1 The Ticket Instant Feedback to 97136
You can also send your comment to CBS Corporate through this link http://www.cbsradio.com/contact/sitehelpform.html
Also consider posting it on your facebook & please forward to everyone you know that would be similarly offended by this sick humor.
A suggested e-mail or text for you to consider:

Dear _______
I was appalled to hear that this morning (6/9/11 at approx 7:25am) the 97.1 The Ticket team of Mike "Stoney" Stone, Bill McAllister & Sara Fouracre were encouraging listeners to call in and tell their story of hitting animals on the road. This may have been the most classless and insensitive thing I have ever heard of on a radio station- especially talking about making duck soup out of the poor duck killed by a driver. How does this relate to sports talk?
I understand that radio is all about ratings and many of the talk shows choose to use negative humor to bring in an audience, but this was a horrific display of inhumanity! I hope you will stop this type of baseless “humor” from happening in the future and encourage you to require Stone, McAllister & Fouracre to apologize on air for their insensitivity.
We live in a world that has become desensitized and tend to forget how precious life is. Let’s all do our part to raise the awareness of kindness towards all creatures.
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” Ghandi
Sincerely ________

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I don't want anyone hitting animals in their car.....but I can find humor in anything.

I laughed and joked after my brother died even though it was one of the hardest things I've been through.

Maybe it's a defense mechanism but I truly believe that humor helps me (and others) get through life without a stick up our ass (not that you have a stick up your ass...I'm not saying that at all).

I know you don't want to hear this but my step father hit a duck one time while driving when we lived in backwoods MO and it has made us laugh at almost every family gathering..

It wasn't the duck getting hit that was funny....it was the whole story. All anyone has to say is "it'll move" at any family function and everyone will break out in laughter to the point of tears.

I sincerely hope that people can laugh and joke at my funeral and think of all the good times. Not to mention to NOT take life so serious.

But I understand what you're saying.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Onya Ken, not related to your story, but I fully support what you're saying.

I hate cruelty to animals as much or possibly even more than I do to humans.

At present, the Australian guv-urn-mint has suspended live cattle sales to Indonesia because of the cruelty and inhumane way these cattle are treated in the Indonesian abattoirs.

Things such as eye gouging on live cattle and other atrocities.

They claim this is the hal-al way. :x

The Indo's have counted by saying they'll simply buy their live cattle from New Zealand or the United States.

Then they say they'll mend their ways and kill the beast properly. :roll:



Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Please help by sending an email people. This thing is getting huge and they are trying to spin it. At least 25 animal rescue groups in the detroit area have gotten on the bandwagon asking for an appology.

Please help!

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Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
I hit a deer with my pickup, wasn't funny, killed it almost instantly. Mucked up the corner of my truck pretty good to. Scared the crap out of me but esp my daughter. We chuckle at it when we remember, but she remembers the fright of it.
I've hit some coons, but they ran off into the bush. I wasn't gonna follow to ask if it was alright. Might react the way Bob's did in the cage!

Be interesting pole, how many people have hit an animal with their vehicle? the short list would be who HASN'T hit an animal?

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Sadly i have hit an animal more than once.

Richard - i heard it myself. It has really effected me all day, it was so immature and classless. It is one thing to chuckle about thee things in private ( though if i heard it i would say the same thing) but quite another to talk about it on air like thy did.

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Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
I wonder if that flying black bear that killed those 2 people is pay back...

http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news ... r-accident

I think anyone intentionally trying to run down animals is appalling. That said, we have rabbits out here, like rats all over the place. And always a few younger drivers swerve to miss them, and end up crashing. So... you learn to be okay hitting one now and then. What else are you going to do at 50 mph?

I just have a hard time believing anyone's story about going out to intentionally hit animals. They may tell stories on the air, but truly, the repairs that would be needed on a vehicle, and the risk to the driver, it just makes no sense. Something doesn't seem right about this.

I wonder if this will end up being like the UK story where they paid the mom to insist in a radio interview that she gives her 8 year old daughter Botox so she can compete without any wrinkles. HUGE outrage, and then the bluff was uncovered. The news station paid her $2,000 to lie about it.

We will see... otherwise... I like animals. And some are quite tasty too!


Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Sorry if I implied that, this was not the context Richard. It was the air staff encouraging people to call to tell about their incidents with hitting animals and then joking about it when they did. It was bad taste & immature and hopefully there will be an on air appology tomorrow.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith

this recently happened to my friend:

Today merging onto the freeway after work a mini van in the middle lanes in front of me threw their little dog out the window. A little blond chihuahua. I screeched to a halt just in time to not hit him causing a lot of folks to slam their brakes and nearly cause an accident. I jumped out of my car ( holy shit almost got hit by a car............. everyone going so damn fast!! The little guy landed in the merge lane but ran into the middle of the freeway..... I called 911 and while they were on the phone screamed as loud as I could ( yes I have that voice!!!) to tell the 4 lanes of traffic to stop. Ah Ha they stopped a short moment and the little guy ran over to the fast lane shoulder and was trying to climb the center divider. I kept screaming as I realized running onto 4 lanes of freeway traffic I would certainly be hit as well. A woman in the fast lane heard me screaming and slowed then pulled over to the shoulder and grabbed him YEAH. I described the van to the police but was unable to provide a license number it all happened so fast. We were able to get enough attention to slow traffic again so the woman with the dog could get over to me. Poor little guy seemed scared to death but appeared to only have road rash and a few cuts and scrapes. This woman ( did not get her name) was a saint. She had blood on her and there were no complaints. She said she would take him to the CV shelter. I then called the director who called me back a bit later. The little guy was being cared for by her medical staff and seemed to only sustain the road rash on his paws and some cuts. She will keep me posted on his status and will send me pics. It will be my mission to find this little one the home it deserves. Oh and she did try the " Seems like he looks like a pug to me" trick but I know what a Chihuahua looks like (might be a mix.) I willl ask all of you to cross post and help find this little one a loving home. I also hope the folks who did this burn in HELL. Please hug your furry little loved ones. They are so lucky to have us as parents. Suzi

Suzi Schutzman
VP of Medical and Adoptions
Pug Rescue of San Diego

Take care,

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
"oh boy.....i WILL CATCH hell FOR THIS... :roll:

Is this the BlEEdinG HeaRt lIbErAl post of the YEAR..... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I think we ALL here love animal's... :idea:
Hell I am STUCK with a FreaKinG GoaT...because I can't bare the thought of it being slaughtered for meat... :oops:

However....JHC...Ken.. :!: Why the excessive PaNty WaDDinG..over animal's... :?:
Why don't YOU get as CHARGED-UP about the HUMAN condition that many DETRoItYEs
are suffering... :idea: How about you do some FREE cleaning in EVERY orphanage & nursing
home in your TOWN.... !gotcha!

Don't wory about these animal's....Some of the HOMELESS in your area would be HAPPY to
have their animal food to EAT... :shock:

My favorite ANIMAL IS THE "HONEY BADGER"...."He don't GAS.!"... :mrgreen:



Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Johnstown new york
I am sorry also ken for your pain, is it that time of the month. I am also sorry to say, I went fishing tonight in a small stream and caught and killed three trout for diner tomorow. On a side note, I swerved to miss a turtle today.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
HARPER said:
"oh boy.....i WILL CATCH hell FOR THIS... :roll:

Is this the BlEEdinG HeaRt lIbErAl post of the YEAR..... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I think we ALL here love animal's... :idea:
Hell I am STUCK with a FreaKinG GoaT...because I can't bare the thought of it being slaughtered for meat... :oops:

However....JHC...Ken.. :!: Why the excessive PaNty WaDDinG..over animal's... :?:
Why don't YOU get as CHARGED-UP about the HUMAN condition that many DETRoItYEs
are suffering... :idea: How about you do some FREE cleaning in EVERY orphanage & nursing
home in your TOWN.... !gotcha!

Don't wory about these animal's....Some of the HOMELESS in your area would be HAPPY to
have their animal food to EAT... :shock:

My favorite ANIMAL IS THE "HONEY BADGER"...."He don't GAS.!"... :mrgreen:


Your bleeding heart liberal comment reminded me of how it is proposed (and likely to be accepted)to wipe out all the wild camels in australia in the sake of global warming. We all know how bad camel farts are for the longevity of the planet. When they are killed and you can also get carbon credits for it. Then you can sell the credits to polluters. Maybe these animals were hit by liberals driving priuses to prevent global warming from their future farts. Can wait until farting can be a government approved reason to kill humans and then get rewarded for it by selling the carbon credits.

What a crazy world we live in!!

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id ... _article=1


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Lyman said:
I am sorry also ken for your pain, is it that time of the month. I am also sorry to say, I went fishing tonight in a small stream and caught and killed three trout for diner tomorow. On a side note, I swerved to miss a turtle today.

Lyman, just the other day you were crying on our collective shoulder that you have no energy left.

And now we find out that you are fishing and swerving!

Is it that time of the month for you Lyman?


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Crikey, talk about being taken out of context....................

I think most of us realise where our meat, be it on the hoof, on the wing, or on the fin, comes from.

The concern is the gloating and asking listeners to phone into a live radio station with their gory (read sick) stories of mutilation to get a laugh.

"encourage listeners to call in to tell how they have hit animals in their vehicle. They were laughing and making jokes about animals being killed or injured, even talking about “making duck soup” out of one of the victims. How this is related to Sports Talk I don’t know."

Sometimes I worry about some of yews, pun intended. !gotcha!


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
Ofer Kolton said:
Lyman said:
I am sorry also ken for your pain, is it that time of the month. I am also sorry to say, I went fishing tonight in a small stream and caught and killed three trout for diner tomorow. On a side note, I swerved to miss a turtle today.

Just the other day you were crying on our shoulders that you have no energy left.

And now we find out that you are fishing and swerving!

Is it that time of the month for you Lyman?

I think if it was "that" time of the month, Lyman would have HIT the turtle.

PMS (pets must squish)?

- Lisa

P.S. I'm sorry... that was horribly inappropriate. Must be that time of the month...

P.P.S. The woman who ran into 4 lanes of traffic to save a dog is lucky she did not kill anyone, or get arrested. She's lucky Darwin's law was not in affect... survival of the fittest and smartest might have taken her off the planet. She's really, really lucky. And hopefully the ones in the van will get their just due.
May 23, 2010
I've never known issues involving animal cruelty to have anything to do with politics.

Anyway, I sent an email.

Screw them.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
You got it Shorty! It had nothing to do with trying to say people are bad because a mishap occurs and an animal (or person) is sadly injured or killed. It is about making fun of it that i believe is classless.

My wish is that people be kind and sensitive to others and especially to children, animals and older people who have less of an ability to fend for themselves.

Not that it really matters but i volunteer in schools as well as do rescue work. If I only did the animal work that would be okay too as well as if i or someone else chooses to do only work that helps people. As long as a person is contributing to the betterment of life in some way that moves them it is all good.

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Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
How smart is it for a business person to launch a campaign against local media?

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