A question for Steve Toburen

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I have read your strategies for Owner Ops many times.

Basically charge a fortune and sock it away some where smart.

Now lets say you were me.(I will guess you know enough about me at this point to be able to answer this) how much would you charge for carpet cleaning and how much for tile/stone?

One Big truck.
One employee and a son that helps.
Big house payment.
No shop.
No advertising to speak of.
Wife stays home.
No water damage.
No late night commercial work.

I can handle a long answer.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
I ain't Steve, but if I were I would tell you "see me after class at JonDons new Portland Store" But again thats just me....

PS Then I would give you more PS's

Mike Brummett

Nov 5, 2006
Hey Mikey,

There is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more to SFS than you have gleaned from your cursory perusal of the manuals.

Do yourself a favor. Register for the class, go take the class and buy Steve a beer. Then you can ask him face to face.

He is a wealth of information and an all around nice guy.

Hey, it's not like you don't have the MONEY!

Go ahead, take a risk. No guts-no glory, right?


P.S. Steve TOLD me to put in that part about buying him a beer!

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Wow, Mike, a headline that will wake a guy up first thing in the morning. I hadn't even made coffee yet!

OK. I have my coffee in hand now. So my first point is a question right back at you. Are you wanting to know how to keep more of what you charge or exactly how much to charge per square foot in your local market place?

Re: the latter I'm not sure I can be of much help. I don't know your area, the degree of competition you face (there has to be at least SOME high-end competitors there) or your market image. And based on reading your posts over the years it appears you have already conquered the average carpet cleaners two biggest problems on charging more- #1 FEAR and #2 a poor self image! (I think everyone would agree, Mike, that you don't suffer from low self esteem issues!)

So is it that a) you need to charge more per square foot or b) are hitting the wall with the amount of work you can produce with your current business model or c) just need more money sticking to your wallet?

Sooner or later every carpet cleaner (even the high priced ones that crank out great work and have lots of Cheerleaders) hit what I call the "Barber's Quandary". You yourself in a one chair barber shop can only cut so many heads of hair. Soooo the bigger question becomes what sort of business (and life) do you want to have?

Not to toot my own horn but this is where our Strategies for Success seminar really shines, Mike. The SFS seminar serves as a "management retreat" helping carpet cleaning entrepreneurs analyze where they want to go and then giving them the tools on how to get there.

The biggest danger is so many carpet cleaners wind up in sort of a "no man's land". What I call "too big but too small". They have all the headaches and much of the overhead of running a large business but never achieve the "critical mass" to make it into an real business instead of just a well-paying but highly stressful 24-7 JOB! (I wrote an ICS article on this subject three years ago that elicited more fan mail than any column I have ever written. If anyone would like a copy just write me at stoburen@homefrontsuccess.com Be sure to specify you want the article called "Avoiding the Road In-between.")

I think I am rambling here Mike (you did say to make it long). How to make more money with your current set-up? Some thoughts:

1. Charge more. But eventually even an ego-maniac carpet cleaner working in a high priced area will limit out on this.

2. Upsell more so the ticket is bigger. This is an area where the average carpet cleaner owner/operator falls down big time and employees are even worse. Simply put, the single most profitable thing you can do in this business is sell and apply protector. (I like 3-M Scotchgard but Teflon is fine too.) And yes, I have a Special Report that does a pretty good job of specific tactics and scripts on how to supercharge your SG sales in the home. (Write for it if you wish. Specify the Up-selling Report.) The best "Scotchgard secret"? Just Ask For the Order! Too often we don't. (I think this up-selling subject is so important we dedicate two precious hours of the SFS seminar just on how to promote, market and sell carpet protector in the home.)

3. Work faster/more efficiently. I assume you are already on top of this.

4. Work your business numbers. Most of us (myself included) hate dealing with the nuts and bolts of financial reports in business. I would receive my monthly P & L, flip to the back page, look at the number, "Oh, I made a profit last month!" and throw it aside. That attitude is why I hired Chuck "Every number tells a story" Violand to teach the financial part of SFS. Chuck spends most of a day teaching our students how to dissect and analyze their financial reports AND then how to set their prices scientifically to truly make a real profit.

5. Spend less personally. This is obviously a less popular option! Especially for those of us who like toys such as quality wine, fancy scooters and high priced pistols and the bullets that feed them! But sit down some time and track how much of your income is just "frittered away" in purchases that don't provide lasting value/gratification. (Fast food comes to mind!)

6. Save more/ invest better. The saying "pay yourself first" has become popular and with good reason. But I would add, "pay your Personal Investment Plan (PIP) first". In my 70 page Special Report "Cleaning UP: Building Financial Wealth in the Cleaning Industry" (and yes, just write me for an e-mailed copy) I strongly promote the idea of "Sweeping" a percentage of business income into your personal investment. All owner/operators could sweep 5% and probably not even feel it. With a little bit of pain and financial adjusting they could hit 10%. The key here is to sweep the money on EVERY bank deposit and do it forever. Over time you will be amazed at the effect it will have on your net worth. even better, having that 'nest egg" as a cushion will change your attitude so you actually ""feel rich".

Hey Mike, I'm still not sure I answered your "how much" question. Cut to the chase. When you come to SFS (We still have a few seats open for our first West Coast SFS in Portland, May 14-18) Chuck will teach you how to prices using his "5 M's" technique, which is excellent. I was more seat of my pants. I always wanted my prices to be at the "POP" (Point of Pain) level. If my clients routinely winced a little bit as I gave them my proposal I know I was on the right track!

This is a good topic for many of our board members, Mike. A lot of them (due to their excellent technical work) have hit the Barber's Quandary. and there are so many different solutions. That is what makes this such a great, but at time frustrating, industry. Too many options!!!

Steve Toburen CR
Director of Training
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS Hey Mike, your financial concerns may be solved! I've never kicked in for your 5 bucks monthly request just because I never wanted to go through the Pay Pal sign up deal. But I just remembered that my daughter Megan has an account. So I'll kick in this weekend which means your financial worries are a thing of the past!

NOTE: For anyone who wants any (or all) of the special reports mentioned above please write me at stoburen@homefrontsuccess.com instead of using the PM feature here. I've never learned how to attach my reports replying to personal messages.

Also I should mention that FINALLY my new 30 minute DVD on the management concepts behind Strategies for Success is supposed to arrive at Jon-Don headquarters today. For those of you who have already requested this and have been waiting- you will be receiving your DVD soon. Please take the time to watch it. I think it is some of the best work I have ever done.

If anyone else would like this DVD just e-mail me your name, business name, UPS shipping address and business phone number. The DVD is free and without obligation.

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
This is all awesome and valuable info that we all can benefit from..... But, newbie's like me that are struggling just to get work, would we benefit from sfs and what advice could you give us here.
your reply to Mike's question has already been beneficial.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
Can it help

Charles Lyman said:
This is all awesome and valuable info that we all can benefit from..... But, newbie's like me that are struggling just to get work, would we benefit from sfs and what advice could you give us here.
your reply to Mike's question has already been beneficial.

I know that Steve is in the DR today working on one of his volunteer projects so I will jump in till he returns this evening.

Most people even old veterans such as the Carpet Guru Bob Wittkamp state they wish SFS had been around when they had started their businesses.

These BBs have continuous questions about the benefit of buying a franchise. Seeing that the majority of posters are fiercely independent entrepreneurs the answers are usually a resounding no. One thing Steve always hits on is that the one benefit of a franchise is the ease of selling it when it is time to retire.

I realize the last thing on your mind today as a startup is when you are going to retire. But this is really the time you should start planning for it. Because before you know it, and I say this from personal experience, you are an old fart wondering where the time went.

The benefit of SFS is that you start out with a plan, an infrastructure and solid goals. This gives you the confidence to know that there is a happy ending to your pushing a wand, glided of course, for as many years as you choose. One other benefit to this is you have something to sell to new employees. I don't mean sell in selling out but being able to attract quality people to build your business. You will be able to communicate your dreams to prospective employees. No matter what field, people are attracted to other people who are enthusiastic. You can't show enthusiasm if you don't know where your next job is coming from.

On a side note my boss Dave Howard and I will be presenting the first look at our new marketing program at Connections in Clearwater. I will also be showing it at SFS in Portland the week after. Before it sounds like a big money push it will cost less than one daily Starbucks Grande coffee. In other words less than 1.80 a day and it works ideally for the over taxed and time starved owner operator.

Without continuing a long sales pitch and actually writing as long a post as my compadre and part time Island Boy, I would suggest doing a search on any of the boards for SFS.

As for Mikes question on pricing I just read a great analogy for pricing. Pretend you are setting a screw (not sure if that is the great analogy part) and when you feel resistance stop. Pricing is the same way. If there isn't a bit of resistance then you aren't charging enough.

I'm sure Steve will be back later to add additional insight to your question.

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
several of the SFS attendees in Tampa were new owners who had never touched a wand. I envied them, they were as far along in running their biz as me after 20 years.

I agree with Bill, SFS is a way to run a systematized franchise biz without the loss of control and of being an independent O/O, not paying a monthly royalty is also a bonus!

PS My plan is to sell my biz in 2 years and move to Tennessee, SFS will be a big help in accomplishing the goal

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
With threads like this I think I need to raise the price to be a member here...

Thanks Steve.

Get this.
Mr I'llneverletgoofthereinshisowndamnself will be sending his helper and son out on their own on Fridays...
A baby step in the right direction I hope.
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Mike wait until you get the first call from one of "your" clients requesting your son by name.

I don't mind that at all, but cringe when they tell my wife "he's even better than that old guy".

Justin, Jason, and Ginger each have customers who prefer them. I'm cool with that...finally.


Oct 9, 2006
Here is a thought...
Start a second company. Volume based, quick in & out w/decent quality. 3-5 trucks, a manager, receptionist & an office. Look for about 15-30% profit after all expenses. Simple systems, modest cleaning product selection, and techs out the wazoo... Little effort on your part other that at start up & decent ROI that is sustainable after you retire.

That or put the proceeds from the board into a retirement account...
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
That exact "second company" idea has sunk several good cleaning companies who have tried it. Usually only pulled off by bait and switch operations.

Commit to ONE model and put your heart into it...imho


Feb 20, 2007

... how would Mike get enough business to sustain 3-5 trucks with techs "out the wazoo"? Seems like most on this board, including myself, are struggling trying to book enough work to sustain just one truck.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Mike you're not the only one with the carpet cleaners mentality, most of have it or had it at one time.

Letting go of the wand is the hardest thing to do. I struggled with it myself, our supervisors did and still do. The carpet crew leaders still today have trouble letting their assistants clean.

Its the "I can clean better than you" mentality. It's tough to get over, you always question if you could have done better.

I still suffer from it, I still think I can out clean them! :lol:


Oct 9, 2006
Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:41 pm Post subject:



... how would Mike get enough business to sustain 3-5 trucks with techs "out the wazoo"? Seems like most on this board, including myself, are struggling trying to book enough work to sustain just one truck.

By referring the ones that can't afford " Mr. I'llneverletgoofthereinshisowndamnself ", marketing the business as you would any other business, and of course repeat & referrals after a time... The San Jose/Aptos area has plenty of homes & businesses to market to. It's just a matter of targeting the segment that best supports your business model. I'd imagine that it'd be possible to do for around $150K (starting with 2 trucks then grow to 3+) investment if Mike would refer all his "Late Night Commercial" to the new start up, and market the business properly.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
It's $795.00 but, Steve T offered a $100 off to Mikey's Board members till 4-20-07 That was today. Maybe If you sweet talk at him he will give you a break cause your from Canadia!!! (He is aware of the Laid back attitude you guys have.) Must be a great class After all he was able to make Kenny Larsen see the lights... Steve told Ken he would need to start wearing a tie. Kenny said "Never, No Way was anyone going to make him wear a tie.""" 5-7 years later there is article in trade magazines with Kenny wearing his Tie. That Steve T. guy can tell the future!!!!

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Ahhh, John, you know what a soft touch I am. And admittedly with the ownership changes of our new Seattle and Portland branches we've been a little slow on getting the SFS word out. But remember, this May 14-18 is your ONLY chance to attend a West Coast SFS this year. (Not too mention being able to attend with the inimitable John Watson as your classmate!)

OK, here's the deal. Bob, as of two days ago we had about ten seats left for the Portland SFS. I don't know where we are now. But give my buddy Jerry Byrne a call and tell him Big Billy Yeadon sent you. He will fit you in. (Better not to mention my name.)

Now where you all can mention me is when you call up to register and say that Steve authorized the 30 day pre-registration 100.00 discount to still apply up to May 1, 2007.

This 100.00 discount will bring your five days of instruction, all of Nick's great tucker and the over 900 pages of systems and procedures (there are absolutely no "cost more" special offers) down to 695.00 and if at the end of our five days together you don't feel that SFS is the best investment in the industry not only will we refund your money but I will also kick in 500.00 personally to partially reimburse you for your travel expenses! (This offer does not apply to a Mr. Martin Sutley and several other shady and rather nefarious board members. When you request your 500.00 I'll tell you if you were on my "No-refund list"!) :)

Steve Toburen CR
Director of Training
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS Charles, a belated addition to the excellent reply that Big Billy gave you re: your question about SFS for a new business. There is an old saying about "beginning with the end in mind". All of us are much more comfortable playing with out new truck mount and other toys, focusing on HOW to do the work. But actually, the other more intanglible issues are so much more important- even at this new and very intimidating part of your growth. SFS is the recognized leader (maybe the only one) in seminars that address such issues as:

1) Growth and how to plan/control it.
2) How to hire the very best employees (and keep them).
3) Marketing to Women (she isn't buying what you are selling!)
4) Creating a useful and profitable website.
5) The Six Secret Weapons for Success
6) Four Transformational Concepts
7) A step by step technician script that will always (almost) make the Cheerleader out of the homeowner.
8. Focusing on the Infrastructure of your business with actual forms and procedures to help you make a change in your company.

There is are a million other Success Strategies shared. But don't believe me. Check your screen above or post a question re: SFS I'm going to bed! :)

Gary T

Oct 8, 2006
Do yourself and your business a huge favor. GO. I don't even clean carpet,close enough though. I went last Dec and am signing up again. I was only 6 months into my new business and made a 20 year jump in five short days. The manuals alone are worth thousands. Best $5000 I ever spent(got to attend free).

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Thanks for the reminder, Gary. An even better deal than me extending the 100.00 discount till May 1 is FREE. The way to attend Strategies for Success free is to have spent 5,000.00 with Jon-Don over the last year. (Some of you may qualify for a free admission and not even realize it.) Others might just need to pick up a few air-movers or increase your inventory of Scotchgard and you are in!

Why not give Parthavi Patel or Tina Willer a call at Jon-Don (800-400-9473) on Monday and see where your buying level is at? You can't beat free.


PS I should also mention SFS is half price if you have spent 3,000.00 with Jon-Don over the last year. Even Sutley could do that and heck, I'll kick in the other half so Marty can attend SFS for FREE too!

Dan Joner

Oct 7, 2006
Excuses, excuses, excuses! Marty, I've listen to you for years when you say, "If...then I will." Enough, already. Put your, I mean Steve's, money where your mouth is. Come to Portland, you won't be sorry. We'll all treat you with the respect you deserve. :lol:

Have you even been out west?

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