A Real Brain Teaser From an Old Friend?

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
James needs some help.

What does it take to run a succesful Forum ?? not nec. cc
Posted By james cooper on 12/31/2009 at 7:30 PM
The main thing is honesty and integrity When I read the post from Evan announcing the 10th anniversary of ICS , it doesnt take a whole lot to realize why it has been and continues to be the leader in the cleaning forum arena .

They dont employ a lot of mods to do the day to day work , theres one guy who takes responsibility here , unlike some boards that try to shirk the responsiblitity and cast the blame on others .

ICS has developed a rep for letting the cleaners speak , without fear of constant editing and deletions . They dont have hidden agendas - what you see is what you get .

I have been here for many years , and have probably pushed the envelope more than others , but I have never experienced any petty behavior on Evans part - he has always been respectful and courteous when he was reminding me of the rules .

He is a true industry leader , unlike some other wanna bes that think if they throw enough money out they can buy a place amongst the industry elite .

One more thing , the true industry elite value friendship , and are true to their principles , and these never sway , regardless of the temptation and desire to make a dollar

Thanks for the soapbox Evan , great 10 years .

James Cooper

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
I just got an email from James saying he finally had enough of the Allens and is no longer associated with them.

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