A wild one for sure.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Bear with me.

Helper Boy and I went out to do some spot cleaning at a job today.

Helper Boy cleaned the home two weeks ago while I was away. He was aware that the man of the home had Parkinson's disease but did not see the man there on his visit.

The wife sets up the job for today to have us clean up a area where his catheter bag leaked in her word's "two quarts" of urine out over night, plus a few other new spots. She would not be home but hubby would let us in.


Long, windy drive out there, my first time there. I thought we would just charge the minimum but after I suffered through the drive up, over and around the mountain I was dead set on hitting them up for $200.

Still with me?

It gets better.

We knock on the door and can hear some real strange noise from behind the door..

Imagine an "in heat" Tom Cat stuck in a set of bag pipes.
We think we hear "Come In" somewhere jumbled in the mumbling so we do.

Here behind the door we find a mid 50's man who is obviously having a hard time standing up, his pants are half down, a tracheotomy tube is in throat, he has awkwardly curved limbs and hands but a look in his eyes that despite his physical state, shows his mind is all there. He knows who we are and tries to communicate with us despite all the strange noises coming from his trache tube.

I remain calm and ask him to show us the areas to be cleaned. We let him go first and he got up the stairs amazingly enough to show us the urine spill. When I commented that I could not smell the urine at all, he replied "Good news" with a smile on his face.

After that he left us alone to clean up.

Now it gets good.

Career highlight type of good.

While helper boy is packing up I try to start a conversation with the guy. 80% of what he says is indiscernible. At one point in his story he gets so excited that he accidentally pulls out his tracheotomy tube from the hole in his throat.

His AND my eyes go wide as he tries to get the message across that I need to come over and put the damn thing back in RIGHT NOW!

Here comes Florence Nightingale to the rescue.

Good lord but that was a act of courage that I'll never forget.


After we both catch our breathe, he starts to to tell me about a special van that his millionaire friends gave him to get around in. "It's so cool" was uttered half a dozen times.
He gets into his automated, hi tech wheel chair and signals for me to follow him outside to see the van.
Helper Boy at this point wants to see what's going on, so we both follow him out. There is an outside switch on the van that for some reason wont open it up. The poor guy gets real frustrated and spits out a lot of gibberish but we get the point the he REALLY wants us to see how the ramps and special seat work. He then motions that he is going inside to look for the key. We stay by the van and shake our heads in humor, sorrow and amazement at this guy's great attitude. Not a second later we hear a big crash bang boom coming from the other side of the Vortex.

His super wheel chair is to darn fast and he lost control in a corner and crashed in to a bunch of pots and drift wood. The poor bastard is leaned over in the bushes covered in potting soil and fragments of Terra Cotta. Of course we run over and pull him up and get him back in his chair. He is laughing so you know me, I loose it.
The 3 of us are practically crying when he yells "****, my wife is gonna kill me"!!

He begs me to put the pots back while he goes and gets the damn key to his damn van.
Helper Boy has to grab him by the horns to brush off all the soil and chunks of pots that are all over him before he drags it across the wet carpet..
So he goes inside to search for the key while we straighten up, then not minute later we hear another Crash Bang Boom coming from inside the house.

Good lord we say to each other...

We run in and find him hanging over a wooden ledge pinned under his super chair, He was reaching for something and his chair tipped over forcing him into a shelving unit where there WAS a bunch of china and pottery displayed. Things are happening so fast now because he is panicking about what his wife is gonna do to him and we are real concerned for life. Next thing I know he flies down a few steps into the room where all the broken ceramics are and tries to pick them up. I tell him I'll handle the mess and the dislodged shelf. I ask him to go sit down and instead he trips on the steps and takes a header. He is now laying on the floor crying.

Talk about awkward.

We clean up the best we can and fix the shelf and you bet your ass he still wants us to see the damn van in action.
Turns out he was sitting on his fanny pack the whole time in the super chair. Well we all got a kick out of that. Before we go outside again he says" What the hell am I going to tell my wife?" ( when I say he "says" I mean he utters. mumbles or spouts out and we take five or more guesses as to what he is trying to get across) At this point I am no longer interested in making any money here but just getting the hell out of there and to the last job of the day. So I tell him "You know what sir, you tell you wife that our hoses knocked over your plants and china so there will be no charge, and hopefully get you off the hook.

He looks at me with tears in his eyes and says "damn, you guys are the best."


We all go outside again to see this damn van and sure enough his key ain't in his fanny pack...
He motions he wants to go back inside to find the key but I tell him it's gonna have to wait until the next visit.

As we follow him back in he stops by the area where he wiped out and asks us to move a few pots and pieces of wood to try and camouflage the damage better. After a long painful conversation, we come to understand that is not allowed to go outside and he is trying to hide his tracks. Seems last time he went out on his own he biffed it in the drive way and passed out. He got 3rd degree burns all over from the scorching hot asphalt.
He asked us to get a broom and clean up a little better. No problem.

You could just tell that this was a great guy who you or I would have loved to been a pal with. He told us he built his house entirely by himself as well as ten other homes on the hill before the Parkinson's hit him.
I asked if the tube was related to the Parkinson's to which he replied "no, I had colic as a baby and back then they attempted to cure colic with radiation....."

Throat cancer.

What an experience.

On our way out asked how much we would have normally charged to come and clean the carpet. I told him about $150 and I think he started to cry again.

How's that for a Wadjadowednesday?
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Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
That was getting to be a Yimmy story, but I believe yours. Sometimes Its not about the MONEY its about who you come in contact with in your life and how you help and treat them. Good on you Mikey. :wink:

Mister Sir

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton

Of all of the stories of all of the jobs I've experienced myself, or heard of, that has to be the best!

I've promised to write a book about this business when I retire; I don't think I will now....I'll read yours!!

Great combination of compassion and humor in that story.

A. wilson

Oct 7, 2006

There is no way somebody could make up something that bizarre.

Good story. Makes you realize your bad days really arent all that bad.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

Give it a shot Jimmy.

After sitting through hours of your lame fiction over the years I am seriously hurt that you would down grade my heart warming story with a mean, heartless. Marty like comment.

I thought you were better than that.

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Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I am friendly with Steve Carell now(he lives down the road) Can I give him that. Maybe it will wind up in a show or skit sometime.

He is putting a Carpet Cleaner in "The Office" next year for a show.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
He was in the 40 yr old Virgin, he is Micheal on The Office, He just was in Evan Almighty


Oct 7, 2006
Great story Mike - it's the stuff of life and in this business we are privy to the lives of real people in a way that very few are.


what's more amazing than me actually reading that WHOLE thing

Is the fact you did it for FREE

You had me right up to that point, and then that killed the believability....

Good try tho....


Oct 7, 2006
Dayam, Mikey -

That story beat my:

* 80+ yr old lady hiding sex toys under her bed
* teenage girl caught servicing her boyfriend
* dog peeing on one of my techs' lunch, and later his leg
* model-like woman "lighting up" the bathroom with some serious anal explosions so loud we could hear her grunting 800 linear feet away
* cleaning lotion and "goodies" from an area rug of a gypsy/witch/lady of the night
* customer's cat bolting out of the house and getting whacked by a garbage truck in 10 seconds flat




Nov 29, 2006
Scott said:
Dayam, Mikey -

That story beat my:

* 80+ yr old lady hiding sex toys under her bed
* teenage girl caught servicing her boyfriend

those are always good, but honestly, are there any carpet cleaners out there who *haven't* experienced those? i don't know too many :p
my personal favorite was the older couple (regular customers both in their late 50s/early 60s) who were not at all shy about walking around in the nude while we were cleaning their home >.>


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
None of that kind of stuff has ever happened to me (voyeurism). I thank God daily that I live in a fairly moral (relatively) part of the world and don't have to contend with sexual debauchery on a daily basis.


Nov 29, 2006
uhhhh, just so we're clear there, i don't mean "favorite" in that i enjoy those. i mean "favorite" in that they make for very good stories :p
Nov 19, 2006
La Canada, Ca
La Canada Carpet Cleaning

Fukin funny shit, I had a nice beach house on the water in Ventura, Ca

Me and my 650 knocked it out for a nice sum, and went for a dip in the ocean



Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
hope you washed your hands after touching his straw :shock:

Greg Loe

Oct 7, 2006
That would have scared me to death. Just the guy being at the door with his pants down would have had me calling somebody

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