Hey, Ran...
You sound like so many nay- sayers that have been saying the same thing since I started in this business in 1996. "They're a small company. They'll be out of business in a year or less..." While it's true that we've been historically funded with lower reserves than I'd prefer, large deposits from customers for standard production machines have never been required. However, we have accepted them when offered, because the amount of the deposit for a standard system is irrelevant, as long as it's something that we know the customer will not back away from. As I said above, we always require deposits on custom designed / custom built systems. To not do so would be foolish. And if you think otherwise, you're out of touch with reality. I've spent more time than I can count with guys who call us up and want me to redesign a system we already build for them with "just a few changes", who are all for it until time comes to pay for it.
Regarding standard systems, picked up at our place, we do require as a matter of policy a $500 minimum, non- refundable, for us to set aside the time to devote to installing a system, which takes the better part of a day. Nothing is more frustrating than to set aside a block of time for a "no- show", who calls a week later and blames it on his wife, etc.
Regarding shipping a system, we simply don't unless it's paid for prior to shipping. The only exception is a domestic, leased system, in which case we have a written commitment from the lease company to pay when the customer is satisfied.
We have shipped several systems overseas over the last few years without such a mess as this one. As I said, it was a culmination of events that simply got out of control and left battle scars and learning experiences. And if I was more like most people, you may have been more correct in your statement. However, I simply don't give up. And I know that what we produce now gives us a market advantage over other systems in ways that we never had before. The next edition of the heat exchangers I've designed will drive that point home much more clearly in coming months.
Regarding funding, the fact is that every time I go to the bank, they approach me about getting a line of credit. Qualifying is simple, but I'd rather not. I hate owing money. Instead, I've arranged a partial payout of my inheritance in the form of an "investment" from family that doesn't have to be paid back.
In a year, I'll remind you of your statement above...