
Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
was working with a friend today and had a situation that is relevant.

Working at one house and the neighbour comes over and asks what he would charge to clean a syn 5x8 area carpet. Since it was on laminate he figured we could just "knock it off" on the drive way. My friend has a very clean, very immaculate looking TM (Cleanco in a GM Savana) and his view is he isn't cleaning carpets in someone's driveway. His min is 150, with syn area rugs he takes them to a local shop and charges $2.50/sf, immersion washed. Of course the guy didn't have it done.

My friend's viewpoint is that it gives the wrong posture/appearance to his current client who is being charged 55cents/sf for his carpet and his neighbour gets his carpet cleaned for $40 in the drive. Even though its more price per sf, its the appearance.

Now cue David or whoever that would have knocked it off and pocketed the $40.
But when this neighbour thinks of my friend, he's not thinking fly by night, or cheap cleaner, etc, he's thinking this guy might be too expensive and he might be too proud to clean my rug, but he'll know that his neighbour had an awesome cleaning by a trustable company. The neighbour may call a cheap company in the future, but the first bad cleaning he gets he'll be thinking of the cleaner that cleaned next door and did a great job, expensive but great job. Its all about positioning.

Oh, on a separate thought, something Steve Marsh told me, the challenge with dropping your price to clean for someone that really doesn't appreciate you is that while you're cleaning that cheap client, a good client may call and you miss out.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Steve Toburen said:
kolfer1 said:
I Just try to stay on an even keel with all due clients' necessary emotional confirmation and re affirmation !gotcha!

Steve Toburen

PS I gotta go get my rest now. Tomorrow is clear liquids only (non-alcoholic) and then the gut clearing out bombs at 4:00 and 7:00 PM for an early morning colonoscopy Thursday morning. I'll be posting a link for the full video of "The Voyage to the Center of the Earth" on the SFS site shortly after.

Not exactly a positive moment of truth eh Steve? :shock:

Have them put a little wind mill behind you and we can have a contest to see who can guess how many time you spin it after it's over.
The winner gets free seat at the next SFS Class.


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Brian R said:
.I won't move it unless the initial poster wants me to.


you move this thread and you'll be pecking at the keyboard with a wooded spoon in your mouth

cause I'll break all your fingers.. :evil:
ONE AT A TIME :shock:




Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
She's Back!
Jan & Feb were good months up double digits, however March came around and with all the rain we were actually down a tad (first time down since being back). Just to mention it, we have never did a good job with reminder card follow up. So, I finally implimented the plan for the office girl (wife) to do follow up letters. We are starting with just a one year reminder letter. So said client was sent a reminder letter about her carpet cleaning, and low and behold she called the other day and scheduled. My wife told her our price for said job had increased this year to $120 however since she had the flyer that we sent out with the reminder letter we would be extended the $109 special for her. She said great! looking forward to seeing you guys again.

Wow, it feels good to get her back, and you can betcha I will bust my balls to take extremely good care of her cleaning needs.

And just for the record, I guess this year's spring cleaning just came later than normal cuz it hit with a vengence a couple weeks ago. We have done very well with our Spring Cleaning Newsletter and also have gotten several jobs scheduled from the reminder letters. Now, we will be including not only the letter, but our list and prices of "other" services offered, as well as the most current flyer.

Vortex was in for service and smaller repairs Monday & Tuesday so we had to kick butt to get caught up, I can't wait to have a back up tm. This is the most stressful time when you have to let custys know your down for a time.

Ross Buettner

Nov 21, 2010
Green Bay, WI
Ross Buettner
My first thought in this situation is.... am I gonna be sitting around doing nothing today? X-amount of dollars is better than nothing. Granted the distance and so on plays a role though.

Secondly, I get into a few situations with this as well. When confronted I more or less tell them I am not cheap, and not full of it either. I charge a specific amount per room / sft and tell them what it is... Period. If they come back and tell me "this company will" ask them if they are getting a flat price. More often than not I get called back and they tell me how thankful they are that they called "that other comany" back and asked.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I have frienbds who own & are plumbers and HVAC companies. I also have hired numerous one for my business. I have never know of one to be over $79.00 for a minumum charge and lately they are all dropping or eliminating the minimum. Sign of the times folks, how you react is all up to you.


Apr 6, 2007
Who is Ken Raddon?

(Note to self, read page two and three of this thread before chiming in anymore.)

sam miller

The one thing I get is last second repeat customer needs now and I cant so they go with someone else I'm fortunate because almost always I hear 6 months to a year what a mistake it was aand they'll never do that again.

even had one lady go with a promise of the cleanest carpets that wont resoil as fast and charged $200.00 for 2 rooms and steps

They resoiled just as fast and she's used me ever since.

Not all carpet resoiling is the cleaners fault 3 kids and a Husband Dog's, Lots of traffic. as mucha s we say get good floormatts take shoes off vacuum regularly, It doesnt work out So we have Job security shiteatinggrin

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