Alex, you got some splaining to do.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
So I'm going to ask real nice.

What really is your business name and why isn't it on the profile.

Is that really your name? If not put it up - we don't bite (hard).

Do you not feel the remarks you made in the Tard Yard about Lisa Wagner were inappropriate for a lady and fellow professional?

You've seen the good nature of this board and had a peak at its ugly backside and I bet you might want to hang around here but....

This is the moment of truth Alex, you have held our attention on a few of your posts but your true identity and a sincere apology to Lisa must be addressed.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
As you know ..BOB...I am sure the guy is REAL...Not sure if he is using an AlAiS... :?:

His Industry knowledge of equipment & carpet cleaning sLaNG undeniable...!

As for Ms. Wagner..."I realize that MANY here IdOlIzE Lisa for her industry's involvement..!"

HOWEVER.....She was FULLY aware that SHE was walking into a "bIkEr BaR" when
she entered the door... :shock: Even though Alex ...used some "rOuGh AnOlaGiEs"
IMO...he owes her NO apology.. :roll: Lisa W. & our LISA..."Can handle ANY man's
VeRbLe abuse... ":!:

These women demand to be TREATED as equals...! "They have EARNED that RIGHT.!"
So ...If Lisa W. has a problem with Alex..."LET HER HANDLE IT " :idea: It is ObVioUs
that she has CHOSEN to IGNORE .."Alex"...That is the WAY she is HANDLING IT.. 8)

ps..That is the SAME way She chose to HANDLE ME... :lol: "I can't say "I" blame her.."

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
No lady should ever be treated like that on any board. He owes her an apology. This is not a biker bar and we do have standards of which I believe he has crossed.


Oct 9, 2006
I didn't read the comments in question but.... Posting on Mikeys Board is not a licence to be an asshole. If it applies to this situation make it right. If not lets all try to remember that just because you aren't face to face with people doesn't mean that respect and social graces do not apply.

Anywho... Cough up a few details and (if applicable) make a mia copa and all will be well.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
"Really Lisa, you are coming on this forum like a floozy in heat. It is best to approach this forum in a pure sense and without an agenda. In this thread, you were practically wagging your a$$ around, begging to get nailed. Enough is enough and I don't know if I can further bear the sight of you being passed around like the town tramp."

Alex, come on, aren't you at least not at least a little bit ashamed of the way you said that about her?

It would take a bigger and better man to say you were sorry for a remark you made in angst or through coercion from Rob Allen than to let the remark not be redressed in some manner.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
While I am also offended by what he wrote Bob and find that classless, I think the bigger question is what would happen if somone said similar insulting things to a man. If you would feel the same then I would say you are being consistant. If you would not then I would say that you are being a little bit sexist (I am a little bit myself so I don't mean to minimize it).

As a mod I believe it is important to hold yourself to a higher standard than as just another bd poster like me. I feel that to throw your mod weight around inconsistantly would harm rather than help this board, so please think carefully about where you are coming from and if you are consistant.

Ps I think the poster is a first class a'hole, but that is me speaking as me, not me as a mod.
Pps perhaps asking Lisa (in a pm) if she would like any support from the moderators on this issue would also be appropriate. My guess is she will say she is more than capable of taking care of herself.


Jul 24, 2010
Ken Snow said:
While I am also offended by what he wrote Bob and find that classless, I think the bigger question is what would happen if somone said similar insulting things to a man. If you would feel the same then I would say you are being consistant. If you would not then I would say that you are being a little bit sexist (I am a little bit myself so I don't mean to minimize it).

As a mod I believe it is important to hold yourself to a higher standard than as just another bd poster like me. I feel that to throw your mod weight around inconsistantly would harm rather than help this board, so please think carefully about where you are coming from and if you are consistant.

Ps I think the poster is a first class a'hole, but that is me speaking as me, not me as a mod.
Pps perhaps asking Lisa (in a pm) if she would like any support from the moderators on this issue would also be appropriate. My guess is she will say she is more than capable of taking care of herself.

You've got to laugh when you see moderators on this board moderating something on another board. I've never seen anything like it before.


Jul 18, 2010
First of all, you can shove this forum up your ass if you think I am going to bow down to any of you. You have to be out of your mind if you think I am going to apologize for some remarks that I wrote on another forum. I explained why I targeted her when I first came here. If some of you think I went beyond the line of good taste in my humor, you are entitled to your opinion but it took place at a different forum.

You are supposed to be grown men and able to handle this sort of thing without crying like babies. Why are you even bringing this up at this time? If I had recently caused some problems here, I could understand that but bringing up something that occurred at another forum and asking me to apologize and address it here, is bizarre and way out of line. Should every member here who has launched an insult at me, apologize? No and I don't care.

Furthermore, I think it is time I leave this forum and I am sure that some of you will be pleased. If you want me to come back, I will require a public apology from Bob Foster as well as a statement that he will never try a dumb ass move like attempteing to run a power play in my direction.

How is that for an apology??

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
This whole thing is too frickin funny. Way too much energy put into a person and their "stuff". If a guy can be led around by his pecker like a lapdog doing someone elses dirty work (and admit it no less) he is not a good fit for this rough and tumble place.

Dec 21, 2006
Ken Snow said:
While I am also offended by what he wrote Bob and find that classless, I think the bigger question is what would happen if somone said similar insulting things to a man. If you would feel the same then I would say you are being consistant. If you would not then I would say that you are being a little bit sexist (I am a little bit myself so I don't mean to minimize it).

If you saw a man pushing a women around in public would you step in to defend her or sit back and watch because you don't want to be "sexist"? It looks like Alex brought his friend "Tank" ,( who isn't even a carpet cleaner.) They like to tag team and run other people down together. Evidently they get a kick out of it? I say they are cowards hidding behind a computer screen. If they met some of the people they've smeared on these boards in person, I would bet money they would wet themselves. Perhaps they used to be bullies in grade school, then the kids they picked on got bigger and kicked the poo out of them. So now they have to bully from a far. (Just my theory) I actulay find Alex somewhat entertaining and I know he has alot to offer terms of carpet cleaning knowledge. But he go's way to far with the personal attacks, and I wish he would tone it down a notch.

Joe Bristor

Mar 22, 2010
It's OK Alex.
I could care a less who you trashed, what board it was on, or what planet you're from.
Just hang out here and keep with the tech stuff.
Don't sweat these guys.
Bob doesnt need to apologize. He's a good guy, my guess just carrying out the boss' orders in confronting you.
Let it go.
If anything needs to go public it's all the hours of skype scheming goes on in private rooms by the admin/preferred advertiserts here bent on molding the masses who read this crap. Politics 101. Right up there with Rob's board. Shame Shame Shame.
No wonder some many people are gone from here.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Padden McFadden said:
[quote="Ken Snow":1hauclf0]While I am also offended by what he wrote Bob and find that classless, I think the bigger question is what would happen if somone said similar insulting things to a man. If you would feel the same then I would say you are being consistant. If you would not then I would say that you are being a little bit sexist (I am a little bit myself so I don't mean to minimize it).

If you saw a man pushing a women around in public would you step in to defend her or sit back and watch because you don't want to be "sexist"? It looks like Alex brought his friend "Tank" ,( who isn't even a carpet cleaner.) They like to tag team and run other people down together. Evidently they get a kick out of it? I say they are cowards hidding behind a computer screen. If they met some of the people they've smeared on these boards in person, I would bet money they would wet themselves. Perhaps they used to be bullies in grade school, then the kids they picked on got bigger and kicked the poo out of them. So now they have to bully from a far. (Just my theory) I actulay find Alex somewhat entertaining and I know he has alot to offer terms of carpet cleaning knowledge. But he go's way to far with the personal attacks, and I wish he would tone it down a notch.[/quote:1hauclf0]

Andy, no I would not sit back and watch (nor walk away) and have helped to diffuse those types of things a couple times over the years. I also wouldn't stand still if a man was beating on another man or child, or a woman was beating on a man or a child. I have physically and verbally broken up a number of altercations over the years, the last time only a few months ago in a Karaoke bar. In none of those situations id it result in anyone getting further hurt. My goal, reasonably successful, was in all cases to stop the exchange from excalating and bring some calm into the situation.
Dec 21, 2006
Ken , I figured you were a stand up guy. I didn't mean to imply that you wern't. I was just tring to get a point made that's all.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Bob doesnt need to apologize. He's a good guy, my guess just carrying out the boss' orders in confronting you.

Well Joe, you'd be wrong AGAIN with that guess.

as far as some many gone from MB, just rats, finks and social retards.

Are you any of the above Joe?

Will they welcome your antics on WOC?

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
I think Padden said it well.

Mike never sent me to do this.

And Alex I have nothing to apologize for.


this guy Alex , sounds like a bit of a slaphead.....( you see his head and want to slap it)

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
I have to agree with Ken; if you defend Wagner you'd better start defending Chavez too. This isn't a woman being beaten in a parking lot, just crude comments, and I doubt Lisa cares farther than putting the guy on a jackass list.

Kudos to Lisa for not stooping to the double standard that so many women enjoy using and so many men enable them to use.


Oct 9, 2006
Ken went all Knight Rider in the karaoke bar? I'd have like to have seen it but that would have required me being in a karaoke bar...


Feb 2, 2007
The bottom line is Alex committed a crime. The board he posted on is located in Virginia, the subject of his attack is domiciled in California. Both of these States have "cyber bullying" laws which makes what he posted a class 6 felony in the Commonwealth of Virginia, not sure about how they charge it in California but I do know it is a felony when anything sexual is directed towards the harassed person over the net. Additionally the State Civil Rights laws of both States would allow the publisher (in this case ***) to be held liable in a civil Tort case. This kind of thing is being taken serious by prosecutors across the country, and they are getting convictions.

Posting this kind of thing is putting the board owners in a unfair place, whether you realize it or not. Carpet Cleaning like many trades tends to attract a few very crude, uneducated, unprofessional people. Conduct that would never be tolerated in any work place with a decent HR manger gets laughed off here, but it could have disastrous results for the owner/operators of the boards. An LLC or incorporated board will not stop a lawsuit under State Civil Rights laws in most States, meaning the owners/managers of the boards would be personally liable for sexual harassment that occurs on their site, not just the foolish poster.

If the board owners had to carry enough insurance to cover this exposure, they would have to charge you a few hundred a year just to cover their liability insurance. Lets keep that in mind before we post anything of an sexual nature directed at a particular person. That is where it crosses the line legally.

And yes, women are in a protected class legally whether we like it or not.
The fact that Lisa could probably beat the _______ out of him doesn't really matter, although it would be fun to watch !

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Bob Foster said:
No lady should ever be treated like that on any board. He owes her an apology. This is not a biker bar and we do have standards :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: of which I believe he has crossed.

Bob just what are those standards? Just want to check because last I checked the only so called standards have been thrown to the wind. The Liars Cheats and Hucksters portion might still be enforced but rarely and the sociopath thing...well Bristor is still here so that isn't true either.
The purpose of this carpet cleaning community bulletin board is, first and foremost, knowledge.
The insights, lessons and skills that can be learned from a Board with no hidden agendas can and will be tremendous.

Please feel free to comment on any possible cleaning related subject you can think of. Open discussion and debate is encouraged. Don't be afraid to call a spade a spade, but be aware that your peers may have a different opinion. Due to the independent nature of owner-operator Carpet Cleaners, conflicts and heated arguments will happen.

Liars, cheats, hucksters and sociopaths will be eliminated from the flock.

Manufacturers and suppliers are welcome to participate as well. Be aware that your product and or services may not always be talked about in a positive manner.

Please treat fellow posters as you would treat them in person. Be honest, be yourself.

In order to participate you will need to fill out your profile completely and agree to let any and all posters know who you are.

Vulgarity and abusive or violent cussing will not be tolerated.

Opinions expressed are those of the poster and not necessarily endorsed by the owner/Administrator of the board.

A sense of humor is mandatory.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Bob Foster said:
"Really Lisa, you are coming on this forum like a floozy in heat. It is best to approach this forum in a pure sense and without an agenda. In this thread, you were practically wagging your a$$ around, begging to get nailed. Enough is enough and I don't know if I can further bear the sight of you being passed around like the town tramp."

Alex, come on, aren't you at least not at least a little bit ashamed of the way you said that about her?

It would take a bigger and better man to say you were sorry for a remark you made in angst or through coercion from Rob Allen than to let the remark not be redressed in some manner.

Did he say that here? Just asking....

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Oh and one more thing. This board has always had a Friend or Foe button. You put someone on the Foe list YOU NEVER SEE THEIR POST AGAIN! I think that has been said more then a few times so freaking put the jackass on Foe and forget about em'

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