Ken Snow said:
Well said Richard, doesn't matter whether it was about a woman or a man ~ it was classless.
"WE"....woNdEr why NEW subscriber's don't POST... :roll:
When someone NEW post....The PaRaNoIA...&...ball-BuStIn....BEGIN'S.... :shock:
JHC...Mike needs to have MORE action on this BOARD...!!!!
This "GUY"...obviously has BB SAvY...and stayed long enough to make a StIR... 8) 8)
But how many OTHERS that lUrK-HeRe...are afraid to post... :?: :?: :?: :?:
You Fu@Kers ...are BRUTAL....

...THis board will DIE...if it doesn't support
the young men & women coming into the INDUSTRY.... :idea:
Can't these NEW posters at least get in 10 post ...BEFORE...we turn the DOGS ON THEM :roll:
There are ONLY about 10 of us "OLD BASTURDS"...sitting around in our office in our ......
"WhItEy-tIgHtIeS" that keep this joint running..
ps..this "IS" a ratings GAME...Mike needs get the RATINGS.... :idea:
Do you think "FOX NEWS"...would be as SUCESSFUL ...without CNN..."HELL NO".. :shock:
As far as "IP" address's..."WHO G.A.S"...As far as handling the liars,cheaters,& HUCKSTERS...
DELETE their ENTIRE post...!!!! NO Edit...!!!! "Pm their ASS..& tell them WHY...!!!!
"SHOOT FIRST....THEN ASK QUESTIONS..." The MODS here understand the RULES...Let
them do THEIR jOBS... :idea: If a MOD is OUT OF LINE... :?: Handle it in a BACK ROOM... :!: