An interesting concept for a discussion forum .

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Imagine going to a discussion forum to learn about any given subject, whether it be hobbies or work related and you were virtually guaranteed that every answer was correct and nothing was left to speculation, happenstance, odd occurrences or "I've always done it that ways"

Yes there's always many ways to skin a cat but as we see in this industry primarily on Facebook, there's a whole lot of people sharing inaccurate and or dangerous advice and for the most part nothing has, could or been done about it..

If you owned a forum on any given subject, how would you handle inaccurate and or dangerous information being shared?

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Imagine going to a discussion forum to learn about any given subject, whether it be hobbies or work related and you were virtually guaranteed that every answer was correct and nothing was left to speculation, happenstance, odd occurrences or "I've always done it that ways"

Yes there's always many ways to skin a cat but as we see in this industry primarily on Facebook, there's a whole lot of people sharing inaccurate and or dangerous advice and for the most part nothing has, could or been done about it..

If you owned a forum on any given subject, how would you handle inaccurate and or dangerous information being shared?

I think you'd have to start with a disclaimer.

Unfortunately, bad information can be posted before a moderator or veteran BS detector participant intercedes.

I have seen a number of people post from a job site, and guys in that position will hop on the first answer that seems good and/or easy.

After that, you should have monitors in every North American time zone (at least) who might log in a few times a day.

I'm guessing one of your AI Gods could come to play, but like anything else, if the question isn't asked right, you can still get a GIGO answer.....that, and there is also Roko's Basilisk to consider when it comes to AI.

All that said, I think this would be far better than FB, where the best possible answers might not be seen depending when the post is observed, where I see more than a bit of bad advice, and finally there isn't an archive that can be referred back to until later.

Dwain Ray

Supportive Member
Jul 22, 2020
If a person relays on the first answer or the easiest answer they get and something goes wrong well you get what you paid for. Im a person at 70years old who still doesn't need to take my shoes off to count the number of times ive had to hire anyone to service or repair anything i own or ever owned . Be it any of my equipment vehicles appliances etc.etc. lets say my dryer isn't heating. Nowadays before i tear it apart i spend a little time online researching. Weather its a fourm or youtube ive learned that there is alot of great information out there but theres also alot of crap and people more interested in being a youtube star than giving information. As the person needing the advice its up to me to weed out the bull shit.same goes for news and current events and if you can't do that don't try to fix anything and please please no not vote! A miss or ill-informed vote is a wasted vote


The Timminator
Feb 4, 2016
Matt w.
If you owned a forum on any given subject, how would you handle inaccurate and or dangerous information being shared?
I'm assuming you're referring to this forum in a 3rd person conversation. So since Fred is no longer handling it in a dictator mindset, what's your actions gonna be when someone advises dangerous information that is obviously a wrong statement?

I would just delete it if I were moderator. Who cares what we think? If you're preventing a terrible accident to occur from someone's actions based on a comment in a forum, you just saved their business from failure. And if the person who spoke the bad advice, they can just leave and go to the "other forum" or try to start his own. I've seen that happen on the other side and the two losers that tried to make their own forum embarrassingly failed

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'm assuming you're referring to this forum in a 3rd person conversation. So since Fred is no longer handling it in a dictator mindset, what's your actions gonna be when someone advises dangerous information that is obviously a wrong statement?

I would just delete it if I were moderator. Who cares what we think? If you're preventing a terrible accident to occur from someone's actions based on a comment in a forum, you just saved their business from failure. And if the person who spoke the bad advice, they can just leave and go to the "other forum" or try to start his own. I've seen that happen on the other side and the two losers that tried to make their own forum embarrassingly failed

Big, positive, elaborate and extensive changes coming soon.

Unlike anything any other trade related forum has ever offered.

Most of you will embrace it, a few will move on I suppose...

Dwain Ray

Supportive Member
Jul 22, 2020
I'm assuming you're referring to this forum in a 3rd person conversation. So since Fred is no longer handling it in a dictator mindset, what's your actions gonna be when someone advises dangerous information that is obviously a wrong statement?

I would just delete it if I were moderator. Who cares what we think? If you're preventing a terrible accident to occur from someone's actions based on a comment in a forum, you just saved their business from failure. And if the person who spoke the bad advice, they can just leave and go to the "other forum" or try to start his own. I've seen that happen on the other side and the two losers that tried to make their own forum embarrassingly failed
But how do you know what is good ,bad, or poor/will work shade tree mechanics advise??? Unless its blatantly obvious, like "sure its perfectly safe to drive your overloaded van 100 mph with only 2 lug nuts per wheel the other 6 are just for looks" how would you know? Unless you inact a policy of when in doubt throw it out and only post after moderator approval, which will take time and kinda defeats part of the purpose of a fourm. Or you have a panel of experts on call to answer questions and or monitor answers others submit (There are sites like that for vehicles, where for a small fee you can direct a question about your vehicle to a certified mechanic and get a detailed answer quickly) If i had a problem that i was asking others for help waiting for approval for the answer would be quite frustrating. I don't know how you can or will balance free flowing thoughts with public safety. Do you have a legal disclaimer? That wouldn't solve the problem but maybe would sheild you somewhat from liability. I dont know. Yesterday while driving my pickup in the parking lot of a local mom and pop grocery store a customer yelled at me as i turned to see who it was i hit a cement based light pole. To make a long story short about an hour later i showed up with my van to clean up the transmission oil that poured out . The owner came out and jokingly ask if i was going to sue i jokingly said back sure!, can i do that? he told me you would be surprised how many people have already tried. That's the world we live in

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