AnswerPhone of America booth @ Connections


Apr 14, 2011
Santa Fe
Did anyone visit their booth?

I understand their rates are lower, never put a customer on hold, specialize in calls for water restoration company's and answer the phones 24 hours a day.

they're running a free trial now (offer code: connections)

Is anyone using their service?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Do you currently work with Service Monster?
How many operators are live between 8 to 5PM?
How many rings until the phone is answered?
Will customers be placed on hold?
Do you operators know ANYTHING about carpet cleaning? If so, What exactly?

lets start there.
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Apr 19, 2013
Do you currently work with Service Monster?
How many operators are live between 8 to 5PM?
How many rings until the phone is answered?
Will customers be placed on hold?
Do you operators know ANYTHING about carpet cleaning? If so, What exactly?

lets start there.

Hey Mikey (think I sent you an email btw about the banner ads)

1) We were trained by Servicemonster last year to handle our clients calls. We've taken their training and amplified that internally. On our internal network, we have a very similar forum to this one that we use to post videos, training materials, and other informational items to ensure our operators are well trained on a client account. An entire section is dedicated to servicemonster. Next, we have 3 tiers of operators: CSR I, CSR II, and Lead Operators. Only lead operators who have a minimum 1 year of experience handle job scheduling. We answer over 1.2 million calls a year, and roughly 60% of our business is cleaning & restoration companies. So our operators know the industry very well. Our concentration in the industry continues to grow, and is quickly becoming our main focus.

2) We have about 30 employees total, and have up to 15 operators live at any given time. Typically between 8-5, we typically have ~13. As for the call volume that comes in around that time, we actually just completed a case study of one of our clients, and while about 65% of calls come in from 8-5, the other 35% come in between 6a-8a and 5p-10p, and on the weekends.

3) For any calls that aren't picked up immediately by a live operator, all calls are answered by the 4th ring by an auto-attendant. We consider it a necessary evil of our industry, because I'm sure I like them as much as the next person. The AA is a recording that plays the company name and automatically places the caller in a queue. The strengths of the AA play as a strength to your next question...

4) Once a live operator picks up, the caller is never put on hold at our company. Any company that tells you every call is answered by a live person is either lying to you, or letting it ring, and ring, and ring, and ring...and ultimately dropping a lot of calls. The labor costs to allow a live person to answer every call and cover that many calls would never allow that company to be profitable. We actually offer an option that goes around the auto-attendant, and does allow the calls to just ring until an operator is available, but that's not recommended...still, we leave it up to our customers to decide what is best for them.

5) I'm not going to blow smoke and say that our operators know everything about the carpet cleaning, but they do know a lot compared to the average answering service. For just one of our clients, we get about 60 calls/day for appointment requests. The operators are very well versed when it comes to his carpet cleaning business. I'm not going to tell you the know as much as someone who works at a carpet cleaning company, because every carpet cleaning company is different, but they still know enough to have a very respectable conversion rate. With our customer who gets 60 calls/day, we were just 7 jobs off their pace for the month based on their performance over the same month from 2012. We scheduled 493, while their staff scheduled 500. Still, sales came out being 6.7% higher with our call center :headbang:

Are we perfect? No. But I'll be damned if we don't bust ass to try and be.

Hope this helps :)
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Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
i just signed up with answerphone a few days ago and they are setting up our account. they have spent quite a bit of time with us making sure all will go well. i started a thread in another area when we were working with answerconnect under "Has anyone here ever had any experience with". Jeff with answerphone pulled a "Larry" in that thread so thats how i found them. answerconnect does not support SM so i decided to give answerphone a shot. i will say this answerconnect billed my cc card asap and has yet to refund the "satisfaction gaurantee" price lol. Answerphone has not billed us a dime yet. i assume they want us to be up and running before they do so. so far answerphone looks promising i believe we go live this week Tues. i will keep you posted.
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Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Many of us are ex-FC users, so we are "watching" this thread very closely.

Would like to know pricing and feedback from users on this board.


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
they have several plans. from 30 min. up. I signed up for the 250 min plan at 199.00 month and I think .85 min over that. the set up was 29.99. we are still working on setting up our account with them supposed to be live tues.
Many of us are ex-FC users, so we are "watching" this thread very closely.

Would like to know pricing and feedback from users on this board.
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Apr 19, 2013
This guy makes me want to sign up. Very impressed with the way u talk.

Samsung galaxy S 4

I really appreciate the kind words! The truth is I'm no different from you guys when it comes to this stuff, and that my talk is cheap if we can't deliver. I'm sick of salesmen selling me some magic bullet that's going to magically cure all my problems, so I try not to do that with my customers/prospective customers.

I believe in being 100% honest with my customers and trying my best to form a winning relationship. To me a winning relationship doesn't mean perfect means when we do screw up (and trust me we will & do)...we have all hands on deck immediately trying to get the train back on the tracks. Pride has no place in this business, and that means when you're wrong, you're wrong. When you have to eat crow, you eat crow. Then you do everything you can to repair the relationship that you or your employees damaged. That's the essence of customer service...our real worth shines AFTER you join our services...not before.

I have a question for the group. Is the cost of Servicemonster included with the price of FC, or is that a separate charge?
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Apr 19, 2013
If that's the case, I'm gonna increase our prices! :D And welcome to Answerphone Brent! I will say that so far, AJ seems pretty happy with his decision to switch, so hopefully, we can do the same for you :rockon:


Supportive Member
Sep 14, 2008
New jersey
David Mirfin
If that's the case, I'm gonna increase our prices! :D And welcome to Answerphone Brent! I will say that so far, AJ seems pretty happy with his decision to switch, so hopefully, we can do the same for you :rockon:
I would not kid about raising prices. Some folks maybe sensitive
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Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
Ok here we go. I gave the new service with "AP" a few days to see how it would go. my first review as follows: Attention to my companies specific needs setting up our account A+, Tech support availability 24/7 A+, Product and services available A+. now to the meat of the service how good of a job they do. I will say that there are a few "minor" hiccups that will need to be worked out. But Jeff has been on this and I think this service is a game changer. I have no doubt he has it nailed. I have 24/7 live operators to schedule appointment now. That's awesome. I get an email and a text within minutes of a call with full details and action taken (no more need for a call log to figure out who what and when a call came thru) . I also get a full report 8am on the prev. days calls to my email. He has revamped out service monster to be more efficient and easier to navigate. If AP keeps this up I say we have a winner. good job Jeff. and by the way this is my straight up honest review I have not received any compensation in any manner. I am just finally happy to get what I am paying for. P.S. Jeff keep the price the same and I believe your set brother.
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Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
A few questions relative to setting up Cleaning Orders (not restoration calls) etc.

1. Avg time on call for new orders
2. Avg time on calls for repeat customers
3. Pricing tiers
4. Is there ability to transfer caller directly to a company should info or assistance outside the purvey of Answer connect be needed.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Ken also wants to know if he will have the ability to pick from the cream of the crop of your fine ladies for his virtual martini lunches
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Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
as for 1 & 2 on your questions. to be honest Ken at the plan prices and minute overage price, who cares. 3- I signed up with a plan price of $199 per 250 min. and .85 a min over. hopefully Answerphone keeps those prices. I believe they have a full range of plans. 4- I have had calls patched thru as well.
A few questions relative to setting up Cleaning Orders (not restoration calls) etc.

1. Avg time on call for new orders
2. Avg time on calls for repeat customers
3. Pricing tiers
4. Is there ability to transfer caller directly to a company should info or assistance outside the purvey of Answer connect be needed.
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Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I have no idea what u wrote except that they were not answers to my questions. To say someone would not care is either ignorant or smooth talking salesperson speak and you don't come off ignorant.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Sorry that was a little harsh, this is just the 3rd time I've asked questions that haven't been answered. Even an email or pm would be great as long as it is with answers not telling me I shouldn't care about something that IMO would be a critical thing for anyone to know.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
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Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
I hear you Ken. To be honest I may be coming across like I own stock in answerphone lol. Bottom line is I am just excited to have another option in answering service companies. I think it’s great that they are willing to work to provide solutions to our industry needs. Till recently I have had very little choice in answering services that would work with SM. Out of necessity I started shopping this service again and was pleasantly surprised that there are companies working to break into our market. I thought I did answer your questions but I will try again best I can from what I have experienced with them. what I meant by " who cares" is that if we are worrying about how long the calls take in respect to minutes used and cost of the service is that the plans are very affordable and with 250 minutes for $199 a month and .85 for overage per min. is that who cares how long the calls take. That was my answer to what I thought your first two questions were leading to. I believe I answered your third question by mentioning the pricing of my current plan. $199 per month 250 minutes and .85 per minute over that. They do have other plans I just feel at liberty to mention my service plan experience. And I believe I answered your forth question with “I have had calls patched thru as well”. In other words yes they can put calls thru to you directly if needed.
That being said why are you asking for that info here anyway, why not call answerphone?
I think the best thing to do is just call them and get the scoop straight from the horse’s mouth.

I apologize if I was not real clear or sound ignorant. I hate to type and I have to use spell check a lot lol, I am not too efficient with spell-check either. I do struggle to get by with a 10th grade education and long post give me a real big headache. It doesn’t help that I live I Alabama and have picked up the “slang” here as well. Add to that that I am a Cuban from Miami transplanted here and you have a multi cultural abomination to the English language. Hope I answered your questions a bit better. Lol.
P.S. it's Answerphone we are talking about here. Answerconnect is in another thread we started and answerconnect did say they used SM but they don't.

Sorry that was a little harsh, this is just the 3rd time I've asked questions that haven't been answered. Even an email or pm would be great as long as it is with answers not telling me I shouldn't care about something that IMO would be a critical thing for anyone to know.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
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Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Oh crap AJ- I thought the reply was from the Answerphone guy (was on my phone at dinner with my girlfriend). Please accept my appology, but I do have to ask why you wouldn't care abouut those things? They seem like part of the vetting process to decide to give them a try.

Example: If you can close 90% of your new callers and take 5 minutes per call you have this data. If they say they are an average of 8 minutes you now have this data point and then can ask yourself if they will do better than 90% or if they will sell more work than yourself~ subjective issues for sure and different for everyone. My point is I would thinnk you need some data to start the evaluation.

Maybe you or I would find out that their ag time on calls is much less AND they close bigger jobs~ WIN-WIN.


Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
no problem Ken. to some respect the amount of time it takes to handle and close the call "deal" does mater. I just don't see it as a bid deal if the cost of the call is not that expensive. now if I am paying $364 for 200 min base and another 1.80ish each overage minute, then yes that's going to get pretty expensive. here is another angle. lets say I am a customer and I just spent 1 minutes getting a quote from xyz carpet cleaning they just tell me 3 rooms $99. one minute is fast not much of an investment of my time and I may go ahead and call some more companies for bids. but what if I called a company that took their time and talked to me a bit and I enjoyed the person I was getting the quote from and it took 15 min. (not that I want anyone taking our calls to take that long) After investing that much time I would probably not feel like taking much more time calling around and just book the job at that moment. I have had it happen lol, after a nice convo with new custy they usually say "why not you seem like a nice company". car sales men use this sales model. they almost always insist on you picking out a car then test drive it etc... All before you even talk price. lesson here is get your prospect to invest their time and emotion into a product and they may be less likely to give it up.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
With Full Circle you have 7 to 10 people having to learn your area and how to route around your way of doing things. Mistakes will be made.

This company has 30 plus people answering the phones so I expect AJ, who is on the * side, will be just as frustrated with mishaps.

hell, even wives make the same mistakes.

Only an owner op who knows his area by heart will be able to create perfect routes 100% of the time.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I agree 100% AJ which is why I asked for both repeat and new customers. Also the power of averages takes those unusually long ones and lowers them by averaging them out with the other new callers that don't want to spend 15-20 min on the phone. They are all just data points to evaluate and I am sure all the data is available otherwise they are missing a key measurement point to evaluate their staff, along with avg ticket booked, closing rate etc. I am sure their top CSR's are high $, high close and on the lower end of time on call.

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Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
Only time will tell guys and I promise to be honest and keep you posted. I don't have any motives here either way I only use a company that's going to take care of the service any performed and give me what I'm paying for
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Supportive Member
Mar 7, 2011
n Al
update. I just found another great perk answerphone has. its call answerweb. I can log on to answerweb and here I actually see all of my calls. its alive call log that I can access myself with an up to the minute account of my calls with
Message For Message From Call Reason Date Time Message Id Action

I can also edit how those call are sent to me as well very cool. no doubt here on how my calls are being handled. I get this info within two minutes of the call to text and email so its not really needed but very cool anyway.

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