Any one use E Local Listing ?

Moser Bros.

Sep 23, 2007
A telemarketer from E Local Listing called me today, they told me they needed one carpet cleaner from my town to put at the top of the web search for $89 a month. I could be wrong, but I don't think my clientele would search the web for a carpet or tile cleaner, just mainly price shoppers, like the yellow pages. Also I'm think that E Local Listing is probably a scam.
Oct 7, 2006
Where do you think your customers are searching E-Local? or GOOGLE, YaHoo, MSN, ASK, etc.?
Search engines continue to be the primary way Internet users navigate to key industry categories.

Google accounts for over 64% of ALL searches in the US.
Yahoo 22%
MSN 9%
ASK 3%

48 other search engines accounted for less than 5 percent of U.S. searches.

Googles growth shows no signs of slowing. Despite capturing the majority of searches in the U.S., and in light of competitor's improvements, Google's market share of executed searches continues to grow, exceeding 10 percent growth year after year.

Spend your Internet Marketing Budget positioning your company on these major search engines, where your potential customers are actually looking for you.
Standard search engines are increasingly the starting point for local searches, underscoring the importance of SEO and inclusion in these search engines for small businesses.

E-Local,,, or are all just Internet directories where you pay to be listed. There are situations where a listing on one or more of these pay directory sites would be beneficial to your company, but only as part of an overall Internet Marketing Plan, not recommended as the main or only strategy. In contrast, the largest source of traffic for "yellow pages sites" is largely from navigational terms (ie, 'yellow pages') used at the major search engines. The market share of US visits to the top 5 yellow pages sites has reportedly declined by 7%.

Our carpet cleaning company gains A LOT of great new customers from our Internet presence. We also get price shoppers, but those that are not a good match for our company, we refer to local cleaners who are our friends. We have also reworked our site a few times to reduce the number of inquires from price shoppers.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Moser Bros. said:
A telemarketer from E Local Listing called me today, they told me they needed one carpet cleaner from my town to put at the top of the web search for $89 a month. I could be wrong, but I don't think my clientele would search the web for a carpet or tile cleaner, just mainly price shoppers, like the yellow pages. Also I'm think that E Local Listing is probably a scam.

Maybe, you we all need MORE clientele don't we?

Get on the internet...Just not with that guy.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Moser Bros. said:
they told me they needed one carpet cleaner from my town to put at the top of the web search for $89 a month.

These are the key words I pick up on. Red flag goes up. I try to get them to email me something because they are taking up my phone time and usually calling when I'm "working".
I find the same with yellow pages, they want $50/mth for the ad I have and another "$30" a mth JUST to put my website link online. Thats a hell of a lot just for a link!


Supportive Member
Dec 11, 2006
Modesto, CA
Get your customers to give you reviews on e local. I get more business from e local because I have more reviews than the other guys. Save your money and ask your customers to do you a favor.

I like when people give me reviews on e local because they are not made up stuff on a website. If you piss a customer off they can trash you on the web with no one to stop them, but if you have 10+ great reviews from real people they will pick you over the top of the page flashing add.

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