Are tm's overpriced?

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Mikey P said:
So Bob, when the dollar crashes...

You are you picturing the Bloods, Crips and or Zombies that are going to kick down your door to steal your food and rape your wife will be willing to barter for fresh clean carpet insted?

Sell the POS and get another shot gun and a pallet of delicious soy cuttlets.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
bob vawter said:
Buy one of these bad boys sometime.....


is that a galvanized fitting I see on the brass TEE :shock:

BTW, Bob, i see our conversation last week didn't sink in.
when the dollar crashes, that TM won't have ANY value :roll:

seLL the damn thing and invest the money in a tradeable COMMODITY..
like cans of pork'n beAns or AMMO .

i made a fckin killin' off of morons the whole year after Obo got elected .
Those knucklehEdz believed every errornet e-mail that came down the pike.
They bought every bullet they could find .
By Dec, you couldn't FIND any common caliber ammo on the shelves .

I was sitting on 10's of thousands of rounds , so i liquidated some of my assets ..and reaped OBNOXIOUS profits from the panic stricken appleknockers

when the house of cards falls down "for real" this time around, ammo will be a very valuable barter item.


bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
a galvanized fitting

no Larr...that is a very expensive SS flare...... thathurts

if i went to the trouble and expense of putting SS HERE....WTF would i put a GALVANIZED fitting anywhere on the machine....?


Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
bob vawter said:
a galvanized fitting

no Larr...that is a very expensive SS flare...... thathurts

got your receipt?..take it back, get your money and go buy a 500 rnd brick of 22lr ammo at Wal-mart and star your "savings" account !gotcha!

do it


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
HARPER said:
Poor mArY,

Again we are dealing with the HAVES & the HAVE NOTS.... :oops:

I have NEVER lost money on a TM...... :shock:

Your thought process that of a SINGLE operator...You have CHEAP LABOR......"YOU"... :roll:

Why do people have 10 ksf houses... :?: At some point you will achieve financial success. At
that point you will understand the GAME...!gotcha! Some of us need INCOME TAX DEDUCTION'S
You either stroke a check to OBAMA...or INVEST in the company...!!!! Geeez.. :roll:

You consistently state you are banking MONEY....Yet you can't afford a $1200.00 a month
business investment...! "IT IS NEVER THE PRINCIPAL.......IT IS ALWAYS THE MONEY."... :oops:
Here is a GUY that had to use .."OP".."other people's money"....until he could afford a "JiggEr"

STOP..!!!! bitching about what you CAN'T AFFORD.... :roll: "Buy some REAL equipment of your
OWN...Then evaluate the ISSUE... :| IDGAS...about what you have DONE in the past.... :roll:
You obviously didn't do it RIGHT.... :idea: or you wouldn't have to start over... :!:

CHALLENGE: I will GIVE you a piece of equipment to use... :shock: And you can PAY ME what
you think it is WORTH in 1 year..NO PAYMENT...NO INTEREST... 8) " I would have NO PROBLEM
doing this with YOU ..! "I think you are as HONEST as the DAY is long...!!!!"
Since you don't GAS about using sub's... !gotcha! You can run it as a SEPERATE FRANCHISE..!

HERE IT IS.................................PUT-UP or SHUT-UP............ :mrgreen:




I can't afford the repairs. :lol:

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
For $25,000 you can generate a $1million in high margin revenue, easy decision.

Not to mention write off and resale, which brings ownership cost down to half that or lower on certain units.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Shane Deubell said:
For $25,000 you can generate a $1million in high margin revenue, easy decision.

Not to mention write off and resale, which brings ownership cost down to half that or lower on certain units.

I agree and in fact think it is more like 2 million. We do it with all our butlers.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
Ken Snow said:
[quote="Shane Deubell":30r5awwc]For $25,000 you can generate a $1million in high margin revenue, easy decision.

Not to mention write off and resale, which brings ownership cost down to half that or lower on certain units.

I agree and in fact think it is more like 2 million. We do it with all our butlers.[/quote:30r5awwc]

I agree with Ken and Shane. If you buy a high quality machine that has decades of reliability built in, the cost of the unit is irrelevant.. Whether it costs 15K or 30K it can gross between $3 million and $10 million over a 25 or 30 year lifespan. If you have banked $5 million from your machine, $25000 could just be a bar tab for you on some forgotten night. So no. A good quality TM is a bargain.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Art Kelley said:
[quote="Ken Snow":3qj6pbk5][quote="Shane Deubell":3qj6pbk5]For $25,000 you can generate a $1million in high margin revenue, easy decision.

Not to mention write off and resale, which brings ownership cost down to half that or lower on certain units.

I agree and in fact think it is more like 2 million. We do it with all our butlers.[/quote:3qj6pbk5]

I agree with Ken and Shane. If you buy a high quality machine that has decades of reliability built in, the cost of the unit is irrelevant.. Whether it costs 15K or 30K it can gross between $3 million and $10 million over a 25 or 30 year lifespan. If you have banked $5 million from your machine, $25000 could just be a bar tab for you on some forgotten night. So no. A good quality TM is a bargain.[/quote:3qj6pbk5]

and we ARE talking about direct drives...RIGHT?

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
bob vawter said:
[So no. A good quality TM is a bargain.

and we ARE talking about direct drives...RIGHT?[/quote]

I have no experience with a slide in, but I wouldn't want to think about the mess I would have in my van with a sloppy lawn mower engine running ten hours a day for twenty years. Maybe in a box truck with the puddle of soot and oil in another compartment, but the direct drive is the most elegant solution for a fooking slob like me in my van.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Doc Holliday said:
They are dirt cheap, what other business can you get into with so little start up costs.

How much can you make with a TM?
You're only limited by your ability to generate sales to keep it busy, the potential is astounding.

You can always hire someone to clean while you rest or sleep. For what you pay one time or monthly payments, it puts you in a business with few limitations. You can Clean Carpet, Tile & Grout, Upholstery and Partition Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Water Extraction.

If you use it 5-hours a day and only work a 5 day week, that's 100 hours a month. Divide that into your monthly payment and you'll see how little it costs you to own it per hour.

Of course it's not the machines fault if you're not putting at least 100 hours a month on it. :p

I agree with Rich. Here is my two cents. What investment can you make and get a full return on it within 3-6 months for most people and then continue to receive that same return or higher every 6 months for as long as have it running? I'ts been hard for me to find that, and why I'm still cleaning carpet.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Shane Deubell said:
For $25,000 you can generate a $1million in high margin revenue, easy decision.

Not to mention write off and resale, which brings ownership cost down to half that or lower on certain units.

Yes, and for that $25,000.00 you can get 3 crews running to make 3 times that. IF you use your money wisely.

Don't forget to factor the factors in.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
What about Joe's offer Brian? He was dead serious!

Its one thing to cast an internet net across the country for low hanging fruit - cuz you'll get some and another to run a CC company.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I love Joe to death. He's my hero....but I don't want to be a carpet cleaner that bad. :lol:

Someone else would surely benefit from it.

I have more than enough resources to go buy a TM or 2 so it would be unfair of me to take the good graces that JOe has me and others.

Thanks Joe, I mean it.

But I would never take advantage of an offer like that unless I truly needed it.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Art Kelley said:
[quote="bob vawter":339ds10u][So no. A good quality TM is a bargain.

and we ARE talking about direct drives...RIGHT?[/quote:339ds10u]

I have no experience with a slide in, but I wouldn't want to think about the mess I would have in my van with a sloppy lawn mower engine running ten hours a day for twenty years. Maybe in a box truck with the puddle of soot and oil in another compartment, but the direct drive is the most elegant solution for a fooking slob like me in my van.[/quote]

Pretty much how i felt, we just push buttons and clean.
The fact the resale value is so high, just a nice little bonus.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Brian R said:
[quote="Shane Deubell":ti5iq7pr]For $25,000 you can generate a $1million in high margin revenue, easy decision.

Not to mention write off and resale, which brings ownership cost down to half that or lower on certain units.

Yes, and for that $25,000.00 you can get 3 crews running to make 3 times that. IF you use your money wisely.

Don't forget to factor the factors in.[/quote:ti5iq7pr]

Subbing is not for me, dont have a problem with other people doing it. Have to stick what is good for me.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Shane Deubell said:
I have no experience with a slide in, but I wouldn't want to think about the mess I would have in my van with a sloppy lawn mower engine running ten hours a day for twenty years. Maybe in a box truck with the puddle of soot and oil in another compartment, but the direct drive is the most elegant solution for a fooking slob like me in my van.

So Shane, you have admittedly have no experience with slides-ins and you just grouped them all together and called them sloppy lawn mower engines....

LMAOF.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Someone will surely remind you of that remark one day.


May 23, 2010
Mike Draper said:
dday said:
... John Deere Lawn Tractors...

My employee comes from nevada. His family has close to 10,000 farm able acres and about 30+ different types on john deer tractors. A nice john deer cost 100-200 thousand. and they replace them every 5 years :shock:

A 100-200K John Deere is not what I use to mow my country acre, cowboy. You are talking about a whole other breed of tractor. I said, a lawn tractor, cowboy.

But that's ok, 'cause cowboys always shoot from the hip

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
bob vawter said:
'cides.....when Paul came over to look at it...
i had CRASH bring his truck he could see it operate!
You're trying to sell it, not scare off customers, aren't you?? !gotcha!

If you see a certain brand flooding the used market, thats a clue as to how good that model was.
Those are the ones that were most likely over priced, as well as under built.

Take a look at the used market and see which TM's brands "aren't there"!

sam miller

I have had My original 405 paid 17 k for it plus van water softner install around 44k 3500 express van in 2002 zero down zero intrest $660.00 a month payment.

the van died last year the 405 is in a new van with 9100 hours and its still beast original blower heat ex and rebuilt water pump once.

replaced blower exhaust heaters its been paid for for over 5 years.has made me over a million in sales easily.

Still talk to my local dealer he picked up a used 405 1999 model with 650 hours on it guy got it to do floods died and his daughter sold it back to dealer.

It has a water softner pump out hose real 300 feet of hose and a quad jet wand he say he'll take $9500.00 cash installed.

And its super clean So what do ya all think my 9100 hour cold take a rest as a back up or I could tow one on a trailer and really dual wand!

I'm super comfortable with this machine I can fix most problems that arise so getting the same unit is a plus.
Sep 7, 2008
Just to clarify a few things I paid 15k for my first tm. I paid it off in 6 weeks.

It made me a ton of money.

I really should have said why buy anything new when you can find a slightly used model for half price?

With so many used tm's on the market, do manufacturers really expect some bdcc to pay almost 30k for a slide in and another 20-50k on a truck in this crappy economy?

Like I said tm's are way overpriced.

sam miller

danielc said:
Just to clarify a few things I paid 15k for my first tm. I paid it off in 6 weeks.

It made me a ton of money.

I really should have said why buy anything new when you can find a slightly used model for half price?

With so many used tm's on the market, do manufacturers really expect some bdcc to pay almost 30k for a slide in and another 20-50k on a truck in this crappy economy?

Like I said tm's are way overpriced.

Same could be said for Gas. But ya I'm picking up a used 405 600 hours will dp what I need will pay cash for it so literally no payments !dork!

PS Do you think Prochem ever regrets making a machine that consistently goes 10k plus hours?

One think I like is no coupler.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
danielc said:
Just to clarify a few things I paid 15k for my first tm. I paid it off in 6 weeks.

It made me a ton of money.

I really should have said why buy anything new when you can find a slightly used model for half price?

With so many used tm's on the market, do manufacturers really expect some bdcc to pay almost 30k for a slide in and another 20-50k on a truck in this crappy economy?

Like I said tm's are way overpriced.

Same with new cars...

never buy new, buy slightly used

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
PS Do you think Prochem ever regrets making a machine that consistently goes 10k plus hours?
I still have a few Performers under 5000 hours, I almost hate to get a new machine for fear I might have sold off something better.

The last Performer I sold I got $6000.00 a few years back and a year later the guy called wanted to buy another one from me.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Doc Holliday said:
PS Do you think Prochem ever regrets making a machine that consistently goes 10k plus hours?
I still have a few Performers under 5000 hours, I almost hate to get a new machine for fear I might have sold off something better.

The last Performer I sold I got $6000.00 a few years back and a year later the guy called wanted to buy another one from me.

DON'T sale that 805....It is TRUELY...the Last of the "MUSCLE MOUNTS".... 8)

"I don't think there will ever another slide-in powerful...!" :idea:

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