Baby Pictures...

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
After discussing it with some other people here at home as well, I have to agree.

"Nemesis" it is, then...


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
baby pictures

One of the issues that most seam to be ignoring is the increasing cost of gas, both to drive the van and in case of a slide in, for the separate engine.
Yes, gas is still a small portion of our expense pie, but it will keep going up. Any thoughts about that?

I like the idea about not overbuilding and agree 100% with that philosophy. I'd say, reasonable price, good heat and vacuuming and above all dependability is number 1 for me.

I like the "Prometheus" name but some here seem to have a problem with it. They need something with more panache, dare I say: something with more testosterone. How about something that our friends can relate to: "The Promiscuous"?
It's straight and to the point. It tells your clients exactly where your priorities, shall we say, lay.
It is going to be HOT, sorry, a hit.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Thanks for the kind words... and the subtle humor. I have thought of similar names, but dare not list them here, in writing... 8)

Actually, I see building a system that's more efficient at heat capture, retainment and transfer as addressing the question of fuel cost, because of the reason you stated... Smaller components require less horsepower, therefore require a smaller motor, and therefore less fuel.

I have another HX system designed. It's simpler than this, "Nemesis" design, with only one exchanger and another approach to capture heat and prevent heat loss. And I already have a name for it: "Xcel". It will not generate as much heat, but will compare very favorably with other "entry level" HX systems available nationally, in terms of the heat it delivers. It will also be built on a frame that's based on the one in the pictures in this thead. (Anticipated retail is $9,500 and will be released on a similar schedule to the "Nemesis" systems.)

And I have another, quite a bit more involved than the "Nemesis" design. I don't have a name for it yet. And I don't plan to actually build it until late 2008 / early 2009. It will use a 4cyl. water- cooled motor, run (2) #36 blowers, and generate more than enough heat for 2 wands. (Anticipated retail is $21,000)


Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Same as before. Automatic piezo ignitor. It runs on 12 volts, lights the pilot and monitors it to be sure it's not out. if it does go out, it's re-lit within 1/2 second.

These lighters should last quite a bit longer than before. (Typically, they lasted for about a year, previously.) Ambient heat has a lot to do with their longevity, I've found. So the new systems have the lighter mounted on the rear of the system, away from heat source...

...Of course, the HX systems won't use them... 8)


Oct 7, 2006
Nemesis is a Good name, I also like Phoenix, or the Phoenix series, ie: this would be a Phoenix 36.

The cowl silencers are a winner on the smaller blowers, don't do like White Magic and use a 3" on on a 59 blower though.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley


I like "Phoenix", too. The connotation of "rising from the ashes" is one that really resonates with me. At the same time, I'm not so sure about that connotation for a truck mount, if you get my "drift" here... 8)

I have a similar "strategy" to the one you suggest for naming the systems...

The "Nemesis" series systems will be designated "v1", "v2" and "v3", based upon blower / motor size...


Feb 6, 2008
I do like your machines. Will you continue with the propane systems? I'm sure you have considered a small exhaust hx in series w/ LP. I think that would be great for those of us concerned about fuel.
I would really like to see you build one with a small Diesel engine & burner.
I am also curious what noise levels you are getting. Exhausts will be able to plumb under the truck? Do you have a standard measure for noise?

Good luck, and let me know if I can test one for you.


Oct 18, 2006
Duane, Those machines look just like mine.... BTW, no belt shredding here....Really no significant problems at all......will the newer ignitors fit on my machine ? Thanks Richard R
(Shill Comment) Yes I would buy another...

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Thanks, Josh...

We will be continuing with propane in addition to the HX systems. The propane will be like the ones in the pictures above.


As above, we'll continue with L.P. No intention of doing kero, or doing Diesel motors yet. As far as a hybrid.... no plans for that either. The HX systems will be super simple. Adding L.P., although simple, would complicate them again and add to the price as well. For that price increase, the Nemesis becomes a better deal.

Yes, I have designed a "low end" system, by the way. It will generate heat more along the lines of a Little Giant #3.

When you see the Nemesis, you'll be very, very impressed. I am, and the very few people I've actually explained it to agree. (They understand it in principle and see the potential of it. Having designed it, I've seen it several ways and know that it can only be fully appreciated when seen in the flesh, so to speak.)


The frame in the pictures above has one large advantage over previous ones: Access to the pump- out pump. Access on this frame is direct and simple.

That frame has been designed to accept a 33, 36, 45 and 47 blower, BTW... So, the following systems can be built on it:


The "Nemesis" series systems and the "Xcel" (entry level) series systems will both be built on a frame that is almost identical to what you see above.

The Nemesis systems will feature the "Accelerator" tank (the design that came from the Hammer and SledgeHammer systems I used to build in the 1990's). That tank installs across the van, behind the seats.

The Xcel systems will look very similar to the standard, "Predator" systems, and there will be a "CP" version of them as well, so the design is an extension of the Predator designs.

I am pushing to get this together in time for Connections, Florida, this May. And if I do, we'll be there with a Nemesis, a Predator Unleashed and a Nemesis installed in a van for outside demo's.

If I run overtime and miss a deadline, then we'll have an open house very soon after Connections and unveil it there.

But Connections is my goal, and it's looking more and more like we'll make it.

In response to an enquiry there, I posted the following on Nicks board. It's relevant, so I'm pasting it here...

At this point, I'm still not ready to go into specifics of design, publicly.

But I will go into specific model configurations a bit, and follow with a bit about what's different, company- wise, from before.

There are 3 basic designs:

1.) The "entry- level", tentatively named, "Xcel". It's a parallel version of the "Predator" series of propane systems I've been making. The basic one is an 18/33 configuration. The upgraded is an 18/36. It will be offered with "CP" continuous pumpout (i.e., no recovery tank) and with a recovery tank as well. It will have one exhaust exchanger and a manual diverter (An automatic one will be offered as an option.), and produce heat similar to a Little Giant #3: 160 to 180 degrees, ATM @ 1.5 GPM (i.e., "at the machine") Price will be in the $9,000 range

2.) The "meat and potatoes", "Nemesis". It will feature 2 exchangers, one of which is in process for patent (i.e., "patent pending"- application was filed last July). It will deliver 210 to 230 ATM (at 1.5 GPM), and will automatically divert exhaust gas to regulate temperature. The 20/36 configuration will list for $14,000. The Nemesis "2", will be a 25/45 and the Nemesis "3" will be a 47 blower- based model, with motor yet to be determined.

3.) The largest system will not come on-line until Year 2 of our operation, according to the plan set forth. It will feature a water cooled 4 cylinder motor and (2) #45 blowers. It will deliver enough heat for 2 wands... 220 or more at 1.5 G.P.M. per wand. Projected price is $22,000.

Production of the propane systems will continue, unless and until, the market for them ceases. The thing is that they will always cost less and generate more heat in their price range. That's just the nature of propane...

If you look in my profile, you should be able to see what the new systems look like, since I linked to a picture of two of them (Predator Unleashed! systems) there. The Xcel and Nemesis systems will be built on frames very similar to what you see there. The Nemesis will feature a "Hammer"- style tank (like the Accelerator tank), which is positioned across a van, instead of down one side, and angled so that it contours the seats of a van.

The new company name has been chosen. I'll announce it in the next few weeks, after everything is set up.

In the past, I was "handicapped", in terms of what I could do, because I did everything... I wore too many hats. Part of what's different is that we will open with a full staff. Office personnel, sales, and production people have been selected and have agreed to come as soon as the financial agreement is signed. Virtually everyone involved in this new venture is a long- time friend of mine, some going back to the 1970's. (This has taken an inordinate amount of my time lately, with late nights lasting way into the early morning hours, but has been worth the effort.)

Our primary focus will be distributors. From past experience, I know how crucial good distribution and localized support is. This new company addresses that head- on. We will also have the financial backing to fund a distributorship network, present at both Connections events, attend 2 "informal gatherings" (i.e., SummerFest, etc.) a year and more.

This is seriously going to be a new way of doing things.

That's all for now.


Fon Johnson

Oct 15, 2006
Sounds like time to drive to Atlanta for a burrito! Think we can replace my fuel lines and have a check up soon? I don't know if I can convince the wife it's a good idea just to drive there for a burrito.. LOL

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley

I have the "old" ignitors in stock for now. I haven't found a replacement yet. But since I have a few, not to worry...


Come on down. At the moment, my place is in Alpharetta. There's a verrrrry good Cuban restaurant 5 minutes away. And, there's also "5 Guys" burgers, which I highly recommend.

... of course, there are a lot of others as well.

Cumming is just a hop, skip and jump away, and there's Spondivit's there. They have killer seafood, specializing in steam buckets of crab, shrimp, etc. (You may remember them from the Atlanta SummerFest. They have a location near the Atlanta Airport.)

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley

In looking back at your post above, I realize that I missed your question about exhaust and noise...

The Xcel systems will feature the same car muffler that Predators have had. They're pretty quiet. Not obnoxiously loud.

The Nemesis systems feature a box silencer, similar to a Cowl silencer by Phillips Temro. They are quiet. The nature of the exchange system itself adds to this.

All exhaust is self- contained. Nothing goes through the floor.

I did design a HX system about a year ago that was belt- driven and featured a "reverse flow" exhaust, that exited through the floor, but have no plans to build it at this time.

Thanks for your interest.

Fon Johnson

Oct 15, 2006
I spend a late night working on marketing material, and you have to go and make me hungry at this hour.. :evil:

I'll have to schedule that soon. I gotta keep the "old gal" in top notch shape, ya know? She is built like a Timex! Any chance I would get to see a finished product in a couple of weeks or so? Maybe at least see a nearly completed product? 8)

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
At this point, it all depends upon the fabricator. Parts are in process.

I can show you "something" for sure, though... Not sure if it will be test- ready, so we'll just have to wait and see...


Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
The Profilactic

The Profilactic!

Suck and Squirt with confidence and protection.. J/K

While the name "Nemesis" is far better than Proth...errr......that other one, it has negative connotations to me. A Nemesis is my enemy in my mind...I don't want to buy my enemy...I've done that before.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Thanks, Ed.

In this case, "Nemesis" is a done deal, though. I see it as a name that has connotations that can be read several ways.

I started to name it "Phoenix" at one point. But somehow, "rising from ashes" was a picture that I didn't want applied to a truck mount, either... 8)


Oct 11, 2006
Nemesis sound pretty good as does Ambush.......

The other name is hard to pronounce and remember........

Fon Johnson

Oct 15, 2006
"Introducing the Nemesis, dirt's worst enemy!"

Now, hurry up and get one done so I can see it. I'm getting hungry.. I mean I need to replace my fuel lines. :D
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