Back and forth, back and forth....

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Your on the truck swinging a wand all by your lonesome. You back into the driveway and grab the door handle.

From that point on a regular two-story house with regular carpet and a regular size how many trips do you make back and forth to the truck before you shut your van door and roll away with that big check and a happy customer waving goodbye?

To: Floor sheet, booties, smile
From: Nothing

To: Corner Guards, vacuum, sliders, solution line to door, lawn/garden stakes
From: Vacuum

To: Vac hose (pulled to door), Hydroforce, Spotter Pouch
From: Nothing

To: Scrubber (usually a 15" Whittaker GLS), Stair Tool if used
From: Scrubber

To: Wand, Hook Vac Hose up Start Little Giant
From: Sliders, Wand, Corner Guards, Hoses worked back to door of entry

To: Go to door to grab hoses, lawn/garden stakes Reel up hoses
From: Reel up hose, stow garden stakes

To: Booties Invoice
From: Floor sheet, corner guards, check

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
To: clipboard, smile
From: how much money

To: Vacuum, solution hose, injection sprayer, groomer, pads, towels
From Vacuum

To: Garden hose, Orbot
From: Orbot, Pads

To: Scotchard bottle for injection sprayer
From: Groomer, scotchard with injection sprayer, Solution hose, groomer...Extra how much money

To: Nothing
From: Garden hose

To: Me happy with job
From: Money, towels, Referrals !gotcha!


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
That's why I like rentals the 10 step dog and pony show is not worth it unless they want most of the house cleaned.

at the door with spotter bucket, inline sprayer and wand

start machine pull hose, clean and done

Occupied residential: :| back and forth, back and forth
Vacant Rentals: shiteatinggrin Give them the old in out

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
I don't know, cleaned a vacant rental today, worth the trips.
in with portable office
out empty
in with vac
out with full dirt cup
in with vac hose, wand and toolbag
out with full dirt cup
in with scrubber and spraymaster
out empty
back with dirt cup :roll:
out with vac
in with soln line and 2.5" hose to door
out with scrubber and spraymaster
in with stair tool
out with wand and vac hose and tool bag
in empty
out with stair tool and soln line
in with booties
out with portable office

Think that about covers it.
3hrs $450

sam miller

By myself walkin get signed work order get vacuum carpet rake wand, Pre vac everything take Vac back to car set water hose up and walk waterline into house with wall gaurds at that time. Machine is already Idleing and depend on what type carpet I have hydroforce premixxed ready to go

then I prespray all area's and rake then return rake and prespray bottle to van taking van from Idle to 1st gear and running vac lines in usually have 2 1/2 inch Y off truck with 2 inline filters setup when setting water inlet up.

After vac lines are up chemical pump is primed I go to work at one point I always give the customer a set of shoe covers for everyone there and make a joke about how slippery hard surfaces are reminding them NO ICESKATING! and I will repeat the phrase several times before I leave.

Once done cleaning pack it up and go get paid thats it in a nutshell. ... rs-XL.html

these guys have a killer deal on shoe covers buy in bulk its like $6.00 for 50 pairs

thats around .12 cent per pair it goes a long way.

sam miller

I actually get the large barley fit my size 11 shoe they are around $6.50 in bulk the xl are a dollar more probably get them next time

more like .15 cents a pair.


Supportive Member
Feb 9, 2009
West Jordan Utah
Ken Raddon
First Trip in: Clip board and a smile, do walk through pre-inspection.

Second trip in: In line sprayer, wand, tool belt strapped to hip, set sprayer down at first room and walk wand to furthest room. On the way back I spray mystery spots with spotter from hip. Go back out and start machine.

Third trip in: Solution line, go in and spray, most if not all of house. Go out turn off machine if I am going to pre-scrub. grab vac hose if no scrubbing is needed.

Vac/rinse my way out, invite custy to inspect job, role up hose collect check, hand bottle of spotter with name on it.

I will go out and get a stair tool if stair case can't be done with regular wand.

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