... and that is why I want to have a cleaning business. Really, because my aim has always been to work for myself and the thing I'm best at is service. Hi, I'm new here, online I like to go by my middle name, Marie. If you call me that in real life, I definitely wouldn't turn around This forum has some interesting characters no doubt and wealth of information.
I'm in the planning and technical skills development phase of starting. I'm signing up soon for the IICRC carpet cleaning cert., because it seems a good way to start learning about fibers/products in a comprehensive way - if you all would share any courses or material you think are beneficial to start with - it's very much appreciated!
If you are inclined to reply, I'd love to know:
1) How long have you been in business?
2) What do you enjoy most about the business?
3) If you had to pick 1 - do you attribute most of your success to your quality of service, your marketing skills/getting jobs, or just knowing what you're doing and getting it done?
I'm in the planning and technical skills development phase of starting. I'm signing up soon for the IICRC carpet cleaning cert., because it seems a good way to start learning about fibers/products in a comprehensive way - if you all would share any courses or material you think are beneficial to start with - it's very much appreciated!
If you are inclined to reply, I'd love to know:
1) How long have you been in business?
2) What do you enjoy most about the business?
3) If you had to pick 1 - do you attribute most of your success to your quality of service, your marketing skills/getting jobs, or just knowing what you're doing and getting it done?