Ben Surdi help me out here...


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
bensurdi said:
It's just funny that people are bold enough to make posts like this on a forum but not bold enough to pick up the phone and call.

Instead of spreading rumors, call me.

As Brent was saying....

I never said anything that would be rumors and such.. I thought this forum was the right place where we all come to learn something from each other.

I guess I should have just searched for your phone number and called you if I wanted any info on the above mentioned questions I had, regarding the dramatic results, going from BD (can't replace stolen wand or pay for the item you were bidding on and won) to Vortex buying whole west coast covering business. :shock:

I apologize if I was dumb enough to use this forum as it is meant to be Mr. Surdi. We can close this thread, I -strangely- don't find myself to be that interested in what you have to say anymore! :lol:

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