"Best Ever!, I highly recommend it!

Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
John, it sounds like you go the extra mile for your customers and that's great. I'm sure you have a solid reputation and loyal customers but just because you helped someone in need, doesn't mean they become your new best friend. People break down and call around until they find someone willing to help with their problem and it is always up to you if you want to do it or not. Don't expect anything in return. I have a problem with suppliers who cry poverty but when you try to return defective products, they turn around and say that's your problem. Not you, one of our local suppliers. People may buy more from you if you treat them well and establish a rapport with them but at the same time, you have to be competitive both price wise and product/service wise. It works both ways.

Not Willy's "blue bucket" again..........:lol:
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Aug 11, 2012
The 2% money spends as good as the rest.

Just charge accordingly and stop believing everything you here.


Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
So, I am reading what you said again, real slow like, trying to see what I have missed and for the life of me I can't see it. If I have to go out and buy a brand new truckmount for my supplier to "have my back" I'd rather not. If having your support depends on how much I buy from you, no thanks. Every supplier needs to back their product or service. If I am in a bind and I call you for help and you are able to help me, I would feel grateful but it doesn't mean I am going to buy from you. I think I get what you are trying to say, if you support them, they should support you but it doesn't always work out that way. Carpet cleaners are a fickle bunch, mainly because were are at the mercy of suppliers who are always coming out with the newest and best thing since sliced bread. To stay competitive, we have to try new things and if they work, we are not shifting loyalties but merely adapting to change. I have a newer, smaller supplier that I am getting most of my main chemicals from. I want to support him and see him grow. Not so much because he is my new best friend but because I would like to see him be able to put a dent in the big boys. That will bring in more products and bring down prices. If he goes out of business, I will go back to my other suppliers and they will welcome me back with open arms. Why? Not because they like me so much but they sure like my money. Marty shops at TCS because they have his back. TCS has Marty's back because he shops there. You end your statement with a threat. You pretty well say, if they are not supporting you, buying your products, you may not answer the phone when they call with a problem. The Problem is, you are not in business to do anybody any favors. This is how you make your living. If you choose to help someone out, that's your choice. If they choose not to buy from you, that's their choice. If they call you a second time and you refuse to help them, that's probably the right choice for you. I have no suppliers here that will help me out in a pinch. I have to solve my own problems and do. I do have a network of carpet cleaners that would help me out and I, them.


Nov 16, 2006
Ron Beatty
John, My post was not aimed at you, I was replying to Mikes original post. No agenda here.


Jan 2, 2016
Jeremy Gray
For me and only me.... If the product is a powder I can determine using one tub (7.5 pounds?) if the product is liquid I can determine using 2 gallons. But when I switch chemicals I always have a reason in mind. I.E. I started my career using prochem's ultrapac. I switched because it was giving me a wicked cold/sinus infection every time I used it in common hallways. I switched to Prochem's Axiom (suppose to be green) but same problem. So I switched to Bridgepoint's Traffic Slam which was great except that I always had to spike it with citrus solv. So I went on the hunt again and couldn't find what I was looking for so I started making my own prespray and with minor tweeks over the years I have been happy in all situations.


Jan 2, 2016
Jeremy Gray
Better question is , are there chems or Prespray out there on shelves that flat out don't clean or work well?
I have long believed and said that I think each prespray is designed with a particular soil type in mind. (by soil type I mean composition of the dirt/soil in the ground outside) I have used products that others claim to be the bee's knees for cleaning a carpet but when I used it, it preformed little better than water. I have also heard from distributers that there is a definite national pattern in the sales of products to different areas. So I do believe that a product may be the best possible in Seattle but may not be very effective in Miami or Maine vs California. Of course we all deal with motor oil but how many of us deal with clay, or peat moss, or sand, or pine tree sap?


Jan 2, 2016
Jeremy Gray
@Cleanworks and @John Olson , I think you guys are arguing the same coin just describing the different sides.
John is a supplier and sees customers all the time who are buddy buddy with him the 3x a year that they come in needing an emergency, and they are his best customers so they can get the best deal possible only to disappear until the next emergency. How many times have we been told that MRS. homeowner is a high powered real estate executive and if you do a really great job they will send all their business to you, and you never hear from them again after the job is done.
Cleanworks you are a cleaner, I don't know you all that well, just from your posts, but you also don't seem like the kind of guy who is flying by the seat of his pants and every time they go into their supplier NEED a deal in order to put food on their table that week. Yes you go to the supplier who provides you with what you need but I highly doubt that you are they guy who rakes them over the coals to get a 5% discount EVERY time you buy or you will go someplace else.
I have two main suppliers that I deal with for my business. One supplier I buy 75% of my chemicals from and I know they will always take my call and answer my questions because every time I am in the store I am nice, friendly, stay out of the way when they are dealing with someone else, and will shoot the breeze for 5 min whenever possible. My other supplier I buy maybe 25% of my chemicals from but also buy all my equipment from because they are cheaper than the first. I treat them the same as the first supplier and when we meet in Vegas for the shows we buy each other meals and will sit for 2 hours at the end of the day shooting the breeze because we like each other. I know that not everyone gets that kind of treatment because some customers always NEED something but never really give anything back.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Ron how willing would you be to come clean up dog doody for a first time customer on a Sunday compared to a client who has used you for decades?
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Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
Ron how willing would you be to come clean up dog doody for a first time customer on a Sunday compared to a client who has used you for decades?
I'm not willing to do it for either but I will. They will have to pay a premium for me to come out and do just that 1 job that day. It doesn't matter if it is a first time customer or a good repeat, I feel for both of them and I have done it in the past. Had a customer who had the dog at the vet and it reacted with the medication and had diarrhea and vomit all over. Not nice. The customer appreciated the quick service and didn't mind the bill. I turned down 2 jobs today. My truck is in the shop with an intermittent problem. It cranks but won't start. Volkswagen diesel. Could be a loose wire, fuel solenoid, who knows. One customer called, a good referral from the concierge in a building I clean on a regular basis. She owns a suite there and had a tenant move out with out cleaning the carpet. It's a portable job. Only 1 bedroom. I could take my courtesy car, drive to the shop, get my other truck, load my portable and go and clean her carpet but it is not going to be worth my time. It will take me aprox 3 hours to go, clean and return. It's not an emergency, she will find someone else and next time arrange the carpet cleaning ahead of time. Second customer called in a panic. They were moving and their 9x12 area rug got soaking wet. After a few questions, I found out it is a cheap ($300.00) rug. He is about an hour away from me. Not worth it. Even if he promises he will use me in the future, not worth it. When a customer calls me with a flood or serious cleaning emergency, we are Johnny on the spot, but we charge for it. I had a maintenance company hire me to clean an apartment lobby a while ago. He was astounded at my price and tried to bargain me down by saying if I did a good job he would give me the entire building. I held out for my regular price, cleaned the lobby and I guarantee, I will never hear from him again. If I had given him a discount, I still would probably never hear from him again. He is the type who will always ask for a discount or shop around for the next cheapest carpet cleaner. I try to treat all my customers equally and don't fall for the future promises trick. My mechanic treats me the same way. His prices are ridiculous but you know, he always fixes my vehicle right the first time. I don't complain about his prices and he doesn't complain about me wanting my vehicle back right away.
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Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Problem is, that some suppliers are overly emotional and try to make the customer feel guilty over their actions, instead of looking at it as a business. If you're a supplier and demand the support, then do it with your service and product prices (where your customers won't even think of going somewhere else) and not with a buddy-buddy mindset.

We all have those customers calling that want it now and need it now but won't ever call when their carpets are clean.
Well it's kind of the same thing when the guy's truckmount breaks down once a year and he runs for help. I mean if he doesn't need your help for the other 363 days.... What are you gona do?

It's not an attack on you John... It's just the way I view it.
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Nov 16, 2006
Ron Beatty
Ron how willing would you be to come clean up dog doody for a first time customer on a Sunday compared to a client who has used you for decades?
I wouldn't do it for either, after 40 years no work Saturday or Sunday........


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
We (most definitely I) will all go the extra mile for a nice client that has been supporting us for years. That's the nature of our business. No matter how much in denial Ron Marriot may be, I am sure he does the same.

Yes, everything is a business opportunity, yada, yada, yada, but if one does not treat their extra good clients with extra good care, there's something missing there. So it makes total sense that John will take better care of his good clients, its called loyalty and gratitude and it goes both ways.

As per John, I can personally attest that years ago when I needed advise about buying a new truck mount and even though John knew (cause I told him) that I was not buying it from him, he still helped me out and spent a fair amount of time with me.
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The Wizard

Nov 18, 2006
We only wish that the likes of John and Lora's shop was any where near us.

They keep a well stocked shop, both will bend upside down and backwards to be of help and have a great support team of employees who are both knowledgeable and passionate in what they do.

Great business, great people, great philoshipy, great attitude, it doesn't get any better.


Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
Don't get me wrong, I am not knocking John. I am sure he offers great service, maybe it's just the way he writes. I think it comes across a little different than what he intended to say.
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