Best truck mount vortex?

Dan L.

Dec 27, 2006
looking to get into the industry.I am researching equipment a local company recently bought a vortex truck is this considered the best?


Nov 29, 2006
There are advantages and disadvantages between slide-ins and PTO/CDS/Vortex machines. Slide-ins are less expensive, and easier to unload if you decide this isn't for you. However, the other category (PTO/CDS/Vortex) are MUCH more space efficient, MUCH more user friendly, have MUCH longer life expectancy, and typically are more powerful (in the case of Vortex, MUCH more powerful). So, for a startup, it could really go either way.

Jim Williams

Oct 8, 2006
Bynum N.C.
Jim Williams
If you are going to be single wanding residential, there are plenty of good machines out there that will do an excellent job for under $14,000. I would recommend at least a #4 blower.

If I was just starting out I would get a slightly used van and a new slide in. Slide ins will need more mantenance than a PTO, but they can easily be switched to another van.

You can always move up to a big manly beast of a machine later after you see if carpet cleaning is for you.

I wouldn't want to get tied up in a huge truckmount payment just starting out, there will be slow months and the man at the bank is going to want his check regardless.

Be sure to have ALOT of money available for marketing.


The new Dual Wanding Bane will beat the Vortex hands down. Look at ones numbers. It will tell the truth. Bill is a smart guy.



Nov 2, 2006
It doesn't matter if you have the biggest truck or not if you don't learn HOW to clean first. You are just getting into the industry --- I would say not to go to that expense until you have been in for a while & have your business built up. You can clean well with either a slide in or a big truck. We have been cleaning with a slide in since the beginning & now we are finally looking at the Aero Tech - (Big Truck).

We need & want it but have worked hard to work up to that truck. It will make us even more efficient & do things our other unit can't without having other equipment such as the psi for tile cleaning, dual wanding & more hose among other things. We have 3 people on the truck so we all can be doing something. There are companies that only have one person on the truck that love the Big truck too. But since you are new I would not recommend you doing that to start off with....just my opinion. You should get in here & learn how you are going to clean & your techniques. But most importantly go to IICRC schools for may have already started on that I don't know.

Wish you the best of luck!!!

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
without knowing anything about your biz knowledge,. biz plan, marketing plan or anything else, I'd say your NUTZ to start in the biz with a mega truck.

Truth is, it's OVER KILL for most outfits.

Unless your the kind of guy who needs a Hummer or 1 ton dually 4x4 crew cab pick up to go to the grocery store and can AFFORD them, your crazy to saddle your self with such debt starting out.

Is it the "best"??

guess it depends on what criteria.
It's one of the biggest made.
In terms of reliability and cost to maintain/repair, it wouldn't qualify as the "best" from what I hear



Nov 29, 2006
meAt said:
without knowing anything about your biz knowledge,. biz plan, marketing plan or anything else, I'd say your NUTZ to start in the biz with a mega truck.

Truth is, it's OVER KILL for most outfits.

Unless your the kind of guy who needs a Hummer or 1 ton dually 4x4 crew cab pick up to go to the grocery store and can AFFORD them, your crazy to saddle your self with such debt starting out.


Yup, exactly. This is actually the main point i was trying to make in the "Why not a Vortex" thread on the Big Trucks page (for which i got flamed pretty solidly, until i clarified myself).

Also, pay close attention to what Audra wrote there. Some of the best advice you can get :) A hack is still a hack regardless of what machine he is running. All a good machine will do is make a good cleaner BETTER. (And before anyone takes offense, a newb is not the same as a hack. A hack should know better but doesn't care.)

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Agreed, JamT

BTW, I haven't bothered looking in on the Big Truck room.

Have no interest in it.
a mega truck isn't something we need or plan to buy.

Got nothing against them and can see where many outfits use them to their benefit, just over kill for our needs.


Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
A vortex for a single owner operator is a good move.........

I have raised my bottom line the day I got it and put it out on the asphalt and parked the CDS..

When I maxed out the CDS I was going to get another truck and hire some one...

It was not a choice that I wanted to make but I seen no other option.

Once I got into the Vortex I can't max it out on my own and so I can't see a reason to hire anyone

This has saved me alot of head aches.

I just sold the CDS a few days before Xmas It should be up in Kansas by now.

The Vortex cleans just as good as any decent piece of equipment out there... But weather you single and/ or duel wand...........there are a lot of different benefits....

Now....would I start out of the gate with the all mighty Vortex.......

No......... weather it be a PTO or a slide in work your way up..

Like I stated above.I maxed out the CDS first..........

oh answer the question about is it the best..

No ........... and I cant think of one that is......................


I think what everyone is getting at is the best for you is what one can AFFORD.

I can speak for myself..and about 3 others on this post. Its really nice not to have payments..and use that extra $$ to make ones $$$$$ grow.



Oct 7, 2006
I don't care if you are cashing in a 401k, you should probably go take a few classes, ride with an established cleaner, give him some free labor for a week in exchange for a few tips and a basic idea of what the day to day life of a professional cleaner is like, it may not be for you.

Then if you have a little scratch get a second hand rig, plenty of good used entry level units and vans out there, this way you have some money to put into marketing, which you will surely need, you also might consider subbing out some work to keep the wolves at bay while you learn the craft.

I'm a no debt kind of guy, your mileage may vary.

Ed Hartman

Oct 7, 2006
Then you need to ask yourself how you are going to make your phone ring once you have your equipment. Business 101 says keep your overhead as low as you can til you are established. Marketing is just as important to the business pie as what sits in your truck, especially if you are just starting out. Big Vortex, no phone calls,= Ebay



You are more than welcome to ride with me for a few days or a week. I have done many ride alongs and I go over cleaning and marketing very thoroughly. I have an Aero Tech but would not recommend a big truck to someone starting out unless you are financially secure.

If you ride with me all you have to pay for is your hotel room, plane ticket and your food. It would be the cheapest education you can get. Education should be your first step in starting a business. You can reach me at (708) 670-4043.



Supportive Member
Nov 17, 2006
I would take Dave up on his offer! Hell, I would like to do it if I am ever in that neck of the woods. Dave's a straight shooter.

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