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Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
Ken (Heisenberg ) Snow... Has a good ring to it

Our best wishes ,thoughts and prayers are with you.
godspeed on your fight and recovery
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Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
Praying in Iowa too Ken. So sorry to hear this, please don't give up. If you're not doing radiation, check out "The Beautiful Truth" and "The Gerson Miracle". They are documentaries available on Netflix or DVD. God bless you Sir.

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Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
I didn't check this thread for awhile and lost track. I'm sorry to hear this Ken. Fight the fight Ken! My college roommate just got the news while in for surgery that his prostate cancer was a bit more severe, so there are 2 of you on our "fight the fight" prayer list. My mom had severe stage 3 cancer about 3 years ago and more than beat it! Her comment to everyone going through it is NEVER GIVE UP! And she would shout it like that!

Barry Costa was very supportive and instrumental in helping encourage her (and they have never met in person). He donated a medal he won during a marathon at that time to her. I've got to tell you, encouragement such as this even from people you have never met in person is even an unbelievable help. So Ken, we have never met in person, but I will tell you, all of us in my upper Midwest community of friends will be praying and supporting you!

One of your vans you sold to our friend is parked in my parents old shop right now and I can tell you, my parents will feel a strong connection to you. That little small Northern MN town will probably hear about this and you will be on a large prayer chain there. You were very generous in how you got Ted T. set up in Warren, MN (my old home town) and that entire community heard about it. I will be calling my parents this morning to let them know. Take care my friend and let us know if there is anything we can do in return for you!

Mark Saiger


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
Ken, I to had not checked on this post for awhile. You have always helped me and sent me any info I have ask for. You are truly a true member of this board and a stand up guy who represents this industry better than anyone I know.
Kick this things butt! Our prayers are with you!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

awesome, this is what I was hoping for..


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
Nick Paolella likes to tell the story of one of his friends saying goodbye to one of hi friends. He regretted that he never told him he loved him. Nick tells everyone he knows that he loves them.

i wish we didn't wait till someone is sick before we tell them our true feelings. I think you know that myself and a whole lot of people love you and are praying for your speedy return.


Oct 7, 2006
St Petersburg, FL
Rick Gelinas
This is so sad. Ken you wear a big smile on your face, and I know that quality comes from your heart. Let's hope the cancer cells notice what a genuinely nice guy they've invaded and decide to get the heck out of there! There's plenty of creeps those cancer cells could invade instead of you. We're all in your corner Ken.
Nov 9, 2008
George Valliant
Ken, did i ever tell you the story when i wheelie'd my Volkswagen trike through the front door of a house? Maybe now is not an appropriate time but I can't think of what else to say. so, I would like to share something personal with you. If it seems bizarre or offensive in any way i sincerely apologize as that is certainly not my intention. :redface:

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I was test driving my Volkswagen trike one evening after installing a new clutch. I pulled up to a 3-way stop sign and blipped the throttle a wee bit. At that very moment the throttle sprung into wide-open position. I tried to remain calm as i fumbled around for the kill switch that was located in an awkward position behind the seat. Meanwhile, the engine was totally redlining. After a few seconds of not being able to find the switch i had an idea to stand on the brake and drop the clutch real fast to stall the engine.

instead of stalling, this 1800cc 3-wheeled contraption pulls a wheelie and rockets directly across the street towards a house. by the time the front wheel touches down i'm already across the street and on the sidewalk. I didn't want to ride into the house so i decided to steer towards the front door (as opposed to crashing through the garage door) and jump off onto the lawn. When i jumped, i made it about halfway off my seat before the rear 60 series tire grabbed my shirtless a$$, slammed me face first into the concrete, spun me around, roasted a sweet "60 series tattoo" into my abdomen, across my chest and almost ripped my left nipple off.

I knew i was hurt bad when i stood up because my head was no longer level on my neck and a giant plume of smoke came off my torso. Other injuries included two broken knee caps, left bicept was completely missing and nerve damage from my finger tips to my neck in my left arm. They had to scrub several layers of skin off with what amounted to a wire brush to get the rubber out from under my skin so the tattoo wouldn't be permanent. Afterwards, i looked like a giant platter of juicy sliced brisket.

Moving along; a few months later i was well enough to buy another motorcycle. but, the neck injury was overwhelming and I knew it wasn't ever gonna heal on it's own. I saw a bunch of chiropractors, doctors etc without any relief. After about a year it was so debilitating that i could no longer operate my carpet cleaning business because it aggravated the injury too bad... I was in so much pain that i even tried whacking my head against a sofa to knock my scull back into proper position. No luck...

I never told anyone how much pain i was in but i did pray that god would heal me.

Finally, i sold my business and moved to Albuquerque where I found a job and met my wife Amber. she was raised in the Mormon religion and i attended church with her regularly. Meanwhile, she was relatively clueless about how much pain i was in because it made me feel like damaged goods and nobody would want me if they knew i was broken. Anyhow, i'd pretty much given up on Chiropractors until one Sunday morning at church a new family moved into our ward and he was a chiropractor, not to mention a long distance cycle'r. To make a long story short he was no ordinary chiropractor. He employs the Heimlich technique where he grabs you buy the scull and yanks up on your head cracking your spine from the base of your scull all the way down to the tip of your tailbone. And just like that, I was cured! Six months later i opened up the 3rd carpet cleaning business in my 30 year carrier.

I'm not sure why i felt compelled to share my story other than i love you and want you to get better too.

My injury taught me to never panic and never give up. because you never know when something could change for the better and in a snap. you're healed.

fyi, i was raised in a non-denominational church and was baptized a Mormon in 2005. I wrestle with the idea of organized religion regularly. However, I will be attending church tomorrow and I will speak with the Bishop about effective prayer. Actually, i already know what he is going to say. The most affective prayer is one accompanied by a Fast. I can't remember how many meals they consider a Fast but i think it's Three. So, i will skip dinner tonight, breakfast and lunch tomorrow, then eat dinner tomorrow night. All the while, keeping you in my prayers.

God bless,
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Feb 26, 2012
London Ontario,Canada
Mardie VanBree
Hi Ken
I am sad to hear that you are going through this .I hope you do not feel discomfort. For what it is worth I do know that no matter what happens or what direction your life takes is that the road ahead of you will be filled with wonderous adventures.
My thoughts and prayers are with you

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Ken, you are a good man. You've made a difference in many peoples lives here and I'm sure in your family's as well. I've always respected you and enjoyed speaking with you the times we've met. Godspeed.
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Jan 8, 2013
I don't post on this board much but I remember the first time I did Ken invited me over to see his operations . Really blown away by such a generous offer .
Across the border in Windsor, Ontario keeping you in my thoughts.
Don't give up !
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Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
It's with a heavy heart that I have to tell you that my best friend passed away this early morning. In the end, the cancer was too widespread when first discovered and it was an impossible battle to fight. He was with loved ones when he finally left us and is now at peace and no longer in pain.

He touched may people in many different ways and considered you on Mikey's board all as friends. He often sent me the link to a thread on interesting topics or debates. When reading those, I could feel the connection he had for all of you and he would talk about you as if you were his brothers.

Thank you for all the best wishes, support and love you have shown him over the years and especially in the last few weeks.
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