Big Billy and topophilia (NSFW)

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

More to cleaning than removing spots
Bill Yeadon
I am creating a presentation for a large company with over 1100 locations in the USA. As they are in the health care industry I needed something to really get their attention. So I headed down to the official Big Billy Library of Congress, otherwise known as my basement, to find the attention getter.
A few months ago I wrote an article on the book Start With Why by Simon Sinek. He explained that in our business we have to have a really good reason to go to work every day. It can’t be that we really love sticking our hands in urine-soaked carpet.
The second part is convincing people to clean carpet that doesn’t look soiled. To do this with confidence you need to believe that the occupants will benefit from cleaning a relatively clean carpet. Remember there is life after Pizza Hut.
I found a classic article from Dr. Michael Berry, A Science Based Assessment of Effective Carpet Cleaning, written in 2003.

There are many reasons why we clean any object, including carpet. The value of effective cleaning is magnified when we recognize cleaning accomplishes the following:

  • Directly contributes to security, comfort, productivity
  • Allows for the reuse of space and materials
  • Maintains the value of the property and reduces rate of depreciation
  • Creates a unique psychology that enhances quality of life
  • Encourages topophilia (love of place)
  • Elevates a sense of well being which is the essence of good health
  • Sends caring messages and image
  • Promotes human dignity
  • Accents aesthetics
  • Manages waste and hazards and contributes to environmental protection
  • Ensures sanitation-reduces adverse exposure levels
  • Cleaning is a form of insurance that reduces risk and prevents crisis
*Taken from A Science Based Assessment of Effective Carpet Cleaning Dr. Michael Berry
You don’t need to use everything on this list. But depending on the environment that you are cleaning you should find something that answers the question: “Why do I need to clean this carpet”
As your homework this week you need to use the word “topophilia” in a sentence at least three times.


Supportive Member
Sep 18, 2012
I have had the privilege to visit the Big Billy Library of Congress.

I especially like the waxed figure of Mikey. I also like the history of the truck mount room. Interesting that the original color for the Bane unit was pink.

I saw to of the historic volumes on my shelf the other day that I have checked out need to get hem returned.


Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
I have had the privilege to visit the Big Billy Library of Congress.

I especially like the waxed figure of Mikey. I also like the history of the truck mount room. Interesting that the original color for the Bane unit was pink.

I saw to of the historic volumes on my shelf the other day that I have checked out need to get hem returned.

Yes and wait till you see the fine. Several growlers of Mono Porter.
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