Brian Robison - Full Circle - 650 dollars?

Sep 7, 2008
Since full circle has been so heavily promoted I have made it a habit to see how long an average call lasts with my customers the past few months. Repeat customers average around 5 minutes. New customers average around 10 minutes with some calls going over 15. The time flies.

Every new customer has to explain their situation and the services they need performed. Almost every caller asks questions. How long does it take the carpet to dry? About how long will the job take? Do we need to have everything moved before you come out? I have some stains in the carpet and this is how they got there etc. These are just a few. They ask all kinds of dumb things.

I always want to know how a customer heard about me and if it is a referral the name of the person giving my info out. I also want to know who the last cleaner was and the customer’s experience with them. I explain my process or try to give a general description. Since most of my callers are repeats or referrals I really don’t have to do much selling. If a customer for instance calls me off an old yp ad etc., I can close the job, but I have to really take time to explain to the customer what I do, why my price is what it is, and why I am different than all the local hacks.

A lot of people want to know if I can stretch their carpet or clean upholstery and what that entails. There is just no way in hell you can take the customers info down, sell the job, answer questions and get pertinent information in 5 minutes. Sorry it isn’t happening or you are not closing very many jobs.

Now for pricing; the last time I checked the price was 495 dollars for 500 minutes which is high because they charge you for solicited calls wrong numbers etc. Now the cost is 645 dollars for 500 minutes. Ok that may be cheaper than hiring an employee but I really don’t think the cost to benefit ratio is as good. What if they talk to several customers but don’t close the job? How many people have booked a job only to call back later and cancel? It happens right? I have said it before if you have an average call of 10 minutes, zero solicited calls, and they book every job the cost is just under 15 dollars per appointment. That is highly unlikely though. The real cost is closer to 20 dollars per appointment. If you average 300 per job then it may not be a bad investment.

I would love to hear from someone other than Mike, Brian, or Eco Clean their experience with the service. I say that because I spoke with a local master textile cleaner the other day that has been using a messaging service for 11 years. I actually used the service at one time and they did a great job. At the time I didn’t want to give up the phone duties. Now I am ready to let it go. His total monthly cost is 150 per month. They book about 6-8 jobs week and he averages around 400 per job. That in itself is pretty impressive.

My plan is to have them sell the job and take customer info down, take down several time slots that would be convenient for the customer, and call or email me the info. In fact they can connect with me and keep the customer on the phone as well. I will tell them what time is good for me and have them schedule the job. They will then email or text the customer info down. My cost will be about 200-300 per month. I could even subscribe to an online scheduling site for about 10-15 dollars per month and let them use that to schedule my jobs. That is what they do for the other cleaner. They are different than a standard answering service in that it is set up to sound like your personal secretary. Calls after 6pm go to a 24 hour message service. They just take the customer info down. No selling is involved. The lady that runs the business has owned it for 40 years and has over 50 full time girls. She teamed up with another service and they handle all after hours calls or weekend calls. I am going to make this work. When I do I will pass the info along to anyone that wants a quality messaging service, that doesn’t bill by the minute, and will free up your time.

For some full circle may be the better choice. For me the numbers don’t match up. I am sure Brian Robison will come on here and disagree. Just remember he openly admitted to getting kick backs. I would rather answer the phone myself and save 650 per month. I actually don’t see any reason a company that is not cleaning 5-6 houses per day can’t answer the phone themselves. In fact if I did that much volume I would hire a full time office employee to book jobs, do mailings, clean equipment, call past customers, do bookwork etc for about 300 per week.

Just remember there are other options so do your homework. Same applies to new equipment. Always demo and come to your own conclusions on equipment and chemicals.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
I totally agree with you.

There is no way an owner operator with reasonable telephone skills will not do a better job. Even if it is only because he cares more.
I want to personally answer all calls, remember their names, where they live and what is the name of their pet. And more , if my memory was better.

Now, if one knows that their telephone skills are not good, if they are too busy but not large enough to justify hiring someone to answer the phone- that is a different story.

I think that one of the better chances for an owner operator to be successful is running a lean business. You splurge where it counts and run the rest of your business as lean as you can.

That way all the money you worked hard for stays in your pockets.
And when business is slow you saved enough to stay in business and flourish.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
So they raised their prices? Not just a little but alot! WOW. Maybe I should open a carpet cleaning answering service for half that price.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
let me know when you would like for me to reply.

But what kickbacks are you talking about? I don't know of any kickbacks.

Are you talking about the samples of chems or a coffee cup I got?
I'm pretty sure every member gets that.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I know this thread is about full circle, but I want to correct a misimpression you have. Calls can be completed much faster than 5 minutes, I have a whole office staff doing it day in and day out and we are closing almost all of them. Most are repeats so they are under 3 minutes, new clients prospects can be 5-10, but rarely over and the average is more like 5 or so bcause they are already preconditioned by referral or our brand recognition.


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Yeah, Ken had me go back and check my phone records. When I was taking calls my time was well under 10 minutes...sometimes 2 minutes.
Of course, I am the Mastah! :mrgreen:

Before you say "Then why don't you just answer if you're the "Mastah"" I say. When you call Microsoft, you don't normally get connected to Bill Gates even though he could probably answer your question better than anyone.

Crap, forgot I wasn't supposed to be hear from yet.

Let me know, Daniel and I'll shed some light on the subject.
Sep 7, 2008
Ken Snow said:
I know this thread is about full circle, but I want to correct a misimpression you have. Calls can be completed much faster than 5 minutes, I have a whole office staff doing it day in and day out and we are closing almost all of them. Most are repeats so they are under 3 minutes, new clients prospects can be 5-10, but rarely over and the average is more like 5 or so bcause they are already preconditioned by referral or our brand recognition.


When I advertised three and a hall for 49.95 I closed jobs in two minutes flat. It was all about the price. I never did one job for less than a hundred either. Most called and said I see your ad and the special. So how much for what I have etc. I would quote a price and that was it. Then they would say when can you come.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Okay, and your point? Our business is not like that. A. Our price for and a hall is about $92 and we are not getting that many new callers on a day to day hour by hours basis. Most are time and again repeats often 2nd, 3rd or even 4th generation and most are in our order entry system. A simple keying in of a phone number or address, pop in what they want, when they want it and they are back to their life and we have a $135.00 job set up (average ticket)


Mar 5, 2010
Gilbert, AZ
Rob Litwin
Either my wife or myself answers our phone. Otherwise, we let calls go to voice mail. We have 100% repeat and referral business. It is rare that we get a call that isn't just to book a job.

There are a few calls that last for 10 minutes, but not many. Most calls are 1-2 minutes.


If my wife no longer was answering our business phone, I would contact Full Circle immediately

$650/ month is very reasonable for the kind of service that Brian R outlined

Why do you use Full Circle tho Robison? I figured you'd be the one closing your jobs?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
fred boyle said:
If my wife no longer was answering our business phone, I would contact Full Circle immediately

$650/ month is very reasonable for the kind of service that Brian R outlined

Why do you use Full Circle tho Robison? I figured you'd be the one closing your jobs?

I was...and I was good at it. But you have to have systems in place to grow. My role is in the marketing...whether it be to new or old customers. I am also a problem solver at this level.
Me, I would ask the wifey (if she was on the phones) how she would feel if she wasn't tied to them? Or what else would she do if she had free time?
Is that free time worth the money? Could she be doing something more productive to bring in twice or 3 times that money a month?
Plenty to look at.
Should always go with your strengths and at the same time loving what you are doing. I did like speaking to customers over the phone but it became so overwhelming that I couldn't get anything else done...and at that time my phones weren't as busy as some of the cleaners here.

I just knew when to get out from under them.
The phones can rule your life if you let them...My mother hated the phones after 20 years of answering them (maybe there is something in that...maybe I need therapy. lol)

a call missed is a call just don't know if it's a repeat that's willing t leave a message.
Sep 7, 2008
Mikey P said:
A good owner operator shouldn't have the time to answer his own phones on most days.

You are right. Most of my jobs are emailed to me or are regular commercial accounts. I get what Brian is saying about fc being more than just an answering service. I love service monster. The fact that they implement sm is a HUGE plus.

My situation is like most. I do very little advertising but have enough new clients calling that I need help with the phone. I am sure they could schedule most of my repeats in less than 5 minutes. If I had an occasional new customer that took longer oh well. I run around a 250 job average which is decent because I don't push protector so the cost to get the new customer would be worth it.

I have to make a decision. Keep things the way they are and answer my phone. That is not a viable option. I need more free time. I hate stopping on a job to answer the phone and will just explain that I am on a job and will call back. Most are fine with that, but it is not professional. I can call a local service and get good service at a decent price. And last I can call fc which deals with carpet cleaners on a daily basis and pay a premium for the service. If I am running around 80 jobs per month with a 250 average, I will assume the cost of the service to be around 1000-1200 dollars, 250 per week, or around 15 per job taking into account solicited calls and them not booking every job. That would be awesome, but I have my doubts on that. The only real way to determine if something is a good fit is to try it. Right now, I can answer my phone, and would easily use up 500 minutes. I have to ask myself do I want to keep that 650 in my pocket or give it to someone else. If I want to get serious and make the kind of money I know I can, I will need to make some changes.

I am going to do my research and see what options are available. FC may be the best option.


Oct 9, 2006
My phones should be picked up by FC today! You can quit the service with a 30 day notice if your not happy with the way it works for you.
I think FC is going to free us up to work on getting even more calls for FC to answer.

Have you listened to the examples? Talked to the girls? They have been on trucks, they know the lingo, they solve objections, they can upsell, they end non job calls quickly and have you added to the no call list. No way could a typical answering service can do what they do.


Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
A 30 day notice???????? If you are unhappy then to me the only viable option would be to leave the moment you decide they stop taking the calls, not 30 days later! Or did you mean you have to pay them for another 30 days but they stop immediately?

It is probably negotiable as to the amount of "severance".



Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I don't think I ever had a 10 minute call. Rarely it is more than 2 or 3 mniutes. If it needed that much interaction I would drive out and sell it up.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I don't know of a 30 day wait. If I cancel...I cancel now and pay what I've used. Ok, but I'm not sure.

You won't pay $1000 to $1200 for 80 jobs per month. I don't pay that and half of my customers are new.

Remember, you can always use FC as a voicemail as well. If you answer your phone...great. If not, it goes to FC and NOT to a recorded message.
That's the perfect solution when you are on a job or at an event etc.

It may not be for everyone...but I believe everyone who is interested in getting more work will benefit from it. While you are working to get more jobs, FC is there to answer them when they call. Of course they are there to answer the other calls WHILE you are getting more work too.
Sep 7, 2008
Al said:
My phones should be picked up by FC today! You can quit the service with a 30 day notice if your not happy with the way it works for you.
I think FC is going to free us up to work on getting even more calls for FC to answer.

Have you listened to the examples? Talked to the girls? They have been on trucks, they know the lingo, they solve objections, they can upsell, they end non job calls quickly and have you added to the no call list. No way could a typical answering service can do what they do.


No I haven't. I am just being hard headed on this. If what Brian says is true, then this may be a great deal. I have so much work right now that focusing on new customers is not really an option until I get some more help. I visited the site and none of the example links work on my computer. I may think different if I could check the site out. If I sign up for the service I would like to do around 80-90 jobs per month with a 300 average. My averages is going up constantly because I am focusing more on tile work. Two small tile jobs clean and color seal today for 800 gross and one 8x10 to clean this evening at 250. I can make these numbers work seeing as I work from home, everything is paid for, and the cost of living here is pretty cheap. If I moved out of the city it would be real cheap. I could never hack apartments out at 50 bucks a pop. That is just not for me. I also realize I need killer phone support. I am willing to pay a premium to ensure I don't miss calls. Every new customer for me usually turns into multiple jobs. Damn I can't believe I just turned a 180.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Mikey P said:
A good owner operator shouldn't have the time to answer his own phones on most days.

Lets do the math:

Most guys here claim that they close almost 100% of their calls.
And that most calls average 1-3 minutes.
So if you close most calls, all you need to do is to answer 5 calls a day and you'll be booked from now to eternity!

5x3= 15 minutes at the most (possibly 5 minutes for the olympic/champion closers.)

So why wouldn't a good owner operator not take the time and treat their clients with the personal touch of talking with the Masta?

Makes no sense.

Now if you are Ken or one of the multiple truck operators it may make sense. But they have a completely different business model. And what works for them, is not necessarily what's right for us. Why, as an owner operator who can give much better and more personalized service to my clients (or at least aspire to) want to do what Ken does. That is where I have an advantage. I can take my time, I can talk longer with the client.....

And the two medium size operators that I know here, which are exceptionally successful- will never NEVER! let anybody but themselves or the person that they personally trained answer the phones.

Why would you farm out the most important position in your company (yes, because if they don't sound right when the new client calls you will never- Click - get a second chance.)

Boggles the mind!

But hey, they need to make a living too.

So, go ahead- Support the economy.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
kolfer1 said:
Mikey P said:
A good owner operator shouldn't have the time to answer his own phones on most days.

Lets do the math:

Most guys here claim that they close almost 100% of their calls.
And that most calls average 1-3 minutes.
So if you close most calls, all you need to do is to answer 5 calls a day and you'll be booked from now to eternity!

5x3= 15 minutes at the most (possibly 5 minutes for the olympic/champion closers.)

So why wouldn't a good owner operator not take the time and treat their clients with the personal touch of talking with the Masta?

Makes no sense.

Now if you are Ken or one of the multiple truck operators it may make sense. But they have a completely different business model. And what works for them, is not necessarily what's right for us. Why, as an owner operator who can give much better and more personalized service to my clients (or at least aspire to) want to do what Ken does. That is where I have an advantage. I can take my time, I can talk longer with the client.....

And the two medium size operators that I know here, which are exceptionally successful- will never NEVER! let anybody but themselves or the person that they personally trained answer the phones.

Why would you farm out the most important position in your company (yes, because if they don't sound right when the new client calls you will never- Click - get a second chance.)

Boggles the mind!

But hey, they need to make a living too.

So, go ahead- Support the economy.

This is my opinion.

I have had my long share of missed's how...operating equipment with decibels higher than my cell phone ring tones or able to sense the vibration when moving equipment around, pre inspection with client walk thru phone rings(can't pick up, goes to VM, call back they went w/ someone else already), no service in basements or new developments, dead signal areas while driving, I can go on and on.

I'm not with FC, but you can train them to your needs and do things most o/o cannot do, people especially women feel more at ease when a woman answers the phone, women are better at sales since they know how to "talk" to other women.

For every missed call us o/o get due to being busy(forgot about being on the phone while another client calls), is $$$ we are losing that will pay for either FC or any other answering service 10 fold. Now if the O/O is not doing the work, and has time to do sales/phones, than that's another story.

Most big companies like Ken's are not FC's clients. Tiger Direct regional office in Miami, Fl has a section of it's building that is strictly call center, they have over 100 employees on the phones doing sales and customer service. A much smaller company in our industry, Dry Concepts in Fl has 6-10 CSR on staff, again this is not your average o/o, and they need the staff to be in house to have full control.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Daniel...I think like you said, the ony way to know is to try it out. The numbers work better than an employee numbers and I think they would probably be a better service than that $150.00 a month deal.
Super nice and knowledgeable girls..they get to know your company.
When the customer hears a friendly voice and is serious about getting a's sold.

Let us know what you think. I'm a firm believer in companies helping companies...if one does great work for me, I'll let everyone know...same if they don't do great work.

Give it a month and then let us know.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I see alot of missed calls on my phone and I hadn't heard them.
My phone number is to the office and if they need more assistance they are prompted and sometimes I am unavailable. They are also asked to email through the website. I have an unlisted number so if they called me they got it from somewhere so are willing to wait

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Greg- I'm trying to get my head around why you have an unlisted number. Is it because it is your personal number and not a bus number? Phone lines are really cheap now and you could prob get one for less than $150 a year total with vmail.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I love what FC does for my piece of mind and free time.

No coming home to a long list of calls my wife could not get back to. No worries when I'm days away from a cell tower.

With Google, Yelp and my Girls, our schedule just magically fills itself...


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I am trying to contain the flow of business. If I had a listed number I would have to answer alot moire calls. I trying not to grow to fast. My brother did that in the past and he is broke. I don't want to borrow or take from my peronal savings to grow and if I was inundated I may get complaints of either failing to service quickly or just not returning all calls. I like to control the product. I have several phone lines just choose not to publish and it is a kind of marketing tool for me.

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