Cheap Asses!


Apr 14, 2012
I swear my area is full of cheap asses and the type that think the quality company should match the crap companies prices? Tampa is riddled with this I swear! I get 1 out 10 that understand quality and value vs cheap prices don't equal quality service or equipment! Is any of your guys areas feel the same also? Or is it a Florida thing?

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
You rant about cheep asses, then you advertise as a price merchant with $99 specials.

You reep what you sow.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
I agree you are cheap with your prices and as David said, you attract those price shoppers. Try raising your prices and offer more value with your service.


Feb 7, 2007
Howard Beach NY
Big Hoss
I use the same format, I use low prices to attract and keep customers. I go and do my volume work. I know they are price based customers so I dont let it get to me, I charge top dollar for commercial jobs and area rug off site cleaning.


Jun 17, 2012
Tampa Florida
I agree,raise your prices and stop playing the $99 game. Add some value. Wait your in my market. keep doing what your doing. :)
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Jtuseo said:
I use the same format, I use low prices to attract and keep customers. I go and do my volume work. I know they are price based customers so I dont let it get to me, I charge top dollar for commercial jobs and area rug off site cleaning.

I'm just curious if you are getting top dollar for commercial and rugs, why not charge top dollar for carpet cleaning. Why do 5 jobs a day when you can do 3.. work smarter not harder is what I was taught.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
From my experience.

Commercial is a lot more likely to low ball and pit one cleaner against an other, than Residential.

Residential clients often put value choices (reviews, referrals from friends,years of service, being well spoken, etc..) much higher of a criteria to choose a company than price.

Resi can be the easy pickings.

One tip is to create a unique USP to help to take price off the table.

Then the other cleaners in your area can play the price shopping wars.

YOU on the other hand, won't have to participate.


Oct 19, 2006
Your website makes it too easy for price shoppers to call you with questions. On the home page you have a pic of yourself and your van (doors could be open and you standing, or just you standing next to the van), a pic of your family on the grass (which I don't think relates to a customer wanting carpet cleaning), and then a large banner for the $99 deals.

You also talk about the equipment and what it does for you instead of how it will help the customer. Your coupon talks about deep cleaning but your website does not explain what that really is. And if you really wanted people to know that you don't match prices, then say that on your home page. And tell them why you don't match prices.

Here Stan Steem advertises on tv a three room 99.00 special. So that price is well known and probably not looked at as a price that a high quality low-volume company would charge......unless you told them what you do differently and better and how the customer gets more value for their money from you rather than from the other CC'ers in town.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
just advertise HWE...for BERBER carpet.... :idea:

Since NO ONE in Tampa...has the skill to do it.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
1. Forget about what others are charging our claim to be grossing.
2. Charge enough to do a superior job at a reasonable profit.
3 Do a superior Job and respect you customer.
4. Steadily grow your business through referral and repeat business.

I will never understand the companies who endlessly have to churn new customers. I see this on both extremes of the pricing scale. Find a place where there is profit and your customer see the value of your work and you are gold.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Those of you that already have a few hundred solid repeat business providing client base, need to think about a realtive newbie that has got to pay the bills and have no money to advertise much.

That guy needs every customer- but it is a struggle to deal with those types of customers that the free or almost free advertising will attract.

That guy needs to make the phone ring just to be able to get gas in the van for the next day and to buy some food for the family or make the rent payment.

That guy can only lower the "advertised" price to make the phone ring and even if he is trying to upsell or explain that "yes, that huge livingroom will be counted as two rooms and the dining room will be an additional room on top of that"- the people that will call, will only want the cheapest deal.

That guy can do the best job and use the best equipment and all the bells and whistles with awesome floor covering to protect floors, and use corner guards around every item in the home, or wear the nicest clothes and wear shoe covers, or give the client's dog a treat (which is in my opinion a huge no-no!! you don't know if the dog has illnesses or allergies that maybe triggered BY YOU!)...

Yet he will feel cheated and feel like he does all that, for nothing- because he cannot charge more for that type of customer. Or should I say consumer....??

CONSUMERs are using the companies without valuing what said company is giving them! Therefore they just consume.. Clients are the ones that value the relationship and the quality perhaps more than the PRICE itself.

So insted of telling the guy "charge more" or "it is YOUR fault" or "you attract those cheap asses" - tell him something that will help him in real life situations- remember the guy needs his phone ring to buy gas for the next day etc...

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
My suggestion is to provide a level of service comensurate to those clients you are marketing to. Not every client/consumer wants a 20 pt cleaning just like the vast majority of people are happy with fast food vs 15$ hamburgers at a fancy restaurant. Develope procedures and systems to make more modest pricing profitable for you or raise your prices to attract a smaller segment willing to pay fof that.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Zee said:
So insted of telling the guy "charge more" or "it is YOUR fault" or "you attract those cheap asses" - tell him something that will help him in real life situations- remember the guy needs his phone ring to buy gas for the next day etc...

It is his fault. (Or the way the website represents him) It's just a fact.

I told him what could help. He needs a USP. So that his company is not just a comodity that can be bought for the lowest price,

As far as the web page. My suggestions would be to: Put the stuff important to PROSPECTS on top of the fold.
How about: your guarantee badge, a client review or two, a free quote button ( It's really a contact us link. But, it really helps with client conversion)

Get the phone number off the top left and put it a little lower right. Deleted the paragraph saying you are the best. (That is a worthless statement. Every cleaner says they are the best)

The page is too text heavy and the only thing that really stands out is the $99 special.
So, that is what it draws.

That's fine if that is what you want. If not then let your USP and client reviews draw clients that may be better for your business.

If your USP is family owned. Perhaps a top of fold client review saying, "I really enjoy having a family owned company clean my home." or 'They didn't rush the job and really cared more than the franchise cleaner I used to use."

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Great post ZEE...!

I made a post last night...BUT I don't see it in the thread... :?: it is again..


Your prices a right in line for your area..
The site is FINE..!

Here is MY suggestion...

1. Because you need the phone to ring...DROP the 3 room deal...$89.00
2. Offer a 2 room special for $69.95.."max 250 sq ft"....
3. Then charge .25 to .35 sqft....for all additional areas... :idea:
4. This will get your foot in the door...&...offer an EXACT estimate for other areas.
5. Explain over the phone..That there is NO charge or obligation for the Estimate.

This type of booking....will allow you to show off your skills "UP-FRONT" in the 2 room deal.
If the client is impressed..? They will want to add on areas."WHILE YOU ARE THERE".
If they want to re-schedule other rooms..? Let them know that your minimum charge is $69.95.
This will encourage them to do BR path areas NOW...!

Mike is in a very competitive area...LOTS of $6.95 a room B&S guys... would the real rob allen please stand up?
We are only 20 minutes away...and our minimum is $125.00...and .45 to .75 sqft... :idea:
But we have been in BIZ for 35 years..."make's a big difference"

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Royal Man said:
Zee said:
So insted of telling the guy "charge more" or "it is YOUR fault" or "you attract those cheap asses" - tell him something that will help him in real life situations- remember the guy needs his phone ring to buy gas for the next day etc...

It is his fault. (Or the way the website represents him) It's just a fact.

I told him what could help. He needs a USP. So that his company is not just a comodity that can be bought for the lowest price,

As far as the web page. My suggestions would be to: Put the stuff important to PROSPECTS on top of the fold.
How about: your guarantee badge, a client review or two, a free quote button ( It's really a contact us link. But, it really helps with client conversion)

Get the phone number off the top left and put it a little lower right. Deleted the paragraph saying you are the best. (That is a worthless statement. Every cleaner says they are the best)

The page is too text heavy and the only thing that really stands out is the $99 special.
So, that is what it draws.

That's fine if that is what you want. If not then let your USP and client reviews draw clients that may be better for your business.

If your USP is family owned. Perhaps a top od fold client review saying, "I really enjoy having a family owned company clean my home." or 'They didn't rush the job and really cared more than the franchise cleaner I used to use."


He is NOT looking to dOwnSiZe his company from 6 trucks to 1 Truck.... yes, I really clean up pet shit for a living Dad..

He is trying to keep 1 truck BUSY... :idea:

He has a family..!
He doesn't have 20 years to PERFECT.....your oBvIoUs "FAILED BUSINESS PLAN".... KMA!


HARPER said:
Royal Man said:
Zee said:
So insted of telling the guy "charge more" or "it is YOUR fault" or "you attract those cheap asses" - tell him something that will help him in real life situations- remember the guy needs his phone ring to buy gas for the next day etc...

It is his fault. (Or the way the website represents him) It's just a fact.

I told him what could help. He needs a USP. So that his company is not just a comodity that can be bought for the lowest price,

As far as the web page. My suggestions would be to: Put the stuff important to PROSPECTS on top of the fold.
How about: your guarantee badge, a client review or two, a free quote button ( It's really a contact us link. But, it really helps with client conversion)

Get the phone number off the top left and put it a little lower right. Deleted the paragraph saying you are the best. (That is a worthless statement. Every cleaner says they are the best)

The page is too text heavy and the only thing that really stands out is the $99 special.
So, that is what it draws.

That's fine if that is what you want. If not then let your USP and client reviews draw clients that may be better for your business.

If your USP is family owned. Perhaps a top od fold client review saying, "I really enjoy having a family owned company clean my home." or 'They didn't rush the job and really cared more than the franchise cleaner I used to use."


He is NOT looking to dOwnSiZe his company from 6 trucks to 1 Truck.... yes, I really clean up pet shit for a living Dad..

He is trying to keep 1 truck BUSY... :idea:

He has a family..!
He doesn't have 20 years to PERFECT.....your oBvIoUs "FAILED BUSINESS PLAN".... KMA!

Welcome back HARPER!!

Love ya man !


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Commercial is a lot more likely to low ball and pit one cleaner against an other, than Residential.

It may be me but this is one of the dumbest comments ever. Mind you it may be because the area I live but I find my commercial customers and condo developments, apartment buildings, law offices, Dr.s Dentists etc look more towards continued quality over cheap pricing. I could be wrong but there is a reason why they are done monthly, weekly, biweekly etc. It is because they are invested in the quality of their operations and appreciate the quality provided. Maybe Dave lacks the quality and hasn't seen the responses I get from my commercial clients


Feb 7, 2007
Howard Beach NY
Big Hoss
In my area commercial pays much more and cleans much more frequently. To be honest I rather give a low price good job to residential customers. A typical two room job in my area is under 300 square feet of actual cleaning. That is both rooms combinded. I get between $79-$120 for that. My area is the greater NYC area. The rest of you guys will never ever expirence this type of business animal. Here low price wins. You have to make it up with volume. I am not on the truck everyday anymore. I do 1 job a day. I have my tech do 3 jobs a day. He makes $80 plus tips on average. He starts at 9Am and is home by 3pm. He also gets a 50% commission on all upsells. I stay on call everyday for water damage jobs that I get 1 or 2 per week on average.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
John, I have no idea how you and yout tech eat with those prices and the cost of living in NYC.


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
I agree with dave 100% (I never thought I would say that about dave) Jk, dave.

So this woman I know was complaining that every guy she met just wanted sex. Well I looked at her and saw she was wearing a short skirt, with high heels, a sheer top with a bright colored bra and much of her chest exposed to boot. Also she had bright red nails and bright red lipstick. You get the image right?

So I told her she was getting what she was advertising. She was dressing very sexy and getting men that wanted sex.

Marketing is the same. You get what you project your looking for. We are very blessed that I found some very talented people that created a company image that most customers that call us expect to pay for the type of service we offer. I probably get less calls than other companies but our conversion rate is super high when they call.

If you want customers that want a quality service then promote the quality of work you do. If you want customers that are price shoppers then highlight your price.

I realize you have to do what your doing to keep busy and put food on the table, the only problem is that if you never make at least small changes to what your doing it will never change.

One tip for you though. Offer additional stuff for the price rather than drop the price.

I know a guy that runs a pizza restaurant and he does lots of bogo deals. Buy a large get a medium for free. He used to offer $4 off coupons. This is his reasoning. If the customer was buying a $20 pizza and they used the $4 coupon then they would spend $16. But if they used a bogo coupon then they would spend $20 and the extra pizza only cost about $3 extra to make.

Figure out a way you can give extra services or even extra rooms away before you lower the price. Cleaning an extra room doesn't cost you much but having a lower minimum would.


Jan 1, 2012
Knoxville, TN
Ken Snow said:
My suggestion is to provide a level of service comensurate to those clients you are marketing to. Not every client/consumer wants a 20 pt cleaning just like the vast majority of people are happy with fast food vs 15$ hamburgers at a fancy restaurant. Develope procedures and systems to make more modest pricing profitable for you or raise your prices to attract a smaller segment willing to pay fof that.
I agree. I see a lot of guys with Package deals. I have been thinking of doing something similar, right now we just have our room rate and then obviously the post treatments.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
welcome to the life of a floor cleaner, I came to grips with the fact that I should have become an attorney or a doctor. Hell maybe even an electrician or a plumber. If you are out to get rich you chose the wrong career path :lol:


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
There is always someone who will do it - whatever it is - for cheaper. $99 is what we charge for 3 rooms, we don't lower prices for anyone, and those who see our ads and call asking for a discount on top of a coupon just get disappointed....period. Those are, in fact, the worst to deal with, even if they do book a job they are not happy, or want you to do something for free just for the pleasure of allowing you to work for them.

Lots of people out there willing to pay top dollar to have the "best" do work for them, but that can be a slow road, jobs few and far between, and those kind of people usually have lots of really heavy furniture.

You need to decide what it is you want to do. Either provide the best value with great prices, be very efficient, and do lots of jobs or go the route of going out and doing estimates, demos, and selling the top-dollar cleaning experience. You can't really do both. Your marketing is appealing to the bargain hunter, so price shoppers will be a part of that type of business.

In the case of a new business needing customers in a hurry, a Groupon type deal might not be the worst move you can make. You can get a bunch of quick jobs, which will get your name out there, lead to add-ons and referrals. But you will have to sell to make it work. Many of those types of customers aren't great to deal with either, but right now you have to be out there, doing something.


Feb 7, 2007
Howard Beach NY
Big Hoss
How I live goes like this , my tech does 3 or 4 jobs 6 days per week. I do 1 or 2 water damage jobs per week. Thats the format.


Apr 14, 2012
Thanks for the beating guys. I only added that special to try and capture some clients. My area is really a tough one in regards to getting top dollar for quality services which I do provide. I do get some here and there but, most of the calls or inquiry's here are so price driven it's not funny. Not just online type calls, referrals, walk ups, etc... I do know what you mean and understand the concepts no doubt. My best friend lives in So Cal and runs a company just like all of ours. He gets top dollar and is swamped. But his market is so much better! And he also has a huge clientele base from 14 years. I'm in my 2nd.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Tampa is a huge market, i find it hard to believe you cant find 1000-2000 customers at your price point.

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
mcatt said:
Thanks for the beating guys. I only added that special to try and capture some clients. My area is really a tough one in regards to getting top dollar for quality services which I do provide. I do get some here and there but, most of the calls or inquiry's here are so price driven it's not funny. Not just online type calls, referrals, walk ups, etc... I do know what you mean and understand the concepts no doubt. My best friend lives in So Cal and runs a company just like all of ours. He gets top dollar and is swamped. But his market is so much better! And he also has a huge clientele base from 14 years. I'm in my 2nd.

We have been in the Tampa market for the last 3 years. i will agree with your statement that it's hard to get top $ in Tampa. It is very poor! The people that aren't poor are primarily senior citizens ( traditionalists that grew up during the depression). Of course they are price shopping as it is in their nature. Futhermore: You are advertising as a price based operation (as everyone here has said).
Your complaining about people wanting to hash it out about price would be like my complaining that some customers complain about our charging extra for heavily soiled areas. IT'S PART OF MY BUSINESS MODEL. If you dont like your business model, change it!

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