Chemophobic Customers

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
How do you feel about customers who ask you these sorts of questions:

1. Will your chemicals hurt my children, pets or plants? (notice they rarely ask if it will hurt their husbands...but that's another story)

2. I have allergies. What's in your chemicals I might be allergic to them?

3. I am chemically sensitive. Will your products bother me?

4. The last guy used stuff that stunk terribly. Am I going to have to leave the house?

What I can't put into words as well is what degree of "crazy" you think you are hearing, versus a legitimate concern based on past bad experiences.

Share your thoughts please.
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Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
My first reaction is to run. I figure she's crazy. In fact, I am going out on a reservice today for just such a customer. We always have to go back for some reason. Been cleaning for this lady for years and every time she calls we groan.

Last loony I had gave me a sample box of all kinds of non-allergenic laundry and other soaps.

However, once I developed asthma and other issues related to this industry, I have much more patience with these kind of customers.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Thank you Marty. This is the feedback that I'm looking for.

The nut jobs are scary, and make you want to have a competitor's number handy.

But there are people with legitimate concerns that we want to help and reassure.

Its a fine line, and I'm curious how you, and others, handle it.
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Pat Muller

Dec 23, 2013
Pat Muller
Hi Jim,

We have had remarkable input from cleaners that are using Express Lane 2.0 for customers that have sensitivities to other cleaning products.

Yes there are consumers that are a little weirder than they are sensitive but I think even they would like 2.0

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
Send them to your favorite competitor!

You have to have patience, instinct and above all common sense. Which some have but most don't.
Bio Cleans MSDS states it is an irritant?
I always ask what they use to clean with laundry house ect. and go forward from there. Also have them wash their hands with the product if they are really concerned and see if they first off will and then how they react.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
My first reaction is to run. I figure she's crazy. In fact, I am going out on a reservice today for just such a customer. We always have to go back for some reason. Been cleaning for this lady for years and every time she calls we groan.

I'm curious about why you continue to deal with someone like that? I find myself too busy to work for chronic complainers, and I don't mind letting them go, regardless of how much money or influence they have.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
believe it or not, the most common phrase among the concerned in California was (is).... "Do you use chemicals"..

I never did find the perfect quick quip for that one as it's so easy to offend idiots...

I suppose the best retort would be to ask them what they use in their laundry and or dishwasher.

I know I've used "Well, my wife and I have been vegetarians for since we were young teens, our kids their whole lives and none of use have grown horns or third eyes due to the exposure we have to our very safe cleaning solutions. Which by the way have all the bunnies, baby seals and safe for your kitties symbols on the labels. Would you like me to send you an MSDS sheet?"

only a few have, the rest move on to the next question of how much or how long to dry.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I'm curious about why you continue to deal with someone like that? I find myself too busy to work for chronic complainers, and I don't mind letting them go, regardless of how much money or influence they have.

I, like Marty I'm guessing, actually enjoy working for difficult people.

Its the only challenge super internet cleaners like us are faced with at this point in our careers

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
I know I've used "Well, my wife and I have been vegetarians for since we were young teens, our kids their whole lives and none of use have grown horns or third eyes due to the exposure we have to our very safe cleaning solutions. Which by the way have all the bunnies, baby seals and safe for your kitties symbols on the labels. Would you like me to send you an MSDS sheet?"

Mikey....using yoursef as an example of normalcy is an action of futility....:lol:
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Aug 11, 2012
i had a looney in an apartment hallway ask me if i was using chemicals because she was allergic. i WAS nuking it and told her to keep her door closed and she will be fine.
the non looneys just need a little reassurance that you arent going to nuke it. i just tell them i use a mild detergent (sounds better than chemical, i also use the word product instead of chemical) and only use strong products where needed and those will be rinsed away when im done.

if they legitimately have issues i take note and try to meet their concerns.

ive had customers want me to use products they had at home too. i just refuse to do that. i cant recall losing any work because of that. i explain that i use products i know work and that are safe because i use them a lot. they are usually the looneys though too.
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bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
i always had the little old black ladies that what shove a box of Tide at me and say ...."throw some of this in yor jug"......:icon_rolleyes:
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Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
when i have customers like that i literally take the container of xxxx into their house and let them read the label. and i explain that its made for truck mounted equipment and that we use it per the directions. I also explain that i wont use anything on their house i wouldn't use on my own with my pets and wife there. then i explain that i use these safer products because i have to be around them every day, and that i have the same concerns as they do and thats why i've selected the products that i have. Safer, better, no harsh solvents, etc, and i can leave their house that nearly neutral smell they like and associate with clean.

Pat Muller

Dec 23, 2013
Pat Muller
For the 28 years that I cleaned, I had many of the same questions "do you use chemicals"
I learned to ask a question back to get the true meaning of their question. I asked them "I am interested to find out what you mean when you say chemicals"
Usually they ask this type of question because they don't really know exactly what to ask, but by asking this question back to them I was able to get to the real concern.
I reassured them that I am using cleaning products that are environmentally friendly as well as bio-degradable.

I also educated them a little on the term "chemical" because if you look at the true definition, water is a chemical.

There is a group of people out there that I have always called the 2% club. 2% of the customers that you work for are a little dare I say Crazy?
You can usually pick them out quickly. They are not sensitive to chemicals or odors but inside their mind it is very important.

I had a customer demand that I clean her carpets with just water as she was so hyper sensitive to any odor that she told me she was breaking out standing near me due to the fact I was wearing deodorant.
When I showed up at the appointed time she did not answer the door. I called her cell # and she apologized and said she was in the back of the house and didn't hear the door.
When she showed up at the door she had a paint roller in her hand and said she was painting the back room. Hmmmmmm hyper sensitive to odors or the chairman of the 2% club??

Kellie Hiler

Nov 8, 2015
Kellie Hiler
We are always able to convince them our products are safe and have never had a any issues.
We did however once have this woman who's neighbor had sprayed their yard with some kind of weed killer and apparently she went nuts on him. She had to close her house up and even went to the hospital for fear of a reaction because she was nauseated. She claimed that the smell was so strong in her home she could still smell it weeks later. We went over to check it out, and walked in and smelled absolutely nothing. She had scrubbed her house down with vinegar, and I mean it was freakin spotless. She asked us if we thought she was just imagining it, and I gently told her that its possible it was psychological due to her having been traumatized over it. (I don't normally say that to a customer but she was quite receptive to the possibility).
Her mother was looking at us with that "she's crazy" look!
We told her that there really was no smell and tried to tell her some ways to handle it without spending money as she was financially strapped.
She insisted that we clean all of her upholstery and carpets to get rid of the smell, and of course was very concerned about about what we would use. She didn't care if it had a smell, she just wanted to make sure it was green. So we used Benefect.
She was very happy, but then called us back about two weeks later and said she could still smell the yard spray! I told her there was absolutely nothing we could do at that point and maybe her neighbor re-sprayed his yard or something. (I feel sorry for her neighbors)!

Smells never bothered me before and I had no compassion for people who were overly sensitive to them, however in the last year or two I have become sensitive to certain smells....karma I guess! So I do try to be more understanding as I now know it is a real thing.
I am considering checking out this Procyon for that reason.


Supportive Member
Feb 4, 2012
Jurupa Valley, CA - So. Calif.
Barry Rhoads
I tell them:

"in over 22 years of cleaning I've never had anyone complain after I've cleaned. We don't use harsh chemicals but there are 'ingredients" in the water based cleaner we use that help to emulsify the sticky dirt on the carpet fibers so I can remove them. I clean my own home with this same stuff and I feel totally safe with my pets and my grandkids crawling around on carpet I've cleaned. That being said some people are allergic to PLAIN water so I can't guarantee anything."

Then I shut up and just look at them. Never had any one at that point say anything but continue on cleaning.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
We've made lifetime customers out of sensitive people. It's not that hard. Just show you share their concern and use safe, low odor products like Procyon. Get it dry quickly. You will be referred.
Steve nailed it.

First, unlike some posters here think, most of them are not "crazy" they are just concerned.
  1. Just think about what it is that you're concerned about in your life (business etc.).
  2. Treat them and explain regarding their concern, just like you'd like to be informed about yours.
  3. Send an SDS link.
You'd be surprised that most will be fine.

However: Have your antennas out and working. In other words, damn it: listen!
If they are crazy. Decline.
Politely, Damn it. Be diplomatic for heaven sake. They lied when they told you always to be honest. White lies are good!

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
When she showed up at the door she had a paint roller in her hand and said she was painting the back room. Hmmmmmm hyper sensitive to odors or the chairman of the 2% club??

I don't want to derail my own thread, but I had a lady lecture me about her body being at temple, her strict diet, and her concerns about our cleaning products. She then said the whole discussion was upsetting her so much that she needed a smoke, and lit one up right there....

I was speechless (an unusual experience for me, as those who know me even casually might guess!)


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
It pains me to derail your thread too, Jim.
But why the hell should we treat St. Jim differently than the rest of MB? After all, aren't you part of the family?
And wait till Richard get hold of this thread.

I had a colleague that did this great "green" cleaning, come and demonstrate. He used a Swiss portable steam machine with a towel. If it was not semi tragic, it would have been funny. He was telling us that he uses these special stones for laundry that does such an awesome job that detergent was not necessary. A quick look at his clothes persuaded me and the stick with our laundry detergent :winky:

Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
It pains me to derail your thread too, Jim.
But why the hell should we treat St. Jim differently than the rest of MB? After all, aren't you part of the family?
And wait till Richard get hold of this thread.

I had a colleague that did this great "green" cleaning, come and demonstrate. He used a Swiss portable steam machine with a towel. If it was not semi tragic, it would have been funny. He was telling us that he uses these special stones for laundry that does such an awesome job that detergent was not necessary. A quick look at his clothes persuaded me and the stick with our laundry detergent :winky:

So your saying express traffic lane cleaner 2.0 works great! awesome!!

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
No one would confuse me with a saint Ofer. And since St James was beheaded, I am all the happier for the distinction.

Otherwise, I deeply appreciate your comments about the difference between those who have an unrealistic need to avoid any cleaning agents whatsoever as opposed to those who prefer less odor, less residue, and are reassured when you can talk to them from informed authority, but tempered by respect and understanding for their concerns.
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Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Green Balance products from Bridgepoint for "Green" needs; Cleanfree (also a BP product) for people who want "no scent/no foam/no surfactant. I also like Chemspec One Clean ZF, which is the offspring of Sapphire Versaclean, not the original Chemspec One Clean.

I'm testing Express Lane 2.0 now.

My question here was more about the conversation with the customer and the relationship we build, not the juice and powder I sell though.
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Scott S.

Supportive Member
Feb 3, 2008
ive tried nearly all of those products. i like most of them. but carry clean free and express lane 2.0 i used to use versa clean great product also.


Oct 7, 2006
Jerry Cooper
We use products... Not chems.

I've found that just explaining the process(pre treating & rinsing) of cleaning helps them understand. If Mrs Smith knows everything we use is rinsed out, issue solved. If she's really concerned - Mrs Smith we can rinse your carpet with just water if you would like.

Doesn't bother me one bit people concerned about their indoor environment. They should be concerned. Look at all the goofs encapping residential carpets now.

Brian H

Dec 14, 2006
Detroit Michigan area
Brian H
I don't want to derail my own thread, but I had a lady lecture me about her body being at temple, her strict diet, and her concerns about our cleaning products. She then said the whole discussion was upsetting her so much that she needed a smoke, and lit one up right there....

I have had that similar situation happen more than once. Worried about the "toxic" chemicals we use in the home all yet they smoke. :oldrolleyes:

Many years ago asked someone with the EPA about our waste water and what he thought about what we were dumping down the drain. His feelings were that the most harmful things we are dumping actually came from the customer's carpet. Sometimes I will use that as an explanation as to why we don't clean with just water.

We also will use other products for people who have odor sensitivity. And sometimes we just use water only.

I totally understand people with chemical sensitivity. Many, many years ago we got a call from a customer who had an exterminator spray an insecticide concentrate instead of a diluted solution in her home. The concentrate was so strong, she ended up in the burn center at U of Michigan with burned nasal cavities. She needed everything in her home cleaned and we were able to take care of the carpets, rugs drapes and furniture. She also had others come out to clean everything else to the point that I couldn't smell anything when i went there. Even given that, she could not tolerate being in there for more than a few minutes because of how badly damaged her sinuses were and eventually had to sell the home. Nice 4 bedroom colonial in an upscale neighborhood. Can you imagine the hit on your insurance?

Sometimes it's not that they are just crazy, sometimes it's a real issue. It's not up to us to figure them out. It's our job to do what they want and get paid.
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