ChemSpec 860's..


Dec 15, 2007
What exactly were the main issues with these units? I know about ACE and issues related to that, but what type of problems were people having with the actual units?
I mean, some well respected folks on the bb's were endorsing them as far as being an excellent unit and a great product, so what happened?


steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
you mean the "one clean brawler" aside from the manufacturer being a crook it seems like I remember them having coupling problems among other things
Oct 7, 2006
Shawn Forsythe
What I saw, was that 99.9% of the good reviews on the product were based on Chemspec's reputation and branding of the name, and had nothing to do with the actual product or the actual manufacturer of the unit.

I took a lot of heat from all sides for issuing caution and warning.


Nov 26, 2007
Ive had several in over the last 5 weeks or so...wiring issues...pump head leaking, various issues with exhaust two alike ! This is actually one machine that I personally think is actually a less quality of product than the genesis 59

Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

We have serviced a lot of Ace TM's over the last few years.

Ace did have some coupler alignment problems with the smaller TM's, but we did not see that on any of the 860s.

We have several customers with 860's that have had very good reliability.

Other than one throttle cable on the Nissan, they have been trouble free for several years. The Nissan is a great engine for a TM.

The 860 uses a metal splined coupler like the automotive design between the engine and manual transmission. I would trust it more than any coupler with rubber elements.

Larry Cobb


Kelly said:
Ive had several in over the last 5 weeks or so...wiring issues...pump head leaking, various issues with exhaust two alike ! This is actually one machine that I personally think is actually a less quality of product than the genesis 59

Kelly.....I was wondering what issues you had with the Genesis 59? But what problems does it have in common with the Genny?


Nov 26, 2007
Ive already posted some of my experiences with the 59s and the genesis machines. The list is longer than what I have time for. All I should say is...Test drive one today and see for yourself.


Dec 15, 2007
I'm just playing with the notion that if one could be obtained for a good enough deal, than it might be worth having it with the intention of investing some refurbishment money into it as at the very least, it's a good platform with top line parts, no?

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
Hi Darek,

Over here, I have had a client return his 860 unit due to the amount of problems he has had with it within 12 months. I have also seen other cleaners have a good run out of them as well. Like you say, if you can pick it up for the right price and you have a capable TM repairer nearby, or your technically minded yourself, why not?!

Kelly said:
This is actually one machine that I personally think is actually a less quality of product than the genesis 59

Lucky we have a resident TM guru here! Nice way to dance around the questions again. Last time you made incorrect statements as well I called you out on them. Twice now!! You claimed you didn’t reply the first time Kelly because you missed the initial post. You seem like an intelligent guy, but what are the chances of YOU missing two threads in a row that is directed at you, unless you didn't want to continue to be called out?? ... ight=kelly

I am still waiting patiently for your responses.

As you can see, your living in the past. You are stating things that aren’t even on the machinery anymore. The quality of the machinery PowerClean puts outs these days is as good as any of the other major manufacturers.

I even called you out about the D-XT Diesel Genesis as well, and you insinuated that it was a low quality machine. You and I both know however, that you haven’t even worked or serviced one. So how can you make your comments when you have never seen one??

Everyone on this board can attest to the quality of our workmanship and installs that we turn out over here. I can choose to distribute ANY other TM over here. But we choose PowerClean because they are also turning out high quality work. We wouldn’t go to all that fancy work on the installs, if we then had to install a junk TM in there would we. It would completely defeat the purpose of doing all that work in the first place. But then again, you have demonstrated to all here on this board that you make comments based on things you haven’t seen, so you probably have got comments on that as well!

I am not saying PowerClean machines are infallible. They aren't! However, just like every other manufacturer does, if there is a problem (like some of the things you raised on your earlier thread), they get fixed, changed or plain done away with.

Kelly said:
All I should say is...Test drive one today and see for yourself.
In my honest opinion Kelly, you should really take your own advice before you give anymore recommendations. Your credibility depends on it.


steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Jim Bethel said:
Hi Darek,

Over here, I have had a client return his 860 unit due to the amount of problems he has had with it within 12 months. I have also seen other cleaners have a good run out of them as well. Like you say, if you can pick it up for the right price and you have a capable TM repairer nearby, or your technically minded yourself, why not?!

Kelly said:
This is actually one machine that I personally think is actually a less quality of product than the genesis 59

Lucky we have a resident TM guru here! Nice way to dance around the questions again. Last time you made incorrect statements as well I called you out on them. Twice now!! You claimed you didn’t reply the first time Kelly because you missed the initial post. You seem like an intelligent guy, but what are the chances of YOU missing two threads in a row that is directed at you, unless you didn't want to continue to be called out?? ... ight=kelly

I am still waiting patiently for your responses.

As you can see, your living in the past. You are stating things that aren’t even on the machinery anymore. The quality of the machinery PowerClean puts outs these days is as good as any of the other major manufacturers.

I even called you out about the D-XT Diesel Genesis as well, and you insinuated that it was a low quality machine. You and I both know however, that you haven’t even worked or serviced one. So how can you make your comments when you have never seen one??

Everyone on this board can attest to the quality of our workmanship and installs that we turn out over here. I can choose to distribute ANY other TM over here. But we choose PowerClean because they are also turning out high quality work. We wouldn’t go to all that fancy work on the installs, if we then had to install a junk TM in there would we. It would completely defeat the purpose of doing all that work in the first place. But then again, you have demonstrated to all here on this board that you make comments based on things you haven’t seen, so you probably have got comments on that as well!

I am not saying PowerClean machines are infallible. They aren't! However, just like every other manufacturer does, if there is a problem (like some of the things you raised on your earlier thread), they get fixed, changed or plain done away with.

Kelly said:
All I should say is...Test drive one today and see for yourself.
In my honest opinion Kelly, you should really take your own advice before you give anymore recommendations. Your credibility depends on it.


JB are you really sure you want kelly to respond to you?? I went back and reread that post kelly wrote about the power clean machines and the funny thing is you agreed with most of his assessments. I knew kelly couldn't contain himself much longer, go ahead kelly let it all out, I would be careful about calling kelly out, you might just be really sorry if you are a supplier or manufacturer

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
steve g said:
I would be careful about calling kelly out, you might just be really sorry if you are a supplier or manufacturer

Hi Steve,

I appreciate your comments. However, I am making my comments as a third party, I am not the manufacturer of the PowerClean TM's. I just supply and service them. I have supplied Prochem, HydraMaster and PowerClean here into Australia over quite a few years. And I will do the same thing when anyone misrepresents anything, be it whether I have an interest in it or not.

I started a thread where Kelly jumped into it and made a comment about a machine he clearly knew nothing about. What about if I were to make a statement about your cleaning ability and said that you were a hack? Now I don't know you at all Steve and have never met you, so if I made that comment, I would be a fool because I don't know anything about you - correct? (don't worry Steve, I am not calling you a hack, I was just using that as an analogy)

That is what Kelly done. I am not doubting he has worked on PowerClean machines and other brands as well. Have I agreed with him? Sure! He brings up some valid points, and some points that are completely inaccurate.

However, my main point is, he is basing his opinions on outdated things. I highlighted that everything he brought up as an issue in his opinion, isn't what it seems and is no longer a concern.

I am not here to make enemy's with you Steve, or Kelly for that matter. I haven't met either of you, and I am sure your both top blokes. However, I will call anyone out when I see someone slandering something that I know from personal experience isn't the truth.

Therefore I have no problem calling Kelly out on this matter! Everyone is entitled to an opinion, Kelly said I stated mine! :)


p.s. Sorry for hijacking your thread Darek. Someone else please answer about the 860 also.

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
How come I perfectly understand a Aussie but can't understand a Englishman when they talk? :roll:


Dec 15, 2007
So, anyone have any good info on what should be "payed special" attention to when one is looking at one of these units?
Any updates that should or could have been made? Any specific signs of past or pending problems besides the obvious that applies to all units?

So where did ACE come from? Did they take over another design or were these units there creation from scratch?


Nov 26, 2007
Check the thread you sent me jim I think I covered quite a bit of why the genesis or power clean in general isnt my first choice of machines. Taking for granted that I too used to sell and service complaints and observations are actually based on servicing them and selling them and installing them. My observations are also based on comparisons over a long period of time to other types of machinery out there. And as a certified power clean mechanic....I wouldnt own one. Also my opinions on machinery are based on my past experience of over 25 years of professionally fixing automobiles, so im pretty sure I know a peice of crap when im looking at it.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
JB no offense taken I have a pretty thick skin, anyways I actually liked powerclean units, and if I was to buy a new machine I was strongly considering them, the freedom XT in particular. I know kelly pretty well and didn't realize he felt like that about these machines, so I don't think he has an axe to grind. I like the fact powerclean thinks about having to repair and service the machine as everything looks very easy to fix and well thought out, however now that kelly has pointed out a few things, some of the components look like they are a little cheap and low quality aside from the motor, pump blower etc.

Tony Neville

Oct 18, 2006
Columbia MO
Tony Neville
The problems that we had with the 860 all the wires were Over crimped which caused them to break, the lid on the waste tank had issues with the gasket material, the coupler did fail and need to be realigned the water box lid leaked and put a lot of humidity in to the van causing the roof of that van to rust after 2 years of use. we got rid of it at around 600 hours because we thought it was getting ready to fail.


the diverter valve never worked quite right either

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
Kelly said:
Check the thread you sent me jim I think I covered quite a bit

I know. I broke your comments down for you and replied. Of the things you complained about, all of them have been changed for a little while now and have been rectified. Some of your points can and happen to anyone in manufacturing no matter what it is, one of the points was you saying you know better than Dresser Roots and another point you made was completely inaccurate.

So your making issues about things that aren't even relevant anymore.

If you want to hear our complete history within this industry as well, I would be more than happy to explain it to you Kelly. But I will just give you a quick snap shot of the knowledge we have in house.
- Started and owned the largest privately owned carpet cleaning business in Australia for 26 years (this is just out our head office location - not our distributors either)
- Started and owned the largest cleaning supply shop in Australia
- In house here there is a collective industry experience totalling more than 135 years.
- We are very experienced and have built and designed TM's over the years that have used positive displacement blowers, tweaked superchargers and also liquid rings (I am not sure if you have heard or seen these, but they maintain about 22-25" Hg).
- Consult to major (other than PowerClean) manufacturers on TM modifications and designs over the past 12 years.

I don't state these facts Kelly to impress you. I am stating these facts to demonstrate to you that we have a vast knowledge about our industry and the we know what we are talking about.

If I am to understand your comments and your train of thought correctly, am I to conclude that if someone manufacturers something that is sub par at one time, that from that point on, everything they manufacture is sub par?

So, if you give poor customer service to one of your customers once, that means that every customer that walks into your shop will also receive poor customer service also?

I purchased a V8 Ford XR8 sports saloon over here a few years ago, it had all sorts of issues and was in the repair shop regularly enough to be a annoying. However, times change and they rectified the problems in the new model. However if I were tell tell my mates over here never to buy one because of the issues I had with my earlier, then they find out that new Ford XR8 model doesn't have them issues anymore, I look like a bit of a tool for giving the wrong info. My info was relevant at one stage, but not anymore.

I was talking about a new PowerClean TM, one that you haven't seen, and one that is completely unlike anything they have produced before, and then you negatively comment on it, without seeing it! You assume your correct going on what you have seen on older model machines. Even the existing machines leaving the factory nowadays have got what you talked about rectified. So you made and assumption yet again. :roll:


p.s. Steve, I know you have pretty thick skin. I have frequented the forums for many years also. 8) Thanks for your reply as well.

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