Papa John
Lifetime Supportive Member
You really don't get it, do you?
I'm starting to suspect either denial or self inflicted institutional perception deficiency (IPD)
You can load them with every gadget ever invented, script every word that comes out of their mouth, systematize the living day light out of their 27 moments of truth and it won't make that much difference.
yeah but the decision maker/Gate keeper might not every see the Swing.... they are making the decisions from behind a desk and just looking at the numbers....
That's why LMC was invented was able to take hold.
When I took a seminar on selling to the government and then met with my area's Government Buyer-- she said "PRICE" is the number 1 decider. but she did say that there are some tenants who rent out space from the govt and they didn't have their hands by this "price" limitation.