CleanStreak video... Is it too long...?

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Marty said:
I too have been worried about the connection to heart attacks from using Clean Streak.

Word is that he either felt so confident with CleanStreak in his arsenal, that he took on more work than any human could do... or that the difference in results on one particularly tough job was so shocking, that he succumbed to the shock.

I HAVE been thinking of putting a warning to that effect on the labels.

Maybe in the next CleanStreak video, we should have people wear sunglasses while using it... 8)

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
much better Doodaddy

you can still pare down the length a good bit
The text intro can be shortened.

most BD's know how to mix juice in a jug.
Pare that part down (mixing and pre-spraying) to just long enough to get the main text points across.
Dilution rate, cost, easy to dissolve, etc

I'm telling you man, BD's have very short attention spans ...I KNOW that..cause i am one
It's has to be interesting or informative ....we do this chit for a living, that means dirty carpets, mixing juice and pre-spraying ... ain't interesting
You got just about the right amount of wand going across the floor ...that's dramatic .
pare down much of the rest and add main points about the product while wanding


Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Like Larry said, nice job now keep wacking and tweaking~ for example the first 75 seconds could be pared down to about 15-20 with grouping the text into less shots shortening the sequencing periods (no dead black screen). If you do this throughout bet you can get it down to 70-90 seconds total and keep peoples interest better.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Larry, thanks.

I was speaking with a guy this morning about CleanStreak and told him about the 4 to 1 ratio thing. He was clueless about mix rate on his HydroForce, and with good reason. He changed the spray jet "years ago, and I don't know how big it is, but it sprays more now".

"I just put 10 scoops in and it takes about 5 minutes... no, uh, about half that, to spray it empty."

He's not exactly atypical. Carpet care people do like to tinker with their stuff and fine- tune it for their preferences a lot. So, I think that, although the directions do seem "elementary", they also serve as a disclaimer, too.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Ken Snow said:
Like Larry said, nice job now keep wacking and tweaking~ for example the first 75 seconds could be pared down to about 15-20 with grouping the text into less shots shortening the sequencing periods (no dead black screen). If you do this throughout bet you can get it down to 70-90 seconds total and keep peoples interest better.

Thanks, Ken. I tried to keep the reading pace slow, with time to "rest" in between. I showed it to one guy here and he said that he can read... or watch the video... not both. So, with the idea that some people may be dyslexic or have attention deficit issues (and I'm serious when I say that...), a continuous stream of written words may present a problem.

It's definitely looking like doing a voice- over narrative may be the answer...

Regarding the black screen and text: There's no background distraction to the reader. And the site address, we do want to emphasize.

Also, one guy I spoke with yesterday was amazed that we carried other chemicals besides CleanStreak. "I thought all you guys did was truckmounts.", he said. So, I added the comment about "other fine chemicals" at the end, to announce the others in a way...

Thanks for the advice. It does matter. I'll work on keeping things more brief...

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
So, I think that, although the directions do seem "elementary", they also serve as a disclaimer, too.

then SAY it...there is no reason to SEE 2-3, 5 scoops dumped into makeshift funnel
2-3 seconds max is all that's needed to show a scoop being added ..add water 2-3 seconds MAX..with the "jug shake"

Narration is much better than all text.
You NEED someone that's a good speaker ..and no offense intended, i promise... it ain't you.
high school drama class students might be a good place to canvas interested prospects


Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
I've got a friend who has a "face for radio", as Neal Boortz says... and a voice for it as well.

He's also an NLP specialist... 8)

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
that stuff works like Attack, 10-12oz in HF, spray it on and wherever it touches it cleans.
Can cut back on it when doing the carpets regularly. S&G I used about 6ozs.

I had a wand like that, killed my shoes from the backspray. Its not the prespray that kills the shoes.
Love my greenhorn, my shoes last MUCH longer now.

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