Clear Gas option...

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Ethanol is an alcohol, so will suck in moisture, which is why it shouldn't be used anywhere fuel will sit for any length of time. If your vehicle is in constant use it won't hurt anything, other than irritating everyone that knows it's a scam that costs them money. Here's a website that lists stations selling ethanol-free. Let them know if a local station has added ethanol-free so they can update their website.

The EPA is not the cause Michael. Most environmental conscious organizations (from left to right) a long time ago made it clear that Ethanol does not help the environment at all. It's the corn lobby. See under Citizen United (Scalia and all- Supreme Court) that declared corporations to have the same rights as individuals and allowed unlimited money into politics.
To further clarify: The Corn Lobby is not corn farmers, It's Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland, etc. Companies that George Bush gave a huge chunk of tax money to by forcing the use of ethanol in fuel.

This was at the same time that ADM was conspiring to monopolize the Lysine and citric acid markets to increase their profits by 70% while driving farmers out of business. Several of their executives actually got jail sentences and ADM had to pay around a billion dollars in fines to various countries. Not sure if any of that trickled back to the farmers they screwed.

I would have liked to see ADM receive the death penalty of being broken up and the pieces sold off as a warning to other corporate megaliths.
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