Color seal questions


May 19, 2007
Ok.....after doing some color sealing I've got some questions

1. How well does it hold up in a shower. My main concern is soap being used to wash possibly removing it does with most clear sealers.

2. Can you use it on unsanded grout.

3. What exactly is in the color it acrilic or epoxy?

4. Life expectancy if cleaned with vinegar....or other cleaners most custys use

5. Life expectancy if cleaned with a neutral cleaner.

6. What else should I know about color sealer????

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
1. How well does it hold up in a shower. My main concern is soap being used to wash possibly removing it does with most clear sealers. Only on the walls IMO.

2. Can you use it on unsanded grout. GP says you can, I've only done one.

3. What exactly is in the color it acrilic or epoxy?Most are acrylic.

4. Life expectancy if cleaned with vinegar....or other cleaners most custys use No idea

5. Life expectancy if cleaned with a neutral cleaner.10 years plus on grout that is well below the tile.

6. What else should I know about color sealer???? The stuff at Home depot is crap.


Jun 18, 2008
1. How well does it hold up in a shower? I would not worry about soap hurting the CS. The main problem in a shower will happen on the floor due to moisture from the pan. Every shower is different.

2. Can you use it on unsanded grout? Yes - but the problem with unsanded grout is not the grout but the install. Oftentimes, with unsanded grout the grout is recessed less and more even with the tile. This is what creates most problems CS unsanded grout.

3. What exactly is the CS? Some are epoxy and some acrylic - depends on your preference.

4. Life expectancy? Most off the self products will not hurt CS. A customer would have to try really hard to remove the CS and use a commercial grade stripper or coating remover to effect it. I normally recomend neutral cleaner.

5. Life expectancy if cleaned with neutral cleaner? It is difficult to put a time frame that applies to all situations. Factors that effect the life are: traffic, method of maintenance, commercial, residential, etc. When people ask how long will the product last, they are really asking how long will the floor look clean. That depends on them. I always tell them that I guarantee that our product will not chip, flake, or peal and that the grout will be no longer porous: therefore, easy to maintain. I have seen floors that look good for 8 years and others that need to be cleaned after 1 year.

6. What else should I know about CS? The best way to sell CS is to do a demo - we always do a demo and over 75% of our jobs turn into CS. We are not aggressive, we simply show them the options and explain the pros/cons. Nothing will give you a better before/after result and nothing will provide better protection. If you can convey this message it is an easy sale.

A good way to address the question - "how long will it last" is with all factors being equal -colorseal will outlast any clear seal by 10xs and your floor will look new upon completion. We call the first treatment an Initial Restoration and any future services you can customize a maintenance program that meets their needs. This also justifies more money for the initial restoration. Once that is complete the floor will be very easy to maintain. This is a great customer retention tool for carpet cleaners. Every year you can rinse and extract the floor since you are carpet cleaning in the house.


Jun 18, 2008

In commercial bathrooms we normally do an Initial Restoration (IR) and put them on a maintenance program. Depending on the traffic. After the IR we will come back every 6 mo or annually and rinse, extract and touch up as needed. The maintenance is quick and easy. It holds up to urine - but I would still go for the maintenance. Just mopping the floor will not keep it looking good.


Apr 9, 2007
I color seal all my showers well over 100 now they still look great, high pressure why would you want to use high pressure on a color sealed floor for maint we use 300 psi low alk or neutral cleaner.

I can remove color seal with a wire brush, aceton and 2000 psi one jet it does not get all of it there is normally 10% that will remain. I have tried scrubbing onlt with alk and it will not budge.


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