Congratulations to Truckmounts and Cleaning Solutions !!

May 12, 2007
FCC said:
Sainte-Beuve became friendly with Hugo after publishing a favourable review of the author's work but later had an affair with Hugo's wife,


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
GeneMiller said:
you actually burn less diesel then gas because it produces more energy for an equal volume. I get 15 in my big box fully loaded which is better then my 1 ton van without the 200 gal water tank. diesel engines cost more but will outlast 3 or more gas engines. Also gas engines tend to run very hot in stationary situations where a diesel is ideal for it. Diesels tend to be louder but I don't have any smell. Only the older diesels produce that smell. My box truck produces less smell then my 97 camaro.


Are you drunk???? they want to get out and run and pull...not sit and idle...

only reason Truckers do it, is because its easier on the engine then shutting down in the cold and/or they need it to run things in the cab, tvs, micros, etc...


Nov 14, 2006
Mikey P said:


maybe I'm not seeing this right but it appears that there is no room on that truck for vacuums, 175s, buckets, tools...nothing???

got any more pics?
Don't still got the side door

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
GeneMiller said:
you actually burn less diesel then gas because it produces more energy for an equal volume. I get 15 in my big box fully loaded which is better then my 1 ton van without the 200 gal water tank. diesel engines cost more but will outlast 3 or more gas engines. Also gas engines tend to run very hot in stationary situations where a diesel is ideal for it. Diesels tend to be louder but I don't have any smell. Only the older diesels produce that smell. My box truck produces less smell then my 97 camaro.


My Judson C4 runs off propane/ CNG will still run much cleaner, last just as long as a diesel, cost less than half as much to run (propane $2.0 gallon / CNG $1.23 gallon), my motor is easier and cheaper to replace and cost less to fix, has a bigger blower, more CFM's, cost less than a Chief 2 diesel :shock: :shock: , takes up less space and it is built with 100% stainless steel. (no aluminum here). Alternative fuels are the fuels of the future. :mrgreen:


May 25, 2010
Bill Bruders said:
I'm not trying to rain upon anybody's parade here but what TCS has done is not new to the industry. All the major manufacturers have been doing this for years. Honestly it's part of the certification process that you must go through to been compliant with warranty and other issues beyond the EPA.

Bill - Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions is not staking claim to being compliant as "new to the industry" - as you stated all the "major" manufacturers spend the time and money required to be compliant. However, while none of us may like it, the EPA does regulate emissions and it does impact our industry, now more than ever. Any modifications to, lets use the exhaust as an example, voids the engine manufacturers emission certification thus putting the truckmount manufacturer out of compliance. If the EPA chooses to enforce their regulations, which they can, the fines for being out of compliance are huge. Previous certification processes have been for a given engine in a given application to operate within engine manufacturers specifications with EPA regs being of secondary concern - case in point, any application where the engine manufacturers exhaust system has been modified was never a primary concern because EPA regs were not enforced. EPA regs are being enforced now and truckmount manufacturers have to be EPA compliant and all machines must be tested and certified to meet these guidelines. While I am sure you are aware of these issues I wanted to try to clarify to those who are not aware what lengths the "major" truckmount manufacturers go through to manufacture and supply quality, emission compliant equipment. The congratulations to Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions is very deserved - they have worked very hard to achieve these certifications on their entire line of equipment they manufacture.

Will Duke

Feb 14, 2011
'Sorry, I was standing in the open space where the side door is, so I didn't get all that floor space in the picture. There is still a ton of room in the Sprinter. The truckmount doesn't even come to the side door so when you open the door, all you see is floor :)

It's going for shelves today, but I'll try to snap some more pictures.

On a side note, I was trying to be matter-of-fact with my comments yesterday - not personal.

For example, when I say my Apple iPad is the best tablet computer, it shouldn't bother anyone if they make a competitive product if they think it is better (especially if they are making money selling it). And, it really shouldn't bother those people who bought a competitive product either if they are pleased with what they bought.

It's all good :)


Jan 16, 2007
Toms river, New Jersey
Vincent Annunziato
What I want to know is why TCS is going with EFI motors instead of Kohler. Is it a money thing,
I always thought that Kohler made the best motor for TM'S.


May 25, 2010
Vinnie said:
What I want to know is why TCS is going with EFI motors instead of Kohler. Is it a money thing,
I always thought that Kohler made the best motor for TM'S.

Kohler EFI engines - electronic fuel injection. Great sucess with the carb version, just better efficiency with the EFI version. Hope this helps.


Supportive Member
Oct 22, 2006
Will Duke said:
On a side note, I was trying to be matter-of-fact with my comments yesterday - not personal.

For example, when I say my Apple iPad is the best tablet computer, it shouldn't bother anyone if they make a competitive product if they think it is better (especially if they are making money selling it). And, it really shouldn't bother those people who bought a competitive product either if they are pleased with what they bought.

It's all good :)

Nothing personal. I don't own a Judson, however it's at the top of the list for my next machine.

You threw down the gauntlet and set off my b.s. alarm with your claim that TCS builds a better machine than Judson. It's still ringing off the wall.

How, specifically, is TCS superior to Judson?

Ball's in your court.

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
1958MGA said:
Bill Bruders said:
I'm not trying to rain upon anybody's parade here but what TCS has done is not new to the industry. All the major manufacturers have been doing this for years. Honestly it's part of the certification process that you must go through to been compliant with warranty and other issues beyond the EPA.

Bill - Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions is not staking claim to being compliant as "new to the industry" - as you stated all the "major" manufacturers spend the time and money required to be compliant. However, while none of us may like it, the EPA does regulate emissions and it does impact our industry, now more than ever. Any modifications to, lets use the exhaust as an example, voids the engine manufacturers emission certification thus putting the truckmount manufacturer out of compliance. If the EPA chooses to enforce their regulations, which they can, the fines for being out of compliance are huge. Previous certification processes have been for a given engine in a given application to operate within engine manufacturers specifications with EPA regs being of secondary concern - case in point, any application where the engine manufacturers exhaust system has been modified was never a primary concern because EPA regs were not enforced. EPA regs are being enforced now and truckmount manufacturers have to be EPA compliant and all machines must be tested and certified to meet these guidelines. While I am sure you are aware of these issues I wanted to try to clarify to those who are not aware what lengths the "major" truckmount manufacturers go through to manufacture and supply quality, emission compliant equipment. The congratulations to Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions is very deserved - they have worked very hard to achieve these certifications on their entire line of equipment they manufacture.

Well I guess I misunderstood what you were claiming when you stated Congratulations to Truckmounts and Cleaning Solutions in Norcross, GA. for becoming the FIRST truckmount manufacturer to be certified by Kohler in meeting or exceeding all EPA certification requirements on all the Kohler gas truckmount units

I understand that you are a distributor of this line so you are most likely sharing what you have been told but there are points that have been made that either should be clarified or eliminated from this conversation because people could use this information to make a poor purchase decision.

Here are some facts;
Only engines that are 1000CC and larger are regulated which means that their diesel unit falls into this category none of the others.
Regulated engines do have requirements regarding exhaust length placement etc. If the engine requires a catalytic convertor then the serial number for the catalytic must match the engine it is applied to and it must be a specific distance from the exhaust port on the head as an example.
The EPA does not have a process for testing or certifying truckmounts they require engine manufacturers to prove that their engines meet federal emissions standards the cost for this process starts at $250K. it is the motor manufacturer that tests the application.
If the truckmount manufacturer is recognized by Kohler as an authorized applicator then they have been going through this process for several years the sam for anyone who uses Briggs, Honda, Kubota, Ford, or GM products.
By 2015 all small motors must have EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) instead of traditional carburetion, Kohler has moved ahead with of some other manufacturers in this area but they still supply carbureted motors.

Trust me on this, if the EPA was looking to certify complete systems they would start with the big boys of the industry well before it ever trickled down to the boutique manufacturers.

As for liking these facts or not, we don't spend time debating the issue quite frankly, these are the rules of the game of business just like paying taxes and meeting OSHA.


Nov 14, 2006
I really don ' t care to get into a pissing contest about who's got the biggest. I made a decision on what I thought was the best for my company going forward. If compressed gas was an option in my area then who knows, but it's not.

The issues for me were a single fuel source for all applications, and the cost of operation as compared to our traditional set ups. Diesels are here and they ain't going anywhere for a long,long time. I was not nterested in dual wan ding or 500 foot runs so a compact powerful unit was all I needed. The option to run two wands with lots of heat is just a bonus at this point.

I am not in the business of making truck mounts or selling them. I am in the cleaning business nd that is where I devote most of my efforts. I was excited about this set up and wanted to share with you what I perceive as unique , cutting edge, and a way of having a lot of Storage space without having to get a box truck. We are doing a lot more services than we use to, so it is going to help OUR COMPANY as we go forward into this new world order.

I am happy with our decision and more than happy for the next guy and his decision. I could care less if it's natural gas,propane, diesel, or you can fart in the gas tank and get fifty miles to the fart..... More power to ya.

I had no intention of so many folks getting a rise out of this journey of mine,and thought that sharing it might be of some benefit. At this point ,I would urge everyone to remain calm. No one is going to make you buy a Diesel.


Supportive Member
Jun 27, 2009
Bowling Green
To be perfectly honest!!!!!!!!!!! Judson and TCS are some of the best machines made.. Judson gets a little higher mark because they use stainless steel on just about everything! And they have been around alot longer...... But when you factor in the stainless you get up there in price.. TCS has been good to me so I am biased about TCS cause I own one and love it... Now Saphire is a very good product as well... They have more electronics and such.. But they are out of my price range.. Sure the rage is cheap but after you factor in install and hoses and reels your in the $15,500 range just about anyways.......... So I would say the companies that will take over the industry is Judson, TCS, Saphire and maybe Amtex.... Saphire is understanding more affordable machines with the Rage. Will Prochem and Hydramaster survive? of course......... But we now have better options... The saphire machines front panels and switchs copy prochem way to much and look similar to the older prochems........... You can so tell saphire has the old prochem team..

All Wonderfull companies.. My tech wears the saphire ball cap.. It looks like hes going hunting everyday with the camo look
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
Will Duke said:
'Speaking of new truckmounts going in, I'm pretty excited about Steve's diesel. All this talk about the EPA and "Kohler Certified" stuff is really not that big of a deal to some guys.

I was talking to a poor dude just the other day who bought his TM from someone else because it was cheaper. He was in our service department because his engine was shot after about 30 days. The engine manufacturer of course didn't know the company who built his TM. In fact, they indicated to us that the way this particular truckmount was designed was a major issue. Apparently, the engine's warranty was voided the day the TM was built. (I wonder if the guy knew that when he bought it...)...

That "conversation" sounds a little like a "sales fable"... Do you have a name and mfg to go with that sad tale?


Nov 14, 2006
Lee Stockwell said:
[quote="Will Duke":2l9lx07p]'Speaking of new truckmounts going in, I'm pretty excited about Steve's diesel. All this talk about the EPA and "Kohler Certified" stuff is really not that big of a deal to some guys.

I was talking to a poor dude just the other day who bought his TM from someone else because it was cheaper. He was in our service department because his engine was shot after about 30 days. The engine manufacturer of course didn't know the company who built his TM. In fact, they indicated to us that the way this particular truckmount was designed was a major issue. Apparently, the engine's warranty was voided the day the TM was built. (I wonder if the guy knew that when he bought it...)...

That "conversation" sounds a little like a "sales fable"... Do you have a name and mfg to go with that sad tale?[/quote:2l9lx07p]

Always got to inject something don't ya lee. Where's Rawknee when ya need him?

For your info Sherlock, I was there when that dude came in and overheard the story. It's true,but TC S would not put that info on a public forum like's not there style.

But,if you must know....I would be willing to see that you get that info. But, here is the deal.

I will get you the name and agree that after you talk with the guy you will post on this forum the manufactures name

Well...what say you?
Oct 7, 2006
Benton KY USA
Lee Stockwell
It just smells bogus Steve. That a new TM buyer would be at a competitors' place of business with a "ruined" engine after only 30 days. oil?

This thread started with thinly veiled jabs at other manufacturers, and for what it's worth that's always been a big turn-off to me. I remember a "road show" salesman blowing his cigar smoke at my son and I as he did the same thing in Nashville a few years back (2001). It cost him two sales that day.


Mar 24, 2009
Boca Raton
gene miller
Mike i have nothing against Les's machines, I'm sure they are well built. I do however dislike the way they look. I have always judged the machine by it's cover first before I look at anything else. I do like the gauges. My next machine will be gas or diesel what ever catches my eye. Propane is to difficult here because of regulations. All tanks filled must be inside the fenced area, which pretty much leaves out all but 2 places . Just not worth the hassle. I canned my last tm because of it.

I might take a look at John's machines at Johnshotheatexchanger he makes some great products.



May 25, 2010
Bill Bruders said:
1958MGA said:
[quote="Bill Bruders":2u3944gf]I'm not trying to rain upon anybody's parade here but what TCS has done is not new to the industry. All the major manufacturers have been doing this for years. Honestly it's part of the certification process that you must go through to been compliant with warranty and other issues beyond the EPA.

Bill - Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions is not staking claim to being compliant as "new to the industry" - as you stated all the "major" manufacturers spend the time and money required to be compliant. However, while none of us may like it, the EPA does regulate emissions and it does impact our industry, now more than ever. Any modifications to, lets use the exhaust as an example, voids the engine manufacturers emission certification thus putting the truckmount manufacturer out of compliance. If the EPA chooses to enforce their regulations, which they can, the fines for being out of compliance are huge. Previous certification processes have been for a given engine in a given application to operate within engine manufacturers specifications with EPA regs being of secondary concern - case in point, any application where the engine manufacturers exhaust system has been modified was never a primary concern because EPA regs were not enforced. EPA regs are being enforced now and truckmount manufacturers have to be EPA compliant and all machines must be tested and certified to meet these guidelines. While I am sure you are aware of these issues I wanted to try to clarify to those who are not aware what lengths the "major" truckmount manufacturers go through to manufacture and supply quality, emission compliant equipment. The congratulations to Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions is very deserved - they have worked very hard to achieve these certifications on their entire line of equipment they manufacture.

Well I guess I misunderstood what you were claiming when you stated Congratulations to Truckmounts and Cleaning Solutions in Norcross, GA. for becoming the FIRST truckmount manufacturer to be certified by Kohler in meeting or exceeding all EPA certification requirements on all the Kohler gas truckmount units

I understand that you are a distributor of this line so you are most likely sharing what you have been told but there are points that have been made that either should be clarified or eliminated from this conversation because people could use this information to make a poor purchase decision.

Here are some facts;
Only engines that are 1000CC and larger are regulated which means that their diesel unit falls into this category none of the others.
Regulated engines do have requirements regarding exhaust length placement etc. If the engine requires a catalytic convertor then the serial number for the catalytic must match the engine it is applied to and it must be a specific distance from the exhaust port on the head as an example.
The EPA does not have a process for testing or certifying truckmounts they require engine manufacturers to prove that their engines meet federal emissions standards the cost for this process starts at $250K. it is the motor manufacturer that tests the application.
If the truckmount manufacturer is recognized by Kohler as an authorized applicator then they have been going through this process for several years the sam for anyone who uses Briggs, Honda, Kubota, Ford, or GM products.
By 2015 all small motors must have EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) instead of traditional carburetion, Kohler has moved ahead with of some other manufacturers in this area but they still supply carbureted motors.

Trust me on this, if the EPA was looking to certify complete systems they would start with the big boys of the industry well before it ever trickled down to the boutique manufacturers.

As for liking these facts or not, we don't spend time debating the issue quite frankly, these are the rules of the game of business just like paying taxes and meeting OSHA.[/quote:2u3944gf]

Bill -
I believe you are misunderstanding my original post - let me clarify several points you made.
Yes, I am a distributor for Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions. I am also a distributor for several other truckmount manufacturers, including Sapphire Scientific. As a matter of fact, I spent most of my afternoon with a customer discussing Sapphire units because he wants a heat exchange unit.
No, I am not just "repeating" what I have been told. My background is manufacturing engineering for over 25 years. I have read the published documents from the main engine suppliers used in this industry. I have a very good understanding of the emissions regulations - so as you stated in your post, let's clarify some facts:
At this time any diesel unit is currently exempt - but that will change.
You stated only 1000cc & up are regulated. Incorrect. EPA regulations are >100cc - <225cc, >225cc - <825cc, >825cc - <1Lcc - 1Lcc>. Effective January 1, 2011, all displacements are regulated and applicators to be certified. Yes,this has been the case for years but is being pushed to the forefront and will require applicators, small or large, to go through the process.
You are correct that the engine manufacturer has to be EPA approved. HOWEVER - any applicator that uses one of these engines must be certified by the engine manufacturer that their particular application meets the certification guidelines. If the applicator is truly recognized as an authorized applicator then said applicator should have no problem submitting their units for certification.
EFI isn't the only issue regarding emissions. Fuel tanks, evaporative cannisters, exhaust modifications (any), etc. all come into play. What cannot be done is an applicator cannot stockpile earlier versions and be compliant. The EPA is putting the "complete certification" on the engine suppliers to insure the applicators systems are certified.
As for congratulating Truckmounts & Cleaning Solutions - they absolutely deserve it. You called them a "Boutique Manufacturer" - I think it's quite admiral that any manufacturer in our industry - regardless of size - takes the initiative to follow all guidelines, become full line certified by their engine suppliers, and manufactures a quality truckmount.
While I am sure you have copies of the current emission updates from the main engine suppliers I would be happy to send them to you if you do not, just send me a PM.
Thanks and I hope this clarifies the original post and that some of us out there do the research to understand what we are offering to our end users.

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
Thanks Mark for your generous offer to send the regulations but we have them and have produced product in compliance all along. I don't see a need to continue the conversation much further since I suspect it provides little value to people at this point now that you have clarified that TCS's units are certified by Kohler just like I suspect Judson's and other are and have been. Sorry while I had heard of your interest in Sapphire I couldn't tell if you were actually a dealer since the only units on your website are TCS units, my mistake. :shock:
Sep 7, 2008
Mike Draper said:
GeneMiller said:
you actually burn less diesel then gas because it produces more energy for an equal volume. I get 15 in my big box fully loaded which is better then my 1 ton van without the 200 gal water tank. diesel engines cost more but will outlast 3 or more gas engines. Also gas engines tend to run very hot in stationary situations where a diesel is ideal for it. Diesels tend to be louder but I don't have any smell. Only the older diesels produce that smell. My box truck produces less smell then my 97 camaro.


My Judson C4 runs off propane/ CNG will still run much cleaner, last just as long as a diesel, cost less than half as much to run (propane $2.0 gallon / CNG $1.23 gallon), my motor is easier and cheaper to replace and cost less to fix, has a bigger blower, more CFM's, cost less than a Chief 2 diesel :shock: :shock: , takes up less space and it is built with 100% stainless steel. (no aluminum here). Alternative fuels are the fuels of the future. :mrgreen:

Mike I was checking out your solution reels. I noticed you have quick connects with a ball valve 100-150' back on one reel and then a separate reel. How come if you are not dual wanding?

I keep 100' section and 50' of line with a ball valve followed by a hundred feet with a ball valve and then 50' after that (350).

I like the reels. Where did you get them?
Oct 9, 2006
Hey Steve I am happy for your new set up. TCS and Judson are great company's.

Always good to visit TCS when we go to ATL.

That unit have a diesel burner for heat?


Oct 19, 2006
Hi Steve. Congrats with your new van and TM. I hope that it helps you make money for your business.

Can you please comment on why the TM and reels are going out the back of the van instead of the TM facing the side door? I see so many vans with the "traditional configuration" so having the machine out the back seems to be in the minority. Have you had a van set up like that before?


Oct 19, 2006
Will Duke, when you are installing a TM into a vehicle, do you check with the manufacturer of the van to see it they have any thing good or bad to say about the placement of the equipment? Do you think that having the TM facing either out the back or out the side makes a big difference on how the van drives? Is one way better than the other?

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
Bob Foster is all about weight displacement. He designed my truck so that 2/3's the weight is over the rear axle which gives better stability and load handling. TM and hose reel is at the back door. Waste and Fresh water tanks eat up the most floor space are over the axle and a little forward. Everything else is accessed via a side door. Steve's rig is set up almost identically.


Nov 14, 2006
BradFenstermaker said:
Hey Steve I am happy for your new set up. TCS and Judson are great company's.

Always good to visit TCS when we go to ATL.

That unit have a diesel burner for heat?

Hey Brad,
Yes it's a 280,000btu Diesel heater

That is an excellent question and one that I did struggle with. We have always worked with the unit out the side door so it will be newto us. After laying everything out, it seem that we could carry more equipment with the unit and reels out the back. The verdict is still out.

If it does not flow right I will have tcs move everything to the side door. Thankfully, they are only 15 minutes away

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Daniel, the reels are aerotech mfg. We have 2 reels for our long pulls. The 1st reel has 3 one hundred foot sections. 2nd reel has 2- 100 foot sections and then 2 50' sections and the we have a 25' section. It just makes it easier to grab the right lenght quickly on each job.

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
steve said:
BradFenstermaker said:
Hey Steve I am happy for your new set up. TCS and Judson are great company's.

Always good to visit TCS when we go to ATL.

That unit have a diesel burner for heat?

Hey Brad,
Yes it's a 280,000btu Diesel heater

That is an excellent question and one that I did struggle with. We have always worked with the unit out the side door so it will be newto us. After laying everything out, it seem that we could carry more equipment with the unit and reels out the back. The verdict is still out.

If it does not flow right I will have tcs move everything to the side door. Thankfully, they are only 15 minutes away
The nice thing is you don't need to add different fuel tanks.
Nice thing about out the back is it points towards the house. Just need to watch where your exhaust is pointing.
Are you running all 2.5" hose with a 50ft 2" whip?


Nov 14, 2006
The nice thing is you don't need to add different fuel tanks.
Nice thing about out the back is it points towards the house. Just need to watch where your exhaust is pointing.
Are you running all 2.5" hose with a 50ft 2" whip?[/quote]
It's got three inch piping coming out of the blower to the tank, and three inch from the tank to the filter box.

At this point I can go 2.5 for 50 ft. Then 2 inch the rest of the way or 2 inch all the way.

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