Cooky idea....venturi to increase vacuum


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
Would this work. Stick a venturin valve in the wand somewhere to increase air flow?. I've only seen it in salt water aquarium filters called a protein skimmer. Water goes through a tube where a venturi valve is placed and sucks air in. Air mixes with the water to create bubbles. Maybe it works with air / air applications. Anyone know of an industry that uses it in this fashion.

I dream of the day of where all I have to carry to the house is a 1" vacuum line :lol:


Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
The system you discribe is really only effective when the contents you are vacuuming are mostly liquid. Carpet cleaning vacuuming consists of moving mostly air. But it does show the benefit of high CFM along with respectable amount of inches of vacuum.

I occasionally had to use a device like you described on my vacuum trucks which lift mostly liquid with just a little air. Typically when we are doing long lift or lifts greater than about 25 feet we deliberately slurp air into the lines along with liquid so as to make the lift work. It cheats physics where the maximum lift we should be able to do is 29 feet at sea level

Here is an application with vacuum that exactly describes what you asked about. I owned one and used it on for specific high lift applications on my vacuum trucks. I hooked it up to a medium CFM air compressor and could do 70' vertical lifts.

Buy the way most of the vacuum trucks use a Bayco vacuum relief valve too.

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