Devpro wand


Nov 7, 2014
The only issue i had was the length. I like a wand at about 89 inches.
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Larry Cobb

Oct 7, 2006
Dallas, Texas USA
Larry Cobb

We still have the Pro Ti @ $699 with short-slot glide (no swivel).

And if you like the swivel, we have the higher CFM 14" Titanium Bentley for only $469.
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Oct 10, 2012
I would be careful buying Tony's wand. The improvements made by Tom make a huge difference. Unless you want to be shooting water with rust all over your carpets and walking into teh homes with a rusted wand, by all means, be my guest and save yourself $200 bucks and work with no swivel.

PS, Tony's glide is plastic and Tom's is Teflon. keep this in consideration when buying.


Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
I have both swivel and non swivel, I have some stock left, Tim is just taking over the fabrication of the tool.....this is going to take a little time, but like I said I have some stock left.
I am not upset with anybody, I did what I said I was going to do. I did a video review about it a year ago, Tony and I worked together on it, I put a lot of effort into making it the wand, that was on the test demo floor at the show.
Tony just has different goals than I do unfortunately.
Tim and I will keep all the mods and upgrades that I have made to the wand and even add some more.
I will also offer both swivel and non-swivel.
The non swivel is lighter and you can feel a difference in the weight between the two.


Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
I think I have said enough, just gonna keep working on what I need to do.... @Mike Draper I am working on the pump less sprayer....I just got and installed a new low pressure regulator.....BINGO !!!
Now just have to give Tim the okay to proceed it works awesome, I bought a air tank for faster charge, but I don't think I like it better than my little compressor, A little better compressor would probably be the ticket as it would give a little more volume and a little faster fill up time.
I can spray out 3 gallons of Pre-spray and I still have 30 psi in the air camber. It is working nice, and the cool thing is no parts to break really


Nov 8, 2009
Never said the Zipper was a bad tool. Read my review here Tom. My reviews are extremely consistent. Dare you prove me wrong.

As for the pro Ti, dev ti Pro, TMF baddest Pro swivel Ti I have an ego the size of Texas on the planet wand, Dang prochem ti knock off, or the devepro. Doesn't really matter. It's a scrub wand, that every manufacturer is doing its best to spin. No where near the value of the price. To each his own.

Just my thoughts, some facts, some opinion, some just what I'd like to say.

Your too funny Tom. Last I checked I have been here way longer than you. Also, only reason I get banned is cause you keep getting your feelings hurt and go crying to the button holders. No big deal to me. Mike can ban me here too. Eventually, Tom, your gonna have to stand and validate your own tools, and not sell out for hype! Ya better get used to it. Mikey's board guys hardly hold back on their opinions. This is the real world, your not playing in Rob's sand box anymore.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Heck, the new Sapphire wand is a Prochem head lookAlike as well.

Both are made by PMF so I assume no patent laws are being violated. All variations have different vacuum chambers.

Mike Roden got to play with the Devpro and was very impressed. He never once said " Hey who ripped off my look!"

I think Prochem should recast their wand. Open up the vacuum orifice since nobody uses it without a glide anymore..

Tom has certainly managed to bring the drama to himself. My advice?
Ditch Tony- done
Ignor Rob/ TMef
Ignor Joe and his cronies

Keep your head down work on the next big thing.

Let your wand sell itself, as it will.
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Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
I know all about Mikey, and MB members here, I can remember very well when the Dev filter was first brought to this can go look it up....and it will answer some questions for you as to who really made it also.
It was harsh....a little, did I get my feathers ruffled YEP but this is the thing.....I didn't give up....I took those comments as a plus, they were a blueprint of what needed to be worked on....and I did my best, even with Joe's help, but as you can see Joe is also about cheap prices and you can only do so much and keep the price down....quality COSTS MONEY.
So after I had to admit to myself that the quality I wanted I MYSELF was not capable of doing with my own hands I went to TIM and took him up on his offer to help me.....the rest is history.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

I have some questions..

Will the new head be Aluminum or Titanium?

Who makes the glide?

Is Lisa an option in future models?

My 8 flow version puts out more than a normal 8 flow wand due to done tweaking done by you. Can you offer a true six flow wand for portable and small TM owners?

By collaborating with PMF will it be possible to make this a 100% USA made product? Or are jets and triggers all made overseas?

Will you stay with the current window design or either make it more functionable ( visible, L shaped) or ditch it all together?

Will you be able to offer a margin so retailer can sell it?
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Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
I am not mad at TONY at all, but he has caused all this BULL CRAP buy selling out to COBB, ROB TMF, EBAY. When we first started working together Tony told me he wanted people to except his wand as a good wand.
He sent one, I made a review about it for him.....I was not offered anything and I was not working on the wand at that time. After that review Tony PAID for my wife and I to come down to his shop, we went over the things that needed to be worked on, he said he would do them, and if he did WOULD I BACK THE WAND, if he could keep the quality the same and maybe even better.....WE agreed.
He also agreed to not back stab the market by low balling the industry...The 799.00 price is the BEST I could get him to agree on, The wand is worth more..well I should say the one I helped make to what it is today.
Tony has reverted back to his same ways....395.00 bucks for the wand, remade the head (cast)
I told Tony I was not about money, I was about making the tool the best it could be.....then the money would come due to quality, and good reviews, equal demand, demand equals more of a deserved price tag....the tool has earned it. But no that was not enough.
ONE YEAR, last year at the Ex Expo Tony and his wand wasn't allowed on the DEMO floor....THIS YEAR IT WAS THE TALK OF THE SHOW!!! I DID WHAT I SAID I WOULD DO....period.
If that was not enough than I can't work with him, I can't fight with COBB, JOE B, E BAY SELLERS, and TONY himself, I have learned a lot from this experience and I will move on.
I am a cleaner and I am a guy that kinda understands just how things work, I don't have any degree in anything, just a ability to think outside the box, and I never stop thinking of ways to improve.
Mikey gave me the BIGGEST COMPLIMENT I have ever gotten.....He used GREENIES name and mine in the same sentence, he may have not meant it to come out that way but that was just awesome to even be talked about in that way.
I am moving forward done with the drama I hope and just want to do my best for all the cleaners out there.
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Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway

I have some questions..

Will the new head be Aluminum or Titanium? I think we will stay with Aluminum the reason why it weight, cost, and because we use glides, to use this wand without a glide is next to impossible due to the vacuum. Now we can and more than likely will make a wide mouth glide that will suck up BB's this glide will more than likely be made out of del (BLACK)

Who makes the glide? Tim, but we will more than likely give this job to the machinist that makes my swivels....he is local and he is also the man that made my mold cavities for the original Dev filters so I could make my own parts. I can drive to his shop.

Is Lisa an option in future models? YES, I have to keep in consideration that the amount of money to get Tim set up or Adrian is going to be a poop load of money, If Lisa would like to do business with us on this I would take it in a heartbeat she makes awesome glides.

My 8 flow version puts out more than a normal 8 flow wand due to done tweaking done by you. Can you offer a true six flow wand for portable and small TM owners? Absolutely, it is just a matter of jets put on the wand we can even go 4 jets 01 flow and make them a true 4 flow wand....what most TM's are designed to work with. I just don't like 01's because the clog easier, and wear out faster due to the smaller hole size so they lose there fan pattern much faster.

By collaborating with PMF will it be possible to make this a 100% USA made product? Or are jets and triggers all made overseas? PMF is on board.
Now I may get some heat for this one... I would love to work with West Pak on there soft touch valves and use them....But if I have proven anything yet, Tim and I can and will make the best flowing soft touch valve if need be, I DON'T want to the WP is done and it is a great valve.
Mike on your wand I sent you is the sub par Dam Valve, I made mods to it,I believe this made it work better and maybe even shocked you, I improved the flow and feel, so I think we cant make a even better one from scratch. We have already went over what we want out of a valve if we do decide to do it, it just comes down to if we can work together with other vendors and some of there products.
I told Tim I may even contract with PMF to make the manifolds, Tim is a proud guy and of coarse he wants to do then in house, but the truth is cost of production still needs to be factored in.....we do have a limit of what we can spend, and IF TIM is over that budget then we have to talk with PMF, not because PMF is cheaper but because they are much better set up for the JOB and more streamline about it.

Will you stay with the current window design or either make it more functionable ( visible, L shaped) or ditch it all together? No it will Stay as it is or even better, it has proven to be very liked, I have already paid for and set up fabricator on the windows, because Tony was not able to provide I had to have them done on our own dime.

Will you be able to offer a margin so retailer can sell it? When I contacted PMF about working with them.....I promised them I am NOT coming to market to low ball them, Pro Chem, SS, or US Products,I am making a wand that performs well and hopefully deserves a seat at the round table of elite wands, not because it is cheap, this wand is being built with Distributor pricing....what that is is yet to be seen.
®The Center Of The Carpet Cleaning Universe©

I just edited this because I don't think it sounded right in my original statement "FOOLED" was NOT the right word to use.
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Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
Well Fellow carpet cleaners, I have to go out and push my wand, have a full day ahead of me, meeting tonight with Tim and the crew. I will be back latter to answer more questions if need be.
For all the guys in the trenches...I am with you!!!
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Nov 8, 2009
I am not mad at TONY at all, but he has caused all this BULL CRAP buy selling out to COBB, ROB ***, EBAY. When we first started working together Tony told me he wanted people to except his wand as a good wand.
He sent one, I made a review about it for him.....I was not offered anything and I was not working on the wand at that time. After that review Tony PAID for my wife and I to come down to his shop, we went over the things that needed to be worked on, he said he would do them, and if he did WOULD I BACK THE WAND, if he could keep the quality the same and maybe even better.....WE agreed.
He also agreed to not back stab the market by low balling the industry...The 799.00 price is the BEST I could get him to agree on, The wand is worth more..well I should say the one I helped make to what it is today.
Tony has reverted back to his same ways....395.00 bucks for the wand, remade the head (cast)
I told Tony I was not about money, I was about making the tool the best it could be.....then the money would come due to quality, and good reviews, equal demand, demand equals more of a deserved price tag....the tool has earned it. But no that was not enough.
ONE YEAR, last year at the Ex Expo Tony and his wand wasn't allowed on the DEMO floor....THIS YEAR IT WAS THE TALK OF THE SHOW!!! I DID WHAT I SAID I WOULD DO....period.
If that was not enough than I can't work with him, I can't fight with COBB, JOE B, E BAY SELLERS, and TONY himself, I have learned a lot from this experience and I will move on.
I am a cleaner and I am a guy that kinda understands just how things work, I don't have any degree in anything, just a ability to think outside the box, and I never stop thinking of ways to improve.
Mikey gave me the BIGGEST COMPLIMENT I have ever gotten.....He used GREENIES name and mine in the same sentence, he may have not meant it to come out that way but that was just awesome to even be talked about in that way.
I am moving forward done with the drama I hope and just want to do my best for all the cleaners out there.

I tried to tell ya that's what Dang was gonna do. Instead of believing all that shill crap, you should've listened to me and read the writing on the wall. No thanks needed though Tom. Hope ya can over come all the problems that came from getting in bed with Tony Dang.


Jul 3, 2013
Heck, the new Sapphire wand is a Prochem head lookAlike as well.

Both are made by PMF so I assume no patent laws are being violated. All variations have different vacuum chambers.

Mike Roden got to play with the Devpro and was very impressed. He never once said " Hey who ripped off my look!"

I think Prochem should recast their wand. Open up the vacuum orifice since nobody uses it without a glide anymore..

I roll without a glide...makes me feel like I'm doing work then..

Tom has certainly managed to bring the drama to himself. My advice?
Ditch Tony- done
Ignor Rob/ TMef
Ignor Joe and his cronies

Keep your head down work on the next big thing.

Let your wand sell itself, as it will.
I roll without a glide...makes me feel like I'm doing work then..


Feb 27, 2013
Indianapolis, IN
Jordan King
We picked up the wand Tom sent out for the Mini Fest, looking forward to sending it out with one of our guys this week for a thorough trial.

If all goes smoothly, and the team likes it, we will be switching our 4 TMs to the Devpro, removing the 2" Evolutions we have had on there for 7 years.

Looks promising!


Supportive Member
Jan 18, 2013
Thomas Conway
Im going to see if Tom can send you some shorter manifold adjustment screws..

Those look too susceptible to getting busted off.
I can send some shorter ones not a problem. They have a allen head if you want to tighten them up more than by hand. I hope the wand made a good showing.
Thanks Mike and MB for giving it a try at the event.
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