I am not mad at TONY at all, but he has caused all this BULL CRAP buy selling out to COBB, ROB TMF, EBAY. When we first started working together Tony told me he wanted people to except his wand as a good wand.
He sent one, I made a review about it for him.....I was not offered anything and I was not working on the wand at that time. After that review Tony PAID for my wife and I to come down to his shop, we went over the things that needed to be worked on, he said he would do them, and if he did WOULD I BACK THE WAND, if he could keep the quality the same and maybe even better.....WE agreed.
He also agreed to not back stab the market by low balling the industry...The 799.00 price is the BEST I could get him to agree on, The wand is worth more..well I should say the one I helped make to what it is today.
Tony has reverted back to his same ways....395.00 bucks for the wand, remade the head (cast)
I told Tony I was not about money, I was about making the tool the best it could be.....then the money would come due to quality, and good reviews, equal demand, demand equals more of a deserved price tag....the tool has earned it. But no that was not enough.
ONE YEAR, last year at the Ex Expo Tony and his wand wasn't allowed on the DEMO floor....THIS YEAR IT WAS THE TALK OF THE SHOW!!! I DID WHAT I SAID I WOULD DO....period.
If that was not enough than I can't work with him, I can't fight with COBB, JOE B, E BAY SELLERS, and TONY himself, I have learned a lot from this experience and I will move on.
I am a cleaner and I am a guy that kinda understands just how things work, I don't have any degree in anything, just a ability to think outside the box, and I never stop thinking of ways to improve.
Mikey gave me the BIGGEST COMPLIMENT I have ever gotten.....He used GREENIES name and mine in the same sentence, he may have not meant it to come out that way but that was just awesome to even be talked about in that way.
I am moving forward done with the drama I hope and just want to do my best for all the cleaners out there.