Well I'm super happy you have a Doctors degree Mike.
That 4mm slot is causing premature elbow and rotator cuff due to more back and forth wand strokes.
It is also a GOOD thing I make a rigid version as well isn't it.
You need to grow up, stop taking every opportunity to try and talk trash about me our my products Mike.
I am not talking trash about you, I just talked with someone the other day and Said the MF event is a great event.
The problem is your overly large mouth on that overly large head of yours speaks only opinions you have put in your own head
This is why I Brushed off you supposed apology attemp a few weeks before your show as complete Bull%#!*......and your actions everywhere on line is just proving that.
I wish you well, and I hope that you can someday maybe you will understand the path I'm on has nothing to do with you.
The decision I made was to keep you from having to represent my product, or sell your product, HSW or brush glide, as a friend, I didn't want that to happen.
HSW and Brush Glide both have there place but you can't seem to wrap your LG head around that.
$25.00 brush replacement is much cheaper than 220.00 brush glide, how long is a 1/16" gonna last using it every day.
It is perfect for guys that do the occasional kitchen or entry,
The videos I see guys are bending over to get it to dry....is that good for the body?
The guys buying our HSW are telling me the brush glide wasn't the answer.
Mike and Rob A are two peas in a pod, you both pray on the newbies, and that is fine.
But the OGs that are on this board have listened to you all these years, and know when you are telling a different story,
So honestly what Mikey are we to believe the one that had a good relationship with someone, or the Mikey that the relationship went bad and now he has " NEW LIGHT "
I wonder what will happen to Legend Brands when you go your separate ways.
Have you convinced them to go with your lip less green glide yet. Have you pressured them enough yet?
I was with you until you claimed his head was only "LG"