Fred wouldve had an epic day in his parents basement playing video games.
Steve at 16 you would more likely find me at the beach or out on a boat having fun although I worked hard
when I worked.....maybe that is why at 40 I wasn't at rub-n-tugs or needing to inject innuendo into everything at 50+.....and there aren't any basements where I'm from........
and really that is your story of how responsible and hard working you are? Want to hear something funny? Everybody has some sort of anecdote like that and that is my point. There are very few people I've ever met that didn't describe themselves as a hard worker. Even fewer were the people that actually were. I've seen people that had the best anecdotes break down and cry on restoration jobs.
The other thread was about millennials and their work ethic. While its true that priorities have shifted somewhat it is like many older folks catch the fn amnesia at 30.
I grew up listening to dinner table stories about shitty employees and irresponsible young people. They aren't new. The same people telling those stories and bitching were just as irresponsible if you listen close to those even older than them. Your own "I'm a hard worker" anecdote" describes others that didn't show up. Were they time travelling millennials?
The hardest working people I know usually became that way due to responsibilities but prior to them having kids and the like they were no more hard working or responsible than anyone else.
If you hire a 18-24 year old kid past, present, or future you shouldn't expect that they are "hard working" for anything but the short term.