danielc said:
Get over yourself dude. There are millions of illegals in Memphis alone. They pay rent and contribute immensely by spending their money in local businesses. They honestly do the jobs most Americans do not want to do. If I had an apartment complex they would get top priority on renting them. Why? Because they are not lazy bastards wanting a handout from the government. They just want to work and provide a decent living for their family. Plus I have noticed rich people like to hire illegals to be maids, do lawn work, etc. because it is cool. I can bet when I show up with an illegal and a couple of vacs Mrs Piff is going to instantly think these guys are fixing to work their ass off. Then she will start humming with joy and offer us cold tea and sandwiches.
I would much rather hire an illegal than a welfare dependant no good lazy mo fo that can't even speak clear english.
Of course I can hire a hard working legal person, but they are hard as hell to find.
Wow. Unbelievable.
In California we are paying BILLIONS annually in services and benefits for several MILLION illegals in our state. My friend John works at the hospital downtown, and they have cabs dropping off women in labor (they are 25 min from border) to have medical expenses paid on our side, and citizenship to boot.
This report was from 2004 - showed costs of TEN BILLION a year due to illegal immigrants just in CA - government's own study:
http://usgovinfo.about.com/od/immigrati ... legals.htm
The one day last year when they had "a day without a Mexican" and everyone stayed home, was the only day in Los Angeles for the past decade that did not have any sig-alerts from traffic jams - the freeways were light all day.
I have Hispanic friends, clients, family - all here legally, or American-born to Mexican-Americans.
If someone is going to break the law, and I am PAYING their way through taxes and taxed services that they are NOT paying - then that is no different than having other citizens wanting handouts.
They need to fix the government down south, and not make families risk their lives to come here to make a better living. And they need to stop siphoning off BILLIONS in wages and lost taxes in services going to those who are here illegally.
The "they do jobs others won't" is such garbage. The truth is "they do jobs others won't MUCH cheaper" and they don't have to offer the employee protection or benefits because they can always threaten to deport them. They get doubly abused for half the amount of money - which is even worse.
In southern California, and the southwest, this is a huge problem - tied to crime and drugs and especially drunk driving. Deaths all of the time connected to someone who is undocumented.
Maybe you guys don't feel it as much as we do here - it's a huge problem. And it's - along with crappy politicians - bankrupting our state.
I would never hire an illegal immigrant. They are more expensive than paying for a legal employee. TEN frickin' BILLION dollars a year.