Do you ever hire Illegals?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
steve said:
Horniest people I've ever met

I would not know about that Mikey.......tell us more.

Mikey.....where did that picture come from???? [/quote]

They never stop talking about getting "some", one dude who was pretty damn greasy kept bragging about a gringo lady who picks him up every Friday like clock work for servicing.. :roll:

I took that picture when I rolled by HD the other day, I yelled out the window, "Hey any of you guys got a cousin in Topeka named Chavez?"


Nov 14, 2006
Mikey says:

I took that picture when I rolled by HD the other day, I yelled out the window, "Hey any of you guys got a cousin in Topeka named Chavez?"[/quote]

:lol: :lol: roflmao


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
danielc said:
Get over yourself dude. There are millions of illegals in Memphis alone. They pay rent and contribute immensely by spending their money in local businesses. They honestly do the jobs most Americans do not want to do. If I had an apartment complex they would get top priority on renting them. Why? Because they are not lazy bastards wanting a handout from the government. They just want to work and provide a decent living for their family. Plus I have noticed rich people like to hire illegals to be maids, do lawn work, etc. because it is cool. I can bet when I show up with an illegal and a couple of vacs Mrs Piff is going to instantly think these guys are fixing to work their ass off. Then she will start humming with joy and offer us cold tea and sandwiches.

I would much rather hire an illegal than a welfare dependant no good lazy mo fo that can't even speak clear english.
Of course I can hire a hard working legal person, but they are hard as hell to find.

Wow. Unbelievable.

In California we are paying BILLIONS annually in services and benefits for several MILLION illegals in our state. My friend John works at the hospital downtown, and they have cabs dropping off women in labor (they are 25 min from border) to have medical expenses paid on our side, and citizenship to boot.

This report was from 2004 - showed costs of TEN BILLION a year due to illegal immigrants just in CA - government's own study: ... legals.htm

The one day last year when they had "a day without a Mexican" and everyone stayed home, was the only day in Los Angeles for the past decade that did not have any sig-alerts from traffic jams - the freeways were light all day.

I have Hispanic friends, clients, family - all here legally, or American-born to Mexican-Americans.

If someone is going to break the law, and I am PAYING their way through taxes and taxed services that they are NOT paying - then that is no different than having other citizens wanting handouts.

They need to fix the government down south, and not make families risk their lives to come here to make a better living. And they need to stop siphoning off BILLIONS in wages and lost taxes in services going to those who are here illegally.

The "they do jobs others won't" is such garbage. The truth is "they do jobs others won't MUCH cheaper" and they don't have to offer the employee protection or benefits because they can always threaten to deport them. They get doubly abused for half the amount of money - which is even worse.

In southern California, and the southwest, this is a huge problem - tied to crime and drugs and especially drunk driving. Deaths all of the time connected to someone who is undocumented.

Maybe you guys don't feel it as much as we do here - it's a huge problem. And it's - along with crappy politicians - bankrupting our state.

I would never hire an illegal immigrant. They are more expensive than paying for a legal employee. TEN frickin' BILLION dollars a year.

Sep 7, 2008
I guess all the smart illegals come to Memphis.

My dad works for a grocery store and 80 percent of the revenue is from the spanish population. The produce department does 50k per week alone.

The illegals are good for some and bad for others.

And stop worrying about illegals when the real problem is the hordes of people on welfare.

Get rid of the welfare program and our national debt would be gone overnight.

And by the way Lisa I don't know one illegal that will work for less than a bill a day. That's right the skilled general laborers work hard and know that the required pay is a hundred a day. So this talk about working cheaper is bs. They might work for minimum wage in some cases but they aren't working for less.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
danielc said:
I guess all the smart illegals come to Memphis.

My dad works for a grocery store and 80 percent of the revenue is from the spanish population. The produce department does 50k per week alone.

The illegals are good for some and bad for others.

And stop worrying about illegals when the real problem is the hordes of people on welfare.

Get rid of the welfare program and our national debt would be gone overnight.

And by the way Lisa I don't know one illegal that will work for less than a bill a day. That's right the skilled general laborers work hard and know that the required pay is a hundred a day. So this talk about working cheaper is bs. They might work for minimum wage in some cases but they aren't working for less.

DANIEL...."Take your MeD's..".....EEEEEEeeeessssyy boy... :mrgreen:

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Marc Imbesi said:
[quote="Brian R":3p1htggt]Ok, you never fudged on a tax return? :mrgreen:

Nope....I sleep well at night and if the IRS wants my books, they may have them...not worth the


Well yeah, if you're going to keep catagorizing the laws you break it will come down to never picking up a penny in Louisiana on a tuesday morning in July.
I'm just sayin. :mrgreen:

Don't get me wrong...we need to secure our borders ...but let's face it...what's here is here. If they want to behave like civilized Americans I say that can then be "legal".
You've read the emails...gotta learn engrish and all that right?

Jeremy N

Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
I was once really against it. Matter of fact I was one of those guys who railed against them.

Until I worked a hurricane and we had to hire 80 people. There was literally nobody to work. All the white guys were meth heads and all the...well, nevermind that...

The illegals worked with us from sun up until late into the night. The crawled in attics and bagged insulation for hours on end in the heat of the day. These guys were begging to be the one to do all of the work. They were extremely gracious, honest, hard working...just awesome people. They had many opportunities to steal and they never did.

We literally had no choice. It couldn't have gone any smoother.


Supportive Member
Jan 5, 2007
East Peoria Illinois
Kevin Leach
Just don't teach them to much or they will be your next competitor. They believe strongly in starting their own business. Even if it's in their cousins name.

curt johnson

Mar 25, 2010
Anthem AZ
Curt Johnson
Come live in Arizona for a while and your opinion of "illeagels" will change QUICKLY. I'll bet once a week I see a van or big SUV pulled over on side of freeway with about 10 to 20 illeagels cuffed sitting on side of road. About 2 months ago a van with 26 was being chased and got off freeway at our exit. The van stopped and they all ran......through yards and over fences.....into OUR neighborhoods.

Talk to a border patrol agent and they'll tell you along our border they are fighting a losing battle.......too few agents and way to many border crossers......with NO HELP from our federal government.

And people think Arizona is racist because our state is passing their own laws to stop this problem...if the Feds would get off their ass and go to work states wouldn't be forced to go at it alone.


Apr 3, 2010
Central Oklahoma
Most people aren't judging the illegals due to the color of their skin; people are just upset that these folks are here "illegally". Add in the fact that, since they will work for cheap, they're driving down the pay-rates of most major areas in the construction industry, including the carpet cleaning industry, in essence putting allot of Americans out of work or having to work harder to make less money.
And now, we are experiencing 9.5%+ unemployment. I guarantee you there are legal Americans that are willing to do any job available to support their families. But, since those jobs are already taken by someone who isn't even suppose to be here, can see why this subject has risen to the forefront in the media lately. Factor in the violence that is bleeding across the border and the refusal of our federal gov't to do anything about it and this issue is certainly going to esculate.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
Lisa and a few other hit the nail on the head. Are they hard working... Yes. Do they work cheaper... it may appear so.. but DON"T forget that MOST of the illegals as it was mentioned above are not paying in taxes on that income. So lets take an average American in the service industry and lets say on a slower year they make $36000. Let say they are single and do not have a house, but rather they rent. I'd say this describes alot of new young workers who don't have any money getting started. These workers would be paying in about $3600.00 in state and local taxes. (coule be more or less for other states but that is Illinois numbers) But they also have welfare, sociely security to pay in as well so now we are looking at $6000 total coming out of our checks.

Now lets say our illegal mexican friends work for a bill a day (according to Daniel).. and say they work 6 days a week.. that would be 600 a week. Over a year they make about $32000 roughly.

Now lets look at the numbers: The hard working American who has no real deductions ends up making $30000.00 a year. The hard working illegal labor is making $32000.00 and his 1099 gets conveniently lossed in the mail or never reported.

So who comes out a head? The hard working American just worked the first two months free of charge to pay his taxes. While there are some out there who choose to purchase the Sociel Security numbers and pay in taxes while not seeing it.. this is the reality of majority of the workers here. They choose the service jobs because its so easy to make income with out reporting taxes. they use our systems in place to help hard working tax payers while the only tax they may ever pay is sales tax.. of course we are all exposed to that.

Everytime we talk about locking down our borders people get all riled up like we are committing some kinda of genocide. But why are so many here illegaly vs legally tax paying? Maybe because its hard as hell down south to get green card access. So here is an idea,, lock down the borders and make it easier to get LEGAL access to the country for workers. I'm not sayingn skimp on the back ground checks. But if you have more legal workers, you have more taxes and can afford to hire more people to process the higher number of applicants.. they you can have the hard working mexicans here that can't be deported and actuelly contributing to our society.

Gary Taylor

Jul 30, 2007
I have a rental with illegals in it that pay me like clockwork, they work hard, and I have lots of respect for them

Are they methheads, child molesters or some other form of illegal? I have rental properties and I would never knowingly rent to someone who is illegal. Why not help them to become legal?

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Gary you are UN-AMERICAN in my view.

If we don't provide them with housing and jobs they won't be here.

And do you feel like an american who pays taxes and can accept that their children born here are now american citizens?


Jun 29, 2009
My dad works for a grocery store and 80 percent of the revenue is from the spanish population. The produce department does 50k per week alone.

My dad has worked in the corporate side of the grocery business all my life. I don't know much but I know enough to know 50K a week is nothing to brag about for a department.

If you don't think the economy would be better off without illegals your nuts. At the same time I really can't blame them too much because I would do the exact same thing if I lived in Mexico.

We just need to make it easier to Legally come to the US.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Hiring illegals makes the statement that you don't really give a crap about the cost to the rest of us as long as you save a dime (or make a few extra). Bend it however you want to justify what you do, but the bottom line is that straight cash, no paperwork, and no overtime will cost you less. The illegals don't get all huffy when you don't get permits or provide any protective gear and training either - they're open for exploitation.

The often used excuse that Americans won't work hard or do ugly work just isn't true. I've hired a lot of contractors to do things like install a sprinkler system, do paving repair or clean out a crawlspace. Each family-owned business had hard-working Americans as their employees. I could have had the work done for much less money by companies using crews of illegals, but I'd rather the money stayed in the community of honest business people.

PS: Illegal aliens hold out for $100 per day in the south? They'd starve up here. There are so many tradespeople out of work that you can hire an experienced electrician or plumber for $10 an hour.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
The Great Oz said:
PS: Illegal aliens hold out for $100 per day in the south?

No, they don't hold out for $100 per day in the south. Daniel is in some sort of la la land.

curt johnson

Mar 25, 2010
Anthem AZ
Curt Johnson
Is it wrong to hire an illeagal if you don't know it???? Like say for a massage or other personal service? :oops:


Apr 8, 2010

Curt's dream girl...


Gary Taylor

Jul 30, 2007

Hey Mandingo!!!!

That was not my quote, it was from someone earlier!!!!!!
Reread my comment on it. I do not rent to illegals or give them jobs!!!!!!!!!!

sam miller

Illegals are people here looking to work if there was no work they wouldnt come! who's to blame every business that allows and hires agriculture car washes resturaunts every area that hire's these people do so at the rising cost of doing business Lisa made a great case for the cost in California alone 10 billion dollars. Still workmans comp aint cheap either and many business would go under and fail forced to operate without these migrant workers!

The real problem is socialism and the belief every has a right to. To have health care to own a home to take from the rich and give to the poor!

One of my clients a LA county sheriff officer said he looks at the money we give to welfare section 8, as a way of providing more so we dont get robbed!

I see house's here in the A.V. being rented for $2500.00 a month by the goverment then ad $2000.00 a month for food stamps which is now a plastic card and health care to boot who in thier right mind would ever try to get off welfare and work???

the real kicker is the American tax payer pay's into Social security and when we get to retirement will get a measly $1600 to 2000 a month after paying in are whole lives!

I respect people who work the bible says if a man doesnt work he shouldnt eat. I like to eat so I work. People who go to the local community college and get grant money for school only to drop out after they get the money is criminal!

Shwartznegger says you can get the money up to three time with put passing a class then its no more funding for you! why 3 times??????

Still the goverment is a large employer and they're programs do help local economies that money gets spent and does help ocal business period.

Lastly my cousin committed suicide shot herself in the chest they took her to the hospitol worked on her and she passed. The hospitol sent her boy friend the bill for $55,000.00 dollars! She didnt live why so much money?? oh ya tylenol $100.00 and who do the bill next medi CAL. And they pay it.

everything is a mess not just the Illegal's.

One thing people forget after 9-11 the American soccer team was in Mexico city playing against Mexico and the crowd alledgedly the youths were chanting OSAMA OSAMA OSAMA! that make's me a little upset considering without The US Mexico would starve!

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