do you have the nads to post..

Sep 7, 2008
I had a job for a very picky lady two weeks ago. She called me the next day and I just knew there was going to be a complaint. She called to thank me for a great job.

Also two weeks ago I got a call from a lady I color sealed 12 months ago. When I heard who it was my heart stopped for a minute when she said we have a big problem. I just knew there was going to be a problem with the tile. She says my dog has fleas and we need the carpets cleaned ASAP. The tile with three golden retrievers and two kids was still pristine 12 months later. That is saying something.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Mr. Foster

That damn MSG you used when you cleaned my house killed my cat. My husband is a lawyer and he's said he was going to tort you into poverty.

He did notice the day when you cleaned my carpets that my food seemed to have more flavor. How much MSG did you use anyway maybe I'll try a dab behind my ear.

Yours truly,
Mrs. Phiff

PS Can you please tell me how to leave a review on Gargle or Google or Yipe what ever its called.

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Reply to Mrs. Phiff

Dear Mrs. Phiff

I am sorry to hear about little Ms. Fluffy she followed me around everywhere when I cleaned your carpets.

I thought you and your husband would enjoy this recipe It has MSG in it so your husband might not be so mad at me. I really like MSG so if I usually double the MSG and keep a salt shaker of it on the dinner table too.

1 whole frying chicken, cut up
6-8 cups vegetable oil
4 cups water
1 tbls. Salt
1/2 tsp. MSG
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 tsp. pepper
3/4 tsp. MSG

By any chance are you short one of your gerbils that I saw in your house. I found one when I dumped my waste tank. I tried CPR. It didn't make it.

Let me know if you want more recipes.

Your ex-carpet cleaner,
Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold
The worst one i rever had 2 old ladies mom in the 90s daughter late 50s, clean and move all furniture. pre estimated. 700.00. We talked with the daughter when we got there, she went to work. we did the job. mom loved it. daughter came and paid, with in 15 min she had a review up. it was the worst review you could imagine.

Next morning i woke her up at 630 asked why, she said she did not want to pay, I gave her the check back and in 5 minutes the review was gone.

Some people,

Im sure she had a few flat tires, and some bad karma coming her way...

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
lady on vacation when I cleaned the house called today about a funny looking square area on the carpet that isnt there in the morning but is in the afternoon, probable a shadow but still gonna go look

Monica use to call me at 6 am all the time because I didn't clean the lipstick of her office phone or dump the desk ashtray

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Back in the day when we had a janitorial service we had an incredibly fussy veterinarian with one of those dimpled vinyl floors. He was always complaining how we never got all the dirt out of his "dimples". One night we walked in and he had cut tiny little arrows out of surgical tape and stuck them everywhere on his floors where there was dirt. There literally were over 100 arrows stuck to his floor.

This is a true story. You can't make this stuff up.

Steve Toburen

PS Shortly after this episode we sold off our janitorial.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Oddly enough....Both of my bad reviews on Google are from people I've never cleaned for.

One lady called my phone 5 times in about 10 minutes (log) and was pissed she couldn't get in touch with me....You forget to forward to Full Circle for one day. :roll:

The other was a "no show" from a deal of the day job....I said we had to charge her a rescheduling (if she wanted it cleaned still) fee for the missed appointment because that voided the voucher....she was pissed.

I wish I would have recorded that phone call. I'm a sarcastic bastard a nice way...and only when pushed.

I love people....They used to bother me....Now it's more like watching a movie than really being involved.


Oct 12, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Did a job for the local service master last November (smoke/ soot rugs) deliver the rugs back mid-January but we didn’t lay all the rugs out. Mid April rolls around get a call custy complaining of a shrinkage problem on one rug and damaged the fringe on another so I meet the adjuster and customer at the home.

lady was irate the fringe damaged take a good look at it and give the end a swift flip some of the fringe was stuck under the rug!... quickest rug repair I’ve ever done. The rug that shrank 1” in length she went off the tag from the back of the rug our invoice which she has a copy of too (3part NCR) has the exact same size. By this time her husband was feeling a little bit embarrassed by the whole thing

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
The only thing I get complaints about is what I chrge them and it is usually on large ticket jobs. Yet they keep calling me...., go figure.

Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
I only have one that sticks out in my mind. And it happened this spring. Empty house, Realtor that sells lots of houses and sends me lots of work meets me there to let me in and write the check. He tells me that this lady only wants certain places cleaned because she thinks that getting the carpets cleaned ruins them. My red flag detector goes off and I talk to him about this ladies thinking. He says he doesn't understand her. A couple weeks later, I get a call from her and she is blistering mad. She tells me how horrible the carpet looks and that she vacuumed it and took the bag to some carpet stores to have them look at what was in the bag. I'm sure that she didn't tell them that the house sat there empty for 2 weeks before she moved in. But they told her that wasn't acceptable, and she should call me back. I knew that there was no hope for this one. I told her I could come back, but she wouldn't be happy, so the best solution would be to refund her money and there will be no charge for the dirt I removed. Only time I have had to do that.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Nampa Idaho
Adam Hale
I think it was 2000, we moved a dining room set into the kitchen so we could clean the dining room carpet. The kitchen was small and I placed a chair on the counter on the sink. We cleaned the whole house and left. The family was out of town. 3 days later when they came home the house was flooded. The chair had slipped off the counter turning on the faucet as it slipped. The sink had a rag in it which plugged the sink. The water ran for 3 days................My insurance company had to pay $34,000 to remodel the home.

I don't put chairs on kitchen counters anymore..... :oops:


Back in 1976 I was working for a cleaner and I got a job cleaning a garden apartment that was just vacated. I got there and the Korean family that lived there had done all their cooking inside on a charcoal fired wok using lard as the oil. You could write your name on any wall in the place in the greasy soot. I called my boss and had him come in and look at it. He gave me the cleaning supplies that he thought might work. Even after the best I could do the property management company called my boss to tell them it looked like heck and that I did a lousy job. His response was that with a job like that they should call their insurance agent and put in a claim rather than raise cane with us. They still said don’t send me back. Oh well…
Best wishes,
Barry O’Connell

John Buxton

Oct 18, 2006
I worked for a Doctor that lived in a $700,000 house, with $250,000 worth of orientals. He wanted 1300 Sf cleaned and protected. I estimated $400.00 he said fine and I did the work. He then calls the carpet store that referred me saying I ripped him off. I told the store he approved the price before I began, they were OK with me.

I returned his check and a note that said just pay me whatever you think it was worth, he mailed back the original check. What a dick.


Supportive Member
Feb 27, 2011
David Reed
Get what you pay for I purchased a coupon for this company. You get what you pay for. He cleaned Three rooms and stairs in less that 20 minutes. They didn't look any better after than they did before. Gave me a song and dance about a dirty area in front of the doors being the ay the light hits that area. I think he just used plain water

This is an actual review on kudzu, only bad review I have ever received.
The lady bought one of my groupons and when I arrived her carpet was the most trashed berber I have ever seen, she had 4 dogs and the carpet was rotten with urine. I tried to get her to just get a refund because I told her no cleaning could fix what her dogs had done to the carpet. Funny thing was the things she said about me in the review are the things she said to me about the carpet cleaner she used before me. The job took about an hour.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
I just got this review off YELP.. It was only a two room job. I have been in business for a few years and havent had any issues with customers or the cleaning. I offer a 30 day guarantee with all the cleaning I do and talk about it in great lengths with the customers.


I have been avoiding getting my carpets professionally cleaned because I was concerned about letting strangers into my home. I had planned on renting a commercial grade cleaner and cleaning myself but once I heard the price and really thought out the effort of doing it myself (I have 2 small kids), I decided to call around. I had seen the Go Green van on 405 and thought since I have a crawling child, I'd call them first. Not only were their prices very competetive and clear cut (I hate companies who say "we'll have to see how much it'll be" or have a million add on charges that are undisclosed - Go Green was straight forward and clear about their pricing structure) but the scheduling was easy! I even had to change the scheduled time as I forgot about my child's swim lessons and Brent was very accomodating.
They came, started right in, and finished in under 1.5 hours. All of the stains are gone. My expectations were exceeded! I will be calling again!
Very courteous, answered all of my questions, and were timely.


Apr 14, 2011
Santa Fe
Some wanker on MB named Greg Crawley once said he could clean circles around me using a porty and 175.


Is all I gots to say bout that. :-)


Oct 7, 2006
This one was a few years ago but it was so peculiar, I'll never forget it.

Had a potential customer that wanted an estimate and included it in the route of one of our crews working in that area. Custy thought the estimate was too high and tried to beat my Tech down but he would not budge as the red flags were going up for him and they went on with their day.
Then the customer calls me at the office to complain and I kindly told her that the estimate was correct, based on our pricing structure.
Still not satisfied, she demanded another estimator - I then suggested she could call another Company if she wasn't happy.
NO ! I want you to send out another estimator - I do not want to call another Company.
Sorry ma'am we are not prepared to do that, take it or leave it.
Finally she now complains that the first estimator had bad breath and wants another one - good grief - you think some MB'er put her up to this ?

Some people !!


Apr 6, 2007
I skipped vacuuming once because a lady told me over the phone she vacuumed it three times with her brand new bissel momentum. She vacuumed after I cleaned and got a ton of crap out of it. One of the thickest nylon carpets I have ever cleaned. I also forgot a spot behind a door that would have come out with citrus gel had I remembered to grab it from downstairs when I came up. She took it out with goof off and pulled a bunch of dirt out of the carpets and sicked her husband on me. $415.00 job, kept yelling about how he didn't pay $500.00 to get is carpet cleaned to have his wife in tears. I got tough with him. Offered to clean every square inch of the carpet over again but told him he wouldn't get any money back. Admitted that I didn't vacuum because his wife reported that she vacuumed 3 times that day. Apologized but told him I wasn't going to refund any money until he gave me a chance to fix the work. He just hung up pissed. Said his wife didn't even want me in their home because they were so upset. I got the feeling they just wanted the money. I don't really care though, they didn't sound like they wanted to fix anything, they just wanted somebody to yell at.

Jack May

That Kiwi
Oct 7, 2006
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Complete house packout about half an hour away from our depot. We ahd to packout by Friday, hold the contents over the weekend and deliver on Monday to a temporary rental they were shifting into with their fire damaged home was repaired.

I had arranged with the truck hire company to hold the truck and pay the hire all weekend.

7pm Friday night the truck hire guy calls... I double booked for Saturday, I'll come down with half a dozen guys and we'll unload. All my guys had gone for the day.

Came in early Friday morning and loaded up and go out onsite and found that all the timber furniure had been scratched. $10k to fix.

Ouch, and from then on, we use a furniture removalist company for all but the smallest jobs.


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