Do you use YOUR family, kids, pets in your marketing? Why/why not?


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
Sooo, no Mcdonalds, Burger king, Kraft, Gerber, Sears, Kohls, Walmart, Target, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Toyota, etc, etc and so on. The list is endless, everyone uses kids in advertising.

Well, if using kids is your thing, then use them. You're not selling carpet cleaning to kids....Mcd's is, Walmart and the rest are selling kids products. I just think it's corny.....corny is as corny does! Most mom and pop businesses that use kids to advertise are drawn in by other ads using kids for other products. If using kids make s you feel warm and Jeepers, fuzzy, then use them. You will get the Kids crowd. I don't go after the residential crowd much any more. I'm aiming for mostly commercial. Let the guys that like to sell and upsell have the residentials. Just my preference.


Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
You will get the Kids crowd

We certainly don't. And our average invoice proves it.

You are entitled to your opinion, but I think there is more than enough proof (both here on this board/in this industry and in everything industry) that using kids in marketing does work....or else the national companies that use them wouldn't be doing it (and spending millions to do so).

Do y0u feel the same way about animals? Do you drink beer or drive a truck (I can name quite a few of these that market using animals in their ads) you know how many traditionally "manly" things are not marketed with half naked women, but use animals....

If it's working for you, then by all means..... but "preference" vs. actual results are two very different things. I think you're missing out.

Russ T.

Supportive Member
Sep 26, 2008
Slater, IA
Russ Terhaar
Well, if using kids is your thing, then use them. You're not selling carpet cleaning to kids....Mcd's is, Walmart and the rest are selling kids products. I just think it's corny.....corny is as corny does! Most mom and pop businesses that use kids to advertise are drawn in by other ads using kids for other products. If using kids make s you feel warm and Jeepers, fuzzy, then use them. You will get the Kids crowd. I don't go after the residential crowd much any more. I'm aiming for mostly commercial. Let the guys that like to sell and upsell have the residentials. Just my preference.
This is an example of the "noise" I've had to learn to filter out on the board.

No facts, just blasting an opinion. It's fine, I love my freedom to speak. But it's not helpful for a guy trying to improve.


Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Using pictures of kids/puppies is different from using YOUR personal family, pets.

Its not only the picture but the story you are telling, theme, vibe you give off.
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Nov 7, 2011
I see nothing.jpg
That was our meme for the local Yardsale Pages on Facebook. Yes thats our dog.
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Supportive Member
Feb 21, 2013
Las Vegas NV
To each there own... I completely disagree that putting pets and children in ads makes it cheesy. I think it actually attracts a lot of customers and makes them feel more comfortable with you and your cleaning. You clean their house like you clean your own is the perceived thought. I'm in the same boat with Shane, we have used the more corporate look than family. Since none of us have kids, or a full on family, yet, it wouldn't make sense. Also, being in large cities is much different than smaller towns. I grew up in a smaller town and always remember ads with kids and pets. They were attractive because it felt like your own family. Here in Vegas... doesn't work as well. This city is so transient; people are always moving here and then out.


Jan 16, 2015
A.J. Hodges
If someone is going to be in my house I want to know at least what they look like before I have them in. I simply will not allow a faceless employee in my home without me over their shoulder the whole time. If an owner of a company or perhaps an employee who has his pic in the add/website I feel theres a little more accountability there. Then I'm less worried about them jacking that $400 comic book I have laying out.


Apr 7, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Dan Gardner
Yes, you are a better marcater then you get credit for.
Ok. You got me on that one. I had to Google it. I came up with a link on converting transverse marcater coordinate system into decimal (what?). Then it came to me - marketer? :biggrin: Oh..... that makes better sense.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Ok. You got me on that one. I had to Google it. I came up with a link on converting transverse marcater coordinate system into decimal (what?). Then it came to me - marketer? :biggrin: Oh..... that makes better sense.

I believe Mr Sutley came up with that.

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
Just look at the Android ad with the song "Robin Hood and Little John" playing in the background. Its all about the animals till the last seconds when their name comes up.

If they can keep the attention of potential buyers that long, and at the end you STILL remember the name of the company (that part doesn't always work), its a darn good ad.

They know the buying public.


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
This is an example of the "noise" I've had to learn to filter out on the board.

No facts, just blasting an opinion. It's fine, I love my freedom to speak. But it's not helpful for a guy trying to improve.


Ah, Russ.....there's no need to filter. Do what you think is best for your business! I just happen to not be trying to attrack residential anymore. I leave it to the "pricers" in town, and there's a lot. If kids and family/pet ads work for you, then use them to your advantage. I've been doing this for 37 years, and just don't need to try to recruit new residential custys. I'm not blasting an opinion, just stating my opinion. I wish you success in trying to improve!


Well, if using kids is your thing, then use them. You're not selling carpet cleaning to kids....Mcd's is, Walmart and the rest are selling kids products. I just think it's corny.....corny is as corny does! Most mom and pop businesses that use kids to advertise are drawn in by other ads using kids for other products. If using kids make s you feel warm and Jeepers, fuzzy, then use them. You will get the Kids crowd. I don't go after the residential crowd much any more. I'm aiming for mostly commercial. Let the guys that like to sell and upsell have the residentials. Just my preference.
With all due respect to your 37 years in the business, you are painting the marketplace with an extremely broad brush

residential is not all " up sell and low bid work"

Just as all the commercial work you are after can't be defined as low ball work

Putting kids and pets isn't marketing to kids, it's marketing to potential clients WITH kids and/or pets

Calling it " corny and flaky" is fine as it is your opinion... Billions of ad dollars by corporations would beg to disagree however...

But then they rarely take advice from one man shops so I doubt it's going away anytime soon


Aug 11, 2012
If you email a precleaning customer briefing list, you can also send an image of the crew.

Include names, cerification number and years of experience. "These technicans look forward to serving you tomorrow.
if i did just a portion of what some of the things others here do id be so busy and able to charge more id be marty heaven. i really need to take things more seriously someday. :hopeless:

i asked genny what she thought about this and she said putting your kids and pets in ads is a good idea if you are an o/o. if you are a bigger outfit then not so much. its misleading and the customer may feel deceived. i think it depends on how they are used.
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