Is there a "patch" of sorts...?
After treating the urine and allowing dry time to pass, lightly sand that back. I’d use fine steel wool and care not to disturb the wood stain, only remove any blistered or flaked finish. Lightly abrade the area around it as well. Apply a coat to the raw area and when it is dry apply a coat to the whole area around it. Then use 220 grit to lightly abrade and blend the area to some reasonable size and apply a third coat to cover it all. It will be much shinier and newer but will blend back in within two months.
with the goal being what?
to eliminate the staining or does it still stink?
boards can be replaced if that's what you mean by "patch"
what did they "sand" with?
So, how many visits is that going to take?
I hearby grant you permission to call meOne. About three hours.
After a complete remodel to the entire house I'm the only contractor that an OCD level of skill and commitment to a perfected job which these people greatly appreciated, even if things didn't come out a 101% perfect, they know I triedSurprised they don’t just call same refinishing company
It’s funny you should mention OCD. My first job tomorrow morning is driving 2 HRS to clean a cloak room in a church. Some disrespectful, transient BUMS broke into said church, and urinated, AND deficated in the church, but especially where the priest dresses.....After a complete remodel to the entire house I'm the only contractor that an OCD level of skill and commitment to a perfected job which these people greatly appreciated, even if things didn't come out a 101% perfect, they know I tried
they just had it sanded and refinished recently I assume with a 175 or whatever they use
...natural color..that happened "after" the refinish?
or before?
is this 3/4" T&G or manufactured with wood veneer top?
I don't know of any products you could pour on wood to make that disappear.
It has to be sanded out and refinished .
Here's the deal though, contingent on how long/how much urine has been dumped, you might have to sand 3/32" or more to get to clean wood with a resulting couple sf "dish/scallop" in that spot
if very minimal penetration, a half hour with palm finish sander and recoat might do it.
do you know if re-finishers applied a wood stain before spreading the aquacRap finish?
If so, you'll need some of the same brand and color
It will peel within a year.
I'm no expert and not familiar with that product but have never seen any polyurethane last very long.
I would stick with just the paint.
Waste your time idgas.Specifically says not to dilute with bong water...
I'm no expert and not familiar with that produc
over painted wood