DOT number...grrrrrrr

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
We got tickets first but they waived the tickets if you were in compliance within 30-days. If it hasn't been a problem in your state then why make it an issue. You'll know when they decide to in force what's already on the books, they will ticket you.



Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
if that is the case everyone that pulls a camper trailer would have to have a DOT number. because they have a hobby that means a combo of vehicles exceeds 10000#. we know people that pull camper trailers don't need a DOT number. here is a thought what if the cop doesn't know what the HELL they are talking about?? if we can't figure out the rules then they can't either. I have been pulled over probably more than anyone here, by city cops, highway patrol etc. pulling a trailer etc. never was anything about a DOT number brought up. if anything I have heard the cops tell OTHER people they need it but never ticket them. I wouldn't worry about it. you have liability insurance on your vehicles someone said you would get sued because you don't have a DOT number. give me a freaking break!!! if your in an accident and its your fault and someone is hurt there is going to be a lawsuit anyways regardless if you have a DOT number or not. your liability is no more no less without an DOT number. Some people like to play arm chair cop and say you have to have this or that, bullshit.

Camper trailers are not required to be registered as commercial vehicles...unless they are titled to a business.

The USDOT site says that many states, including AZ, require all commercial vehicles to have a USDOT number. Jim has already stated that he has to register it as commercial vehicle.

If you use the "do I need a DOT number" form on the AZ site the only thing that would exclude Jim from needing one is if the trucks are titled in his name.

The wording of the FAQ reinforces that.

but I really don't gas if Jim needs one, has one, or not....just showing why I thought he would have to
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Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
Steve G. You are wrong. I don't know where u live. IDGAS either. But in Utah, Doug needs a DOT number and if he doesn't have one and is involved in a crash even if not his fault attorneys would come after him with a barrage bs charges once they realize he has a business with a supposed DOT registered truck. My employee brother owns one of the largest trucking companies in the country. Has over 300 trucks. I've talked in great detail with him about these things. He has a full time attorney working for him just to handle all the bs regulations in each state for his company. Don't cut corners, just follow the rules.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
it was the registered to the biz that caught his attention....

i am sure slowly i will figure this out....but what a pita...

so much for governments wanting to be for the little guy

and yes the travel trailer thing lights me up more then anything....half them jackasses cant drive them, and the other half are so damn old....


they put more miles on the freeway then i do....15 grrr is what they should bump it to....

ohhh saw a truck that had the gvwr sticker, but no dot hummmm


Oct 8, 2006
Unfortunately for me I have quite allot of experience with this subject:

There is a short questionnaire that can be taken at:

If you answer these questions it will affirmatively let you know if you are required to have a USDOT # for either Interstate or Intrastate.

Here is a quick link to a list of states that do require a Intrastate USDOT #. As you will see there are very few states that don't require a USDOT #.

Now if you are going to take chances because you haven't been caught that is your decision but isn't there a old saying "Ignorance of the Law isn't an excuse"

Oh & as was already mentioned if you are involved in any accident your fault or not you will wish you had followed the rules.

You also could find out your Insurance doesn't have to cover you due to the missing USDOT #.

Now there is some good news though. Interstate & Intrastate are different in many states in what is required. In Tn, we are required to have a Medical Card for instance.

I have had the pleasure of being put thru a Full DOT Inspection & even after the Trooper said we had one of the cleanest well maintained trucks he has ever encountered we still received 6 official warnings that I didn't even know required me to do more paperwork & almost lost my license over some paperwork.

USDOT is IMO almost as bad as the IRS they can make up the rules whenever they want to & it is your responsibility to know all or pay to find out.

Due to wanting as little contact with the USDOT as possible & the fact we didn't have that many clients in other states we chose to no longer service any out of state clients including current ones unfortunately.
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Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
My truck came out of pulled up in my driveway with D.O.T numbers on the door.....Took them off the next morning and drove it down to motor vehicle for a out of state inspection so I could pull the Colorado plates off and register it in AZ.....

they went threw there inspection from one end to the other and it passed with flying colors......gave me my temporary plate....all the papers to prove it was now a Arizona truck......

it was that easy.........There are guys on this board that are from Tucson...and a few that are from Phoenix.....and they will tell you...they don't have D.O.T.numbers either....
100's of cleaners from one end of this state to the other...not a one has D.O.T. numbers.........


Oct 8, 2006
My truck came out of pulled up in my driveway with D.O.T numbers on the door.....Took them off the next morning and drove it down to motor vehicle for a out of state inspection so I could pull the Colorado plates off and register it in AZ.....

they went threw there inspection from one end to the other and it passed with flying colors......gave me my temporary plate....all the papers to prove it was now a Arizona truck......

it was that easy.........There are guys on this board that are from Tucson...and a few that are from Phoenix.....and they will tell you...they don't have D.O.T.numbers either....
100's of cleaners from one end of this state to the other...not a one has D.O.T. numbers.........

Hm..... There are also guys here in TN that don't have USDOT #s I pass everyday & have tags, I assume payed taxes etc but this doesn't change the fact they are required by law to have a USDOT#, Medical Card, Yearly Truck Inspection etc etc etc.......Incidentally I found out about yearly inspection at my Full DOT inspection not before even though I tried to ask all the right questions before even taking possession of my truck.

I also have a friend in another state that is also on the list of states requiring Intrastate USDOT #s & he didn't think I was correct. He ended up getting pulled over by the right Trooper & the rest is history.

I am by no stretch of the imagination trying to say I am correct for any state accept my own which has been tested by a very large industry company that said I was wrong & then after some checking they issued USDOT#s to there demo box truck.

If anyone is even interested just fill out the free questionnaire on the site mentioned above. No need to believe or disbelieve any person on this board, facts are facts. It really isn't that bad as long as you are Intrastate. Besides as far as I know any Commercial tagged vehicle is subject to being pulled over without cause if they want to, just not enough revenue to mess with small stuff.

The day I was pulled in the Sargent said point blank he was intentionally picking on small trucks that day. I was originally pulled in for tag not being displayed on front bumper which I didn't know there was a weight limit for where to display tag.

So another words if you you speed everyday past officers but they never pull you over does that mean speeding isn't against the law?

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
every state is different..your more then welcome to call the phoenix office and ask them why hundreds and hundreds of Carpet cleaners threw out the state of AZ are not running with D.O.T. numbers......


Oct 8, 2006
every state is different..your more then welcome to call the phoenix office and ask them why hundreds and hundreds of Carpet cleaners threw out the state of AZ are not running with D.O.T. numbers......

No big deal for me although I did find a little interesting info on

Seriously how many times has any of us talked to an officer or any government official about a specific subject & ended up finding out later they weren't correct?

Not trying to argue Jim I'm all for you or anyone not having to deal with the extra headache of complying to the law. Just hope none ever have to regret it.

Obtaining a United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Number

The following is the result of an amendment to Arizona Administrative Rule R17-5-203, Motor Carrier Safety: 49 CFR 390 - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; General Applicability and Definitions; General Requirements and Information:
In conjunction with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), the Division has amended R17-5-203, effective July 10, 2007, to require CMVs identified under R17-5-203(B)(3) to obtain a United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) number from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration registry for intrastate travel within Arizona. This amendment is made in an effort to facilitate the tracking and identification of those CMVs with a poor safety rating. Additional amendments were made to R17-5-203(D) and (E), Marking of CMVs.
The new regulations requiring the USDOT# for intrastate travel by a CMV, and Markings of CMVs are administered and enforced through DPS.
You can obtain an intrastate USDOT number by applying online, see instructions below:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Registration and Updates. This will take you to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) web site.
  3. Click the Step-By-Step instruction link and follow the instructions. Please read each page carefully.
  4. You will be required to fill out an MCS150 form online which follows the initial questions.
  5. You will also be required to provide a credit card number. Nothing will be charged to your card. This is strictly for validation purposes.
  6. Complete the form and follow the instructions and you will be given your company’s USDOT number at the end of the process.
After you obtain the number you must display it on the power units of your vehicles per Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation 390.21 which can be viewed at

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Seriously how many times has any of us talked to an officer or any government official about a specific subject & ended up finding out later they weren't correct?

Seriously..........what are the odds that every single truck......trailer....or van out there that cleans carpet in the state of Arizona has the wrong information....
and in all these years not a single one of us has ever gotten a ticket or any type of trouble because we are not running D.O.T numbers........

we aren't talking one person dodging the law here....we are talking an entire state of cleaners that all share one common D.O.T numbers...

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Way back when the first stopped us we called everyone we could, all were dead ends. No one knew why we were included, according to how it read it was a stretch to include us.

Finally someone at the Kansas corporation commission said it was always on the books but it was just now (10 years ago) being inforced.

So enjoy the time without it, someone day some jackass will have brilliant idea of how to bring in more revenue.

The new initiative has been trailers in the last year or so. They stop all trailers and see what you're hauling. Even ticketing the landscaping guys if they don't have a DOT. They never used to care about trailers but now they do.

Its a money thing. Pathetic.
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
its a hand thing....

lemme stick this hand so far up your back side, that i can read you mind....let alone get you to give me as much Fing info as I can


Oct 8, 2006
Seriously..........what are the odds that every single truck......trailer....or van out there that cleans carpet in the state of Arizona has the wrong information....
and in all these years not a single one of us has ever gotten a ticket or any type of trouble because we are not running D.O.T numbers........

we aren't talking one person dodging the law here....we are talking an entire state of cleaners that all share one common D.O.T numbers...

I guess the odds are good if none that run trucks over 10k GVWL have their USDOT #s since Jul 10, 2007 when AZ made it a law. Even if not enforced it doesn't mean it isn't en-forcible anytime they want to.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
its a hand thing....

lemme stick this hand so far up your back side, that i can read you mind....let alone get you to give me as much Fing info as I can

Got to agree with you there Doug. . Just going to get worse. :evil:


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
There are 3 parts to biz...(ok maybe more but bare with me)

The paper work...including all this BS stuff.....ick

Hiring and working to train people (i give them FARRRR to much credit for being smart or logical)

Doing the work, and running the crew so its done right.....I can knock this part out of the park...

My dream would be for a big guy to buy me out, let me sell off my equip.....and then hire me for a good amount to run their crew(s)

this admin crap just drains me

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