Hot Damn, Jim was you one of those "Sparky' guys in your previous life time??? Just knew you would have an answer that us, "The ones who know a little bit bout everyting, but not the whole enchalata" could understand and relate to.
Another thing I was told during my WISHA (OSHA) vist by the agent, He said sumthing like this " During the walk around inspection I look for all types of infractions. I will give you 5 minutes in your shop before I enter incase you have any ungrounded plugs, bad extension cords, or illegal power boxes which you might want to hide for now and dispose of later. I can fine you wery heavily just for having them...)
After the inspection (He found 3 infractions just in the shop, our cleaning crews and trucks were out in the field so he didn't get to inspect them.) I had Helen call their pagers and told them to stay away till we called them back in. I asked about his warning and giving me time to go through the shop first. He said the last 2 water damage companies he inspected both had illegal power boxes that they thought were legal. No proper ground.