TimP said:
A lease makes no sense when you aren't making a significant amount of money like me. For those who are like Ken who are buried in money it does make complete sense. I have no profits to write off so it makes no sense to lease anything again unless I double my business income. Even then I'd probably finance because I'm bitter about this lease.
Wait a minute Tim, I never said anything positive or negative about leasing, only about letting others finance large purchases. Virtually all of my financing is bank financing for purchasing vehicles and equipment. The only leases we have are for personal vehicles that we do 3 year leases on and then turn them in.
On a separate deal we have set up a separate entity that buys
Butler units (through bank financing) and then we lease them to one of our operating companies (Hagopian Cleaning Services). This is done for purposes of getting income to the previous generation patriarch and his wife.
I am not promoting or dissing leasing in general~ here are good ones and bad ones just like bank financing. You can pay too much for either, or if credit risk it may really just be comensurate with the risk the finance company (bank or leasor) is taking on someone with poor credit.
I sell 3-6 reconditioned
Butlers a year, plus 1-3 other types of vehicles and at least one a year ends up not going through becuase the cleaner can not get financing due to credit problems.
Ps I assure you I am not sitting on any piles of money.