encapped for the first time last night and


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
not very impressed with the results. i did not get to see the carpet dry because i had an equipment pickup i had to get to. but looking at it while still moist did not look like magic most guys are making it out to be.

will be heading over to the account in a few hours to see how it looks dry.

i used a cimex, jondon fiber pads and jondon double strength with stinky encap juice.


Jan 15, 2008
Bloomington, IL 61704
David Sweeney
You were good on the Cimex, you were good on the pads, but unfortunatly your juice sucks! Jon Don's encap product does not work like it should. (it does not dry to a brittle solid in a petri dish either.) Do yourself a favor, get a gallon of releasit or snake oil triple strength and then you can be impressed. Also encap should dry relatively quickly as in most times, dry by the time you are done... Try regulating your solution flow a little more and doing an extra dry pass, or post padding to remove excess moisture/ soil.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Juice has a lot to do with it, I've not tried Jon-Don's but we've had get results with Snake Oil, Releasit and Hot Knife or Pad Cap Pro.

You might try one of them before you sell me your Cimex at a greatly reduced price......especially since encap doesn't work that well. :wink:

We test cleaned at a state agency yesterday to see if we could clean up an area that a competitor had tried 3-times to get to look right. Our estimator wanted to HWE, but they couldn't allow that during working hours, so we encapsulated it and they were blown away. Distinct night and day difference, they were so impressed they asked us to give estimate on two buildings now.

If we get it, which I'm pretty confident we will, we will HWE and encap over the top so we don't have any issues and it will look nice and even.


Oct 9, 2006
dealtimeman said:
not very impressed with the results. i did not get to see the carpet dry because i had an equipment pickup i had to get to. but looking at it while still moist did not look like magic most guys are making it out to be.

will be heading over to the account in a few hours to see how it looks dry.

i used a cimex, jondon fiber pads and jondon double strength with stinky encap juice.

Hey Micheal, I may be able to help you out a bit... Yes, I have something to sell but the advice is solid and free...

The first thing I'd say is use your vacuuum before you use your cimex.

Pay attention to the coverage rate of your solution feather your trigger and remember to stop the flow of juice about 2-3 ft before you stop or turn around. Be stingy with your juice.

Let the machine run back and forth over a spot for about 5 secs (on damp carpet) before yout turn off the motor. This will get the solution out of the pads and prevent 3 little circles on the carpet...

The next thing I'd say is to not get discouraged... Chances are the chemistry wasn't up to the task... Try one of the products mentioned in this thread. Better still try them all and pick your favorite.

Also, rinse your tank and pad drivers out after the job and before switching chemicals... Some encap polymers do no play well with others and will gel inside your machine which is a bad thing. That said a little hot water goes a long way toward preventing that...

And the best peice of advice I can give you is: Practice. Get comfortable with the machine and its capabilities. This will make your demo's go so much better and you won't be fumbling. Usually Id say figure out how to do it then how to sell it now I'm saying figure out how to do it so you can sell it... LOL


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
i gave multiple passes including two dry passes. i just put down enough to let it lightly foam as i was moving. i vacuumed the crap out of the carpet, it almost took longer to vacuum than to encap it. :shock: (the customer never vaccums). i am heading out that way now and will take some pics.


dealtimeman said:
i gave multiple passes including two dry passes. i just put down enough to let it lightly foam as i was moving. i vacuumed the crap out of the carpet, it almost took longer to vacuum than to encap it. :shock: (the customer never vaccums). i am heading out that way now and will take some pics.

Mike, from what I've noticed encapsulating, juices vary a lot..

I've tried encapuclean green ds, encapuclean with maxim, releasit ds, and releasit hydrox and the ONLY one that dries to big crystals instead of a little powdery residue is Releasit DS.

The encapuclean with maxim and releasit ds have flourochemical protection built in as well which is supposed to make the crystals vacuum easier as well.

The only one ive had jobs where I've been like HOLY SHIT with is the releasit DS.


Oct 9, 2006
Try some of the good juice... All the best stuff is available at www.encapstore.com & if ya need a tad bit of help I'm almost always available here or by phone... 812-595-8271 (cell) or 812-754-1447 office.


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
I'm more curious to know why someone who has a truckmount would want to switch over to a lesser method? Was it the lure of 'easy' money?
Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
dealtimeman said:
i gave multiple passes including two dry passes. i just put down enough to let it lightly foam as i was moving. i vacuumed the crap out of the carpet, it almost took longer to vacuum than to encap it. :shock: (the customer never vaccums). i am heading out that way now and will take some pics.

Umm, now why would you encap knowing they never vacuum and most likely never will? It's not a priority for them... Ivebeensold


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
If the carpet was "loaded" with soil due to the fact that the client "never vacuums", I would have hwe'd this carpet before even considering encap, or bonneted afterwards.

I would also have used a pile lifter prior to vacuuming.

After that, when the carpet is next due, your normal pre vac; followed up with encap should make you and your client have an orgasmic experience, the like of which you both have never experienced in your life previously.

M - A - I - N - T - E - N - A - N - C - E, is a word that has to be fully explained to clients like these.

No offense to Marty, but one cannot make silk purses out of sow's bellies, and one cannot perform miracles without fully comprehending the situation and outcome.

Every system has it's limitations, it's up to us to know those limitations and use the correct tools to our advantage.


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
Estimate tomorrow because of a carpet that I cleaned at a dr's office that was encaped. The estimate is an employee that works there and commented the carpets never looked better after I cleaned them. I did hwe and followed with encap the next day because of the severe amount of soil. The next day the carpets looked like crap before the encap was done. Its funny how this was mentioned as the lure of easy money and I am receiving hundreds of dollars in referral money after the employees see the results of my work.


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
rhino, i bought the cimex for an account that doesnt want to pay for hwe twice or three times a year but needs some kind of cleaning or appearance maintanance often. right now i charge .35 a sqft and i told them that a more economic solution would be to do appearance maintenance at .16 a sqft. so i did a demo for them at night and they were very happy even though i was not. i have explained to them that i have to hwe at least once a year and they are fine with that. they are ecstatic that i offered a new method to reduce their cost. plus i did the demo more for me to have something to learn on, where if the resulst were not great i could blame it on a failed process and revert to hwe. i have not ever hwe this part of the building before.

here are some before and afters.
before encap after vacuuming the crap out of carpet



after i finished


this area right of the exit door was particularly noticeable when the encap dried and re
mains as if i did nothing to it.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
I'm more curious to know why someone who has a truckmount would want to switch over to a lesser method? Was it the lure of 'easy' money?
I can't speak for everyone but ours came out of the need to seeking a better finished product.

We have light blue commercial glue down carpet in our own office and clean the carpet as needed. We noticed that the carpet looked great when wet but as it dried it looked yellowed and hazy in the traffic patterns, the edges looked like new.

We used the Prochem's and our Butlers, tried different technicians, cleaned it at different times of the day to avoid traffic, thought we were tracking it up, we used Oxy and citrus boosters all to no real improvement.

One day John Guerkink passed through with his OP machine and his juice and did a demo and while it didn't look like brand new (carpet was worn), it looked much better than the HWE. It was even looking you didn't have the hazy traffic patterns, it kicked HWE in the azzz.

I was disappointed to say the least, I have 8-TM's and John with a OP machine did a better job. :(

So then after much discussion and thought we decided to turn this around and use it to our advantage. We could clean at a lower cost, get our foot in the door and actually produce a better finished product on direct glue down carpet.

I won't get rid of our TM's, they are still used on residential and to do corrective cleaning when the soil load needs to be flushed out, but OP and Encapsulation are tools that we have found have a place in the professional cleaners arsenal.

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