Enlighten me ...part 2

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
HARPER said:

I would normally do this in a PM..."but"

I hope you realize that I am "bustin your balls" with the DENIAL word.."because"
I believe you are @ a turning point in your BIZ..from your previous post.
You are a self-made man...That makes you hard-headed & set in your ways... hey now

You are MUCH smarter than me..! and I am sure you will make the right decision's..!!!
SOMETIMES...a little "peer-pressure"...can go a long way toward helping you to GET OVER THE WALL.

I would like to see more..."competitive banner" ... in the threads between the moderator's.
You guys have a wealth of ideas and experience....BUT....If you guys disagree....nothing is said
in the open forum..? "EasY mEaT"...you are an exception..LOL

It is PRETTY easy to PouND on the newbies... -sniff
I personally would like to see some more HEAVEY WEIGHT FIGHT'S....around here... :idea:
A lot more can be learned by the readers....With a couple of Veteran Fighters in the RING... :idea:

ps...I consider "jUghEaD" to be a newbie...FOR THE RECORD... :lol:

No worries Harper....I don't like PM's...I would much rather things be in the open......
I look for everyones input...in the first enlighten me thread..there was a lot of disagreements...ways of looking at things..but yet..some good info...a lot of what you say makes a lot of since...so just keep pounding me and everyone else.....I don't consider myself smarter then you or anyone else for that matter....but I do see a lot of people that have been around a long time that are pretty set in there ways...and not really changing with the times...which is OK..those people have made it threw the thick and the thin of the industry..but a lot of what worked then..just don't work as well now.......

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Great post Jim... :!:

I feel that NO one should make radical changes to their business model...until NOVEMBER... :idea:

If we have a new President..? I anticipate a HUGE influx of capital into our economy... LIKE!
If NOT...then I would recommend ....Everyone to down-size and buckle down....! It will be
survival of the fittest..!

One of the reason that I retired was to DOWN-SIZE through this economy..! We chose NOT to
advertize to "empty-pockets". The economy cleaners will "RULE" in this type of economic crisis.
We actually RAISED our pricing...and catered to the clients that can afford us...!

"IF"...we have a regime change..? Our company will excel at a rapid rate..! There has been a
tremendous amount of attrition in our area. As descretionary spending becomes more available
I expect our business to EXPLODE beyond my wildest expectations... LIKE!

BIG MONEY...is waiting to swallow up the homes in foreclosure.."ENTIRE SUB-DIVISIONS" Interest
rates are at an ALL TIME low...and CASH IS KING.. LIKE! These homes will become rental properties
to many of the same people...who were the original mortgage holders... I've seen Jimmy naked

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
EasY mEaT"...you are an exception.

what makes you think I'm reading this thread ......

a lot of what you say makes a lot of since...so just keep pounding me

it's SENSE!!..dammit

you've been in biz since '03
You're doing well cause you're a go getter and have good sense

I feel like Jimmy with his "lose/loose" corrections :lol:



Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Befor Harpo gets too full of himself.
And become such a devil advocate, that he gets confused looking at the mirror deciding who's the devil and who's the advocate.

It is not all or nothing.

And there are many ways to do it:

  • Growing your own successor is just one of many.

    You can build your company so it will work well without you. Providing you adequately.

    You can build your company to be sold. It is done all the time. You need to plan in advance, build it for that purpose and with patience find a good buyer. Not the know it all kind of guy that sees no value in other companies. A good business man will find value in a cash producing business. (Mr. know it all excluded eat yor heart out Werner )

    You can stay an owner operator, get a good income and save every month. Invest your saving: Buy some stocks, some real estate, some dividend paying stocks etc. It does not have to be a huge amount at once. Just do it wisely and consistently and it will add up to a nice retirement.

    Many other options. Some of them depend on what feels good to you and the life style that you want to lead

And joining a 12 step program, say 'over sexed anonymous' may not be an exit strategy, however it may add nicely to the bottom line eat yor heart out Werner
Mar 28, 2007
omaha ne
steve snail
Art Kelley said:
Who says you can't enjoy life and continue working? Is the dream to have enough money so you can sit on the sofa all day? I will work until I can't and do things I like such as travel in the winter when work is slow, weekend at my beach condo in the summer, go mountain biking, spend time with family and friends. Work keeps me rich and healthy.

Dude.....we need to rendezvous in Moab this Fall. i

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
Ofer Kolton said:
Befor Harpo gets too full of himself.
And become such a devil advocate, that he gets confused looking at the mirror deciding who's the devil and who's the advocate.

It is not all or nothing.

And there are many ways to do it:

  • Growing your own successor is just one of many.

    You can build your company so it will work well without you. Providing you adequately.

    You can build your company to be sold. It is done all the time. You need to plan in advance, build it for that purpose and with patience find a good buyer. Not the know it all kind of guy that sees no value in other companies. A good business man will find value in a cash producing business. (Mr. know it all excluded eat yor heart out Werner )

    You can stay an owner operator, get a good income and save every month. Invest your saving: Buy some stocks, some real estate, some dividend paying stocks etc. It does not have to be a huge amount at once. Just do it wisely and consistently and it will add up to a nice retirement.

    Many other options. Some of them depend on what feels good to you and the life style that you want to lead

And joining a 12 step program, say 'over sexed anonymous' may not be an exit strategy, however it may add nicely to the bottom line eat yor heart out Werner

"bUllShIT"...ofer... KMA!

CC companies are worth nothing...being sold outright... KMA! KMA! KMA!
What planet do you live on.... :?:

Buy stock... :lol:
Equity in a home... KMA!
401 K.... :lol:

Good luck on your PIPE DREAM... eat shit!

Customer list are useless.....
Cleaning contracts are "performance based"....No guarantee & most are not transferable...
Phone #'s are obsolete ....
Equipment value's are at an all time low....

jus sayin... LIKE!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Why's that Joe?

If it wernt for this POS vortex needing my constant attention I could take a month off and my biz would run itself.

and I know damn straight you hound your brat each and everyday to make sure he aint hording nickles or your left over beef rags behind your back.

and btw, you're standing on one of my exit strategies SO GET OFF MY LAWN :!:


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
"bUllShIT"...Joe... KMA!

jus sayin... LIKE!

Slowly let the air out.
Good! Now that you've landed.

Get real. It can all be done and all are viable options.
The fact that you did not choose to go that way, does not make you right.

Just a little more outspoken than most eat yor heart out Werner

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