Yes, Jimmy is cheap.Keep in mind t that he's never ran a ( well formulated) wheels down OP.
The relatively low cost of our profession's equipment shouldn't be the factor that choices are made on iff your serious about growing your company
If it's a part time gig, sure go cheap and work
Yes, Jimmy is cheap.
And you’re trying to make a sale.
TELL ME ABOUT IT!My great advice is free..
Your pissyness is prostrate inflaming.
That's a great set up. There's not much you can't do with that combination.Well everyone, I want to thank you all for the great advice you gave me in this thread. I came a long way, and while I still have a ton to learn, I'm so glad to be moving out of CFR recycling machines I've been using for the last ten years and into the equipment you see here. My main gig is teaching music to elementary school kids, but I clean carpets in a few commercial buildings one night a week to supplement my income, for a total of about 20 hours a month. My objective wasn't to grow my business, but rather to do a better job, and I can already tell that this new set up will do just that! Here's where I ended up:
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I found this Mytee LTD5 LX Speedster in NC on Facebook Marketplace ($4,475 new). It has a 500 PSI pump, two vacs in series with 250 CFM and 182" water lift, auto fill, and auto pump out. Was only a year or two old and being sold by someone who upgraded to a TM. Came with 50' solution hose, 50' of 2" vacuum hose, a 1.5" whip and a new aw29 wand. Walked away with everything for $2,400 shipped, and spent another $80 on parts from Mytee to get it working like new.
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I looked long and hard for a used Phonix ($4,400 new) and finally found this one on Marketplace from a guy who was getting out of the business in MI. Added the edge wand and he threw in ten used pads and six new glad pads. Also bought some Saigers 2x Oxy Encap and OdorOxy urine spotter off him. Drove up there and walked away with everything for just under $3,000.
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Decided to buy another 50' of solution and 2" vacuum hose for the Speedster. It's rated for 150' of effective hose runs, so 100' feet total at 2" should be good. When I want to do shorter runs, I also bought 25' of 1.5" hose. Bought this along with a Chosen wand/hole glide and some shut offs from Mike (thanks Mike!) for $1,080.
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Went to Amazon for auto fill and pump out hoses, a Hydroforce sprayer, faucet adaptors, extra switches, extra quick disconnects, hose straps and a Mytee upholstery tool. $515 total.
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One of the buildings I clean had two Multisprayers ($500 each new) unused since the COVID days. They said I could have one if I would set up the other as a spotting system for the building manager to use between cleanings. I found this Rigid wet-dry-vac and put the two on a hand truck from Harbor Freight. $200 total.
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That leaves me at $7,275 for everything you see here. It's not a truck mount, but I can do a lot with this, and I was able to do it for cash without debt (huge win!). For the moment I suppose I'll use the Phonix to agitate pre-spray, but one day I'd like something easier to transport, maybe a CRB or a rotary tool. I'm looking for a second Phoenix, so if anyone wants to sell theirs I'm in the market for another used one
Thanks again Milkeysboard for all your help with this- I'm so glad I found you guys!
Thanks so much- you were a big help!That's a great set up. There's not much you can't do with that combination.
Here are the mostly used pads that came with that Phoenix- how do they look to you? I'm completely new to op machines, and only have a YouTube education... My understanding is that the cotton pads work best for residential, and the microfiber pads work best on well maintained cgd. The green striped pads would be for dirtier commercial needing harder scrubbing yes? I'm hoping to attend Mikeysfest and learn more, but in the meantime, about how quickly should I be going through pads?
View attachment 130263not a fan of the green striped ones, I find they are not very absorbent. You can reuse those pads but I would get some standard microfiber pads. I use those more than any other pad. Easy to wash in a washing machine.
Here are the mostly used pads that came with that Phoenix- how do they look to you? I'm completely new to op machines, and only have a YouTube education... My understanding is that the cotton pads work best for residential, and the microfiber pads work best on well maintained cgd. The green striped pads would be for dirtier commercial needing harder scrubbing yes? I'm hoping to attend Mikeysfest and learn more, but in the meantime, about how quickly should I be going through pads?
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Aw come on Mike- you’re going to love Indy! Especially with all the extreme white water rafting in the canal… you’re gonna want to come back every year!Imagine all you'll learn by cleaning side by side with the very best low moisture, and hot water extraction manufacturers, instructors, and influencers not to mention the 30, 40 and 50-year veterans that will be in attendance.
When I say "opportunity of a lifetime" this event is the definition as there is slim to no chance of us coming back to Indianapolis again..
Congrats Will. You're set up with good equipment and accessories.
Now get out there and fill your schedule. Where are you planning to market to?
Aw come on Mike- you’re going to love Indy! Especially with all the extreme white water rafting in the canal… you’re gonna want to come back every year!
Awesome mission Mike!The goal of the Fests is to bring awareness to the cleaning community of the specialness of the RMHC, and to find a group of local cleaners to adopt the House and donate ongoing maintance cleanings.
Ive already accomplished that in Indy so I won't be bringing The Fest back.