Ever fire a family member?

Larry B

Jun 23, 2008
Pigeon Forge, TN
Larry Burrell
I think I am the most hated person in my family now.

After everyone said dont hire family I brought them into the business anyway.

After a few complaints in the last couple of days I fired 2 family members and 4 employees in the last 48 hours.

I dont think I need to worry about getting too many Christmas gifts this year.

After you can family members how long does it take them to get over it??? LMAO

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
I got one that ain't spoke to me in over FOUR years.....

one armed wand pushin'...slacky!
May 15, 2008
Oh boy firing 6 people in 48 hours is never good, now if two of those are family members man I really feel for you. I hope those were some serious complaints.

I fired a neighbor once, he never really got over it, never came to any of my bbq's and I never went to any of his. He took it a step further and keyed my all of my vans AND my take home police car (Dodge Charger). He never admitted it was him but I know it was. I know this isn't exactly what you wanted but that's my experience with "releasing" people who I know personally.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Damage done. Family members shouldn't be anywhere near your business...although my Mom works my phones and my Dad helps me out cleaning.lol

It's like money lending to family members. There is no such thing...it's either a gift or it's a problem.

Good thing about family (usually) they will be fine in a year. They will know what is right.

Was it brothers? Sisters? Cousins?...the closer the relative, the shorter the time.
Hey, but what the hell do I know?


Oct 7, 2006
I'm against the whole family thing, but sometimes .... eh' they are family, whatcha gonna do?
Just don't play favorites.
Nov 6, 2006
Charleston, SC
1 Brother

1 Step Brother

1 Cousin

2 Second Cousins

1 Next Door Neighbor

And a few so called friends

I never walk down a dark street.

Al Bradham
Carpet Care Services & DisasterCare
Called To Care...
Mobile 843-693-1300

Larry B

Jun 23, 2008
Pigeon Forge, TN
Larry Burrell
Brian Robison said:
Was it brothers? Sisters? Cousins?...the closer the relative, the shorter the time.
Hey, but what the hell do I know?

1 Brother
1 Cousin

Brother left a medical building door unlocked all night and we lost the account.

Cousin and other 4 got it because I am tired of people calling because they are lazy. I have had more complaints in the last couple of weeks than I have had in 4 years. Funny thing is that now the other 7 are working like never before and in the last 24 hours not a one of them has called to ask me a thing..LOL

I will never hire another family member again. Work your A$$ off to build something and they come in and scew everything up and think they cant be replaced. You should have seen my brothers face when I took his Van, Phone & keys it was like a PRICELESS master card commercial..

Larry B

Jun 23, 2008
Pigeon Forge, TN
Larry Burrell
bob vawter said:
Was that before or after you blew the clutch....?

Clutch is on and working great. While I was at it I also changed the water pump, Alternator, Power steering pump, belt tensioner and both ideler pullies.

Will run like new till the motor blows now..

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Larry B said:
I think I am the most hated person in my family now.

After everyone said dont hire family I brought them into the business anyway.

After a few complaints in the last couple of days I fired 2 family members and 4 employees in the last 48 hours.

I dont think I need to worry about getting too many Christmas gifts this year.

After you can family members how long does it take them to get over it??? LMAO

I see it a little different. If a member of my family did ANYthing I viewed as jepordizing any part of my customer relations they better worry how long it would take ME, to get over it.

Around here we still draw a circle in the yard and work on the issue inside the circle until it is resolved. :evil: No better therepy.


Oct 26, 2006
Three, don't worry time heals all wounds, that's not to say that there won't be a scar though! :roll:



Oct 11, 2006
4 years ago, I finally had to fire my son.

He was the best tech and did great work and the custy's loved him on the most part.

He had severe issues with my being in charge and had issues with employees.

He knew I was dependant upon him and he felt he had me over a barrel.......

In some ways he did.........He disrepected me and disrepected the highways in so much I had at least 3 phone calls a week about his reckless driving from people who would call from the phone # on the van. When Water jobs would come through, and he was a genius when it came to that field, he simply would not show up and would leave me high and dry.

After many, many month's of letting him know of the complaints and asking him to stop the behavior and the damage it was doing, I finally ended up with telling him that he was placing me in a bad position to do something I did not want to do but would if it were necessary.

He said the last two words for the last time...........F you.........and I said.......

The last two words............Your Fired.........

It was painful and to this day it breaks my heart because he will not speak to me and promised he never would..........

I miss him terribly and I enjoyed working with him when he behaved and acted like a grown up............

I pray one day his heart will soften and that he will realize the position I was put in and get over it.........Until that day happens, I will still grieve for him.......

So.........yes it is very hard to have family work with or for you.........VERY :cry:


Sep 14, 2007
At least 20 years ago, I fired my sister for gross insubordination (in front of several other employees). She'd been bringing down morale for some time. I finally had enough and didn't put her on the next week's schedule. She still hasn't gotten over it.

Last February, my wife decided to 'tell me off' in front of the staff. I fired my wife. Thirty days later she took half and filed for divorce. Good riddens. Business has been booming ever since she left! :mrgreen:

In my opinion, having family work for you should be avoided if at all possible.


May 19, 2007
I've worked with family and it can be tough. I don't know of much family that I'd work. My wife is tough to even work with, she get so miffed when I get on to her about something. And it's not like I'm mean about it....family is too sensitive at times. I've worked some of my in-laws workers on large jobs. And it works out so much easier because they see you as a Boss and not a family member they can slack off with.

I'd say it's better to get real employees. And keep going through them untill you get a good one then pay them well. The good thing about a family member is that if you're in a pinch they are more likely to come in on a day off or late hours. Other than that employees by far are better....

Jim Bethel

Oct 8, 2006
Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia
Jim Bethel
JB - I have seen that photo several times and I cringe with pain every time. But I still can't help but looking at it!

Dolly - Sorry to hear about your son :( I work with my father daily and have done so for many years, like anything, we have our disagreements, but I am always thankful for him and his lead over the years. Hopefully your son softens as he matures.

Randy - The part about your firing you wife was GOLD!! Funny, but it's still good to see your ok with it :)


Larry B

Jun 23, 2008
Pigeon Forge, TN
Larry Burrell

My brother was almost like what you said about your son. When he worked he worked hard but it got to the point of him always trash talking to the employees when I wasnt around. We have at least 3 reckless driving reports on him from callins, 1 employee that refuses to ride with him and the fact he drove my vans around to use when he wanted. When I told him to bring the van and keys back he said I couldnt do it with out him. It wasnt that I couldnt but I didnt want to, I liked the idea of having the family involved in my buisness. I think it shocked him even more because I didnt call him back and ask him to stay but I did offer our day shift super an extra $150.00 a week to switch to nights and take his job. At this point I dont think he will say it cant be done without him.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
My wife fired herself 25 years ago. (I could be a real jerk to work with.) Sioux said it was the business or our marriage. We are now working on our 34th year together.

Island Boy

PS I have mellowed a bit. I really enjoy working with my son in our little consulting business. Level headed, follows and even asks for advice from his old man yet he is not shy about bringing up a different viewpoint. I trust him absolutely.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Lifes too short (yea I know that's been over used) to lose touch with family members over a "job". I think people get hurt when your own family chooses their own business over them when that is just not the case. The employee is at fault for being butt hurt and the boss is at fault for not treating the family member like an employee to begin with...at work and only at work.

I used to work with my brother...alot. He was a pain in the ass but was a great helper. I used to get pissed and I used to laugh my ass off and I also used to make alot of money (still do). I never treated him like an employee and that was probably a mistake but I dealt with problems. I would deal with them now if I could. He died 3 years ago and I would love to have those problems back. Oh well, whatyagonnado?


Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
No, but my Son left the business due to us not seeing eye to eye. I wish he would have stayed, but it's tough to seperate that family thing from the work thing. My Wife and I fire each other daily, it doesn't work.

As for firing 6 people in 48 hours, we just did that too, right before we left for vacation for 9 days. Figured, it's the middle of summer, hardly any water jobs going on, just carpet cleaning. Held on to our 3 best employees...Then we had a weather event up here in our neck of the woods and got lambasted with water damage jobs the minute we got off the plane from vacation. I've been working my arse off since Friday aftenoon and we are just winding down......I'll never do that again..

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Now that I think of it my Dad and I were in business together. Worst partner I ever had. Terrible business manager- great Dad. We fired each other by dissolving the business and going our separate ways and became better friends than ever. Died suddenly from a massive heart attack almost 25 years ago and I still miss him.

Island Boy

PS Each "family firing" is different so no one can make rules for you. However, a good principle is from the Bible (can I use that word here?) "Why do you not let yourself be wronged?" Of course, each individual has to decide how many "wrongs" they can suffer before their own family's financial security is placed in jeopardy!


Oct 11, 2006
To those who gave a word of encouragement to me, Thanks

Steve.........I am glad you quoted a scripture message........

One never wants to fire a family member...........I found yes I can do this business
without my Son, but I never wanted to.

My Daughter now works with me, and I fear sometimes the same thing will happen
because like her bro.........she has difficulty following.........I have to remind her
many times I don't work for her.........and I have to remind myself that she is
an employee. Hopefully as she grows and mature too, she will see how much I
want her to learn.

My heart on this matter is...........One should treat a loved one either family or friend
with higher esteem and respect than you would any other. It is important to have
one person who is the leader and Authority and that person too has to allow all others
to grow. I have always believed that as long as your employees are doing the work,
representing the company as it should, the customers are happy and satisfied, then
allow the employee to make decisions that help them feel they have some control.

I don't believe in micro managing. I believe if you give responsibility and they show
responsibility, then allow them to have authority over the responsibiliy given.

The hard part is when the employee forgets that they have accountability to the
person who is the final authority in the business.

Sadly.......Some folks see the close relationships as ones you can take advantage of
and use..........There are some things that one should hold with the utmost of care, and that is doing your best most especially for the people you care most and love.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
I know I am a hard hearted sort. But if a family member is doing something to jepardize your business YOU SHOULD BE PISSED OFF AT THEM. I wouldn't give a tinkers damn if I hurt their feelings. Issues arise, you address them, they get better or they get gone. If there are "hard feelings" you settle them. I had the idea of having an office coodinator a couple of years ago. Thats right my oldest daughter got the nod. I have always been accused of showing her favoritism btw. She started out great, went down hill fast. We discussed it she didn't improve...so she got a job at the golf couse the week after I fired her. She knew better than to be pissed off. She learned alot about life, she now works fulltime and goes to college fulltime. Very proud of her.


Nov 23, 2006
I had to fire my son-in-law. He was a great employee, good tech, good with the customers.

But his driving was terrible. Dented the van several times, speeding, strangers phoning about being cut off, etc. Leaving the wand and tools behind, and not willing to go back after them.

But it was the best thing to happen to him. He is a computer geek, and he got a job paying more than twice what I could pay, better working hours in an office environment, and it has worked out great for him.

And we are still friends. No problem there. He is a great guy and good for my daughter and my grandchildren.



Oct 11, 2006
A praise report.

I had a chance meeting with my son................He works for Munters and is now engaged again with the last few Storms. My Husband and I arrived at my eldest Sons home for which he is staying while he is working with his company's disaster team.

It was a nice time of conversation which consisted of work topics. No hostility and looking forward to many more of those times that in my hope will lead to a healing and restoration of our relationship.........

Interesting that both of us are in the restorative business.......hopefully it will spill over to the restoration I long for.........

Just an update to this thread........

Hope things will work out for everyone who has had these kinds of things happen. They are most unpleasant and hurt a bunch.........

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
The first year in business my wife worked with me every day. It was great and I wish she still could work with me. She stayes home with our little girl now. Been togethor 5.5 years and still never been in an arguement. ( damn, whre'e the spell checker )

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I had my bro helping me a couple times this summer and i'm break him in so I was wanding and showing him the ropes or maybe just the strings! At one point I looked back at him and he was sweating his ass off I asked him what is going on and all he said is "I'm fat" That was my experience. Can't say I fired him and I would still use his as long as he promises not to have a heart attack while working. (He is only 23 what a shame!)

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