Evolution Wand...Again

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Ok, I am a new member (first post) and have been reading about the 2" Evolution Wand here just trying to get some input. I purchased one and have been using it for about 2 month and so far so good. Some of the problems listed so far are pretty acurate but here is my take on things and I would like to see if any minds have changed since the last time this subject came up.

First of all, overall, I like it. Best wand I have ever used. Only have been Steam Cleaning for 6 or 7 years because I was a Chem-Bri Guy for the first 10 years of my miserable carpet cleaning life. Much better now.

The jets need to be changed on the ends just like what was said but I wanted to give the manufacturer the benifit of the doubt. The way around this is to lift the side of the wand nearest the edge and spray and then extract. The 2" suction power is more than enough to pull light soil and any debris. I'm using the commander HO. Not the right way to do it but works when needed.

Cleans way quicker and easier than my 1 1/2" with a glide. Some chatter on CGD but no more than my teflon glide. I did an 11,000 sqft job that I do every 6 months and it cut off about an hour or so and I was sick as a dog doing it. We'll see next time.

Carpet seams dryer after
Super light which is great, but if you don't prespray residential(which I do but tried it without) it won't get down in the fibers as far as the suction goes. Unless you do another pass after wetting or lean on it a little.

I'm always afraid I'm gonna break it but haven't yet even after a couple of drops and bumps.

I think the glide needs slits on either side to help with airflow because I am steaming up a little with 500lbs. Don't want to mess with it yet. It's doing pretty well so far.

All in all I am cutting alot of time and fatigue off of each job and what else do you need? Yea it needs a splash gaurd and a longer jet tube to cover the 16" area but it hasn't caused much of a problem. I think it covers a little more than the 11" that was said earlier. Some things hard to get under but again, not much of a problem.
I give it a good rating but the price could stand to come down a bit.

Let me know what you think and if I can think of anything else, I will post it.
Thanks for your help so far.


Hollywood said:
Ok, I am a new member (first post) and have been reading about the 2" Evolution Wand here just trying to get some input. I purchased one and have been using it for about 2 month and so far so good.

Cleans way quicker and easier than my 1 1/2" with a glide. Some chatter on CGD but no more than my teflon glide. I did an 11,000 sqft job that I do every 6 months and it cut off about an hour or so and I was sick as a dog doing it. We'll see next time.

How long did it take to clean 11,000 sq. ft. ?
I make a "Super Twin Vac Slide" (Glide) and can do CGD with no chatter, and at lightly soiled,
i can clean over 1000 sq. ft. an hour.


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
It took about 7 hours this time. Granted, there were some larger furniture that we couldn't move so that dropped the square footage a bit. The carpet is generally very light soil with some bad spots. I had two guys with me, one to move furniture and drag hoses and the other to watch van, drag hoses and bring me a drink every once in a while. That 16" inches really had me moving and the 6 jets helped to clean quicker and prevent streaking. Pretty good job for one day work. I saw some other guys on here listing a day total so I will do the same. The job is measured at 11,000 sqft (no matter what) at about $.19. So that comes to $2050.00 just to make the check easy to write (wouldn't be easy for me to write, and yet suprisingly easy to cash). I love and dred to the job because it just about kills me everytime. But well worth it. I bought the Evolution Wand specificly to do this job and have it pay for it.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
the evolution is like a crappy marriage you don't know how bad it was until you are with someone else, the evolution wand uses outdated technology sprinkled with new ideas that do nothing, first thing that grabs me is the wand is not a double s bend, the head is too high a profile so getting under that bed or furniture will not happen or will be much more difficult. The jets are mounted a mile away from the carpet, thats how they get away with only have 2 jets, there is no manifold with 4 -6 jets. you are gonna put less heat to the pile of the carpet. good lord the thing is made of plastic, yeah it looks good now but how will it look after 5 years and 3000 machine hours?!?!? your rotating door of chimps will have broke the thing long ago. the one I looked at had thin sheet metal type tube on it that was painted in some sort of wrinkle finish, can you say scratches, my cast stainless wand has tons of visable scratches, I can't imagine how much worse it would look painted black, and that is with me and only be using the thing. the wand does not use a green glide instead its mostly sold to chem dry franchises, if you are a true blue mikey's boarder that fact alone should take the wand out of consideration, although with that aside I think I have poked enough holes into the design of the wand on its merits

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
I believe the 2 inch version has four jets.

For what it is , 5 feet of two inch aluminum tube with a plastic head at $850 it is a
INSULT to expect hard working BDCC to buy one.

Side by side with the other POS CMP wand with glide I just shake my head thinking how dumb we carpet cleaners are.

But I guess it is an improvement after seeing someone "TRY" and push a PC Quad jet!

The Ti and the Quad Jet are just engineering nightmares.
WTF designed these wands with the end user in mind?

Poor head designs that LOCK down on the carpet.
And good grief you have to buy a $200 piece of plastic to put on the head to make it move!

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
It's the 2" model with 6 jets that are positioned nearer to the floor than what steve g stated. The Laminar air flow is noticeably different from the turbulent s bend. Less noise and still has better suction leaving the carpet drier. Sounds like I am a sales rep or something but I assure you, I am not. Yes it's too expensive but what the hell in carpet cleaning isn't unless you build it your self. This wand has proven to be durable so far but we will see. I wanted to wait a couple of months before I posted my views so I would have a good understanding of the real world carpet cleaning experience. Steve, I know you were talking about the portable evolution but this one is for tms. The tube is aircraft aluminum and the head is made out of what seems to be the same material as a Ninja or something. Feels durable.
I agree with you about the marriage, getting a divorce as we speak. lol.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
Tacoma, WA
Tony Gillihan
Walrus said:
I believe the 2 inch version has four jets.

For what it is , 5 feet of two inch aluminum tube with a plastic head at $850 it is a
INSULT to expect hard working BDCC to buy one.

Side by side with the other POS CMP wand with glide I just shake my head thinking how dumb we carpet cleaners are.

But I guess it is an improvement after seeing someone "TRY" and push a PC Quad jet!

The Ti and the Quad Jet are just engineering nightmares.
WTF designed these wands with the end user in mind?

Poor head designs that LOCK down on the carpet.
And good grief you have to buy a $200 piece of plastic to put on the head to make it move!

What exactly is YOUR idea of a good wand and why?


Oct 4, 2007
The Evolution is a real good wand IF they make ONE HUGE change. The thing is NOT jetted right!

It has some other minor issues, like the head being a bit too tall but that is not a big deal.

I am simply amazed a carpet cleaner cannot adjust to a straight wand. You must be really mentally challenged.

The glide on the wand is a good thing...very easy to remove and re-install.

The wand is very very very light....really helps on larger jobs.

As far as durability...I do not see the problem. It is well made. So what if it is not made of stainless steal. BFD.


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