Carbs are pretty simple... Problem is (in my experience anyway), 1 or 2 small parts plus a gasket kit and you may as well buy a new one. The rebuild kits for my old Onan engines were like 80 bucks. A new carb fresh out of the box was 120. I quit messing with em after that. Run a motor (any motor) too lean and you can burn a hole right through a piston. I've seen several motors (V8's) burn up from that. There's alot of stock car racing in Iowa and they're running 2 barrels wide open for 20-50 laps. Alot of Hobby stocker's don't have things set up right. Watch NHRA sometime and in seconds you can see a motor drop a cylinder/piston if something is off in the air/fuel mixture. Back when I was young we used to 'hotrod' our mopeds. We'd go down to the motorcycle shop and get parts and have the guys do machine work on them. The mechanics there always warned us about proper carb setting on those. They'd always laugh we'd do that junk to a moped but it was all in good fun..
I've had 2 machines with Kohlers and my experience was the same. The pipe would glow red hot at all times. On one unit I took the heat exchanger off because it blew and just ran LP. Low and behold the glow was gone... Welcome aboard John!!