For any moderators


Oct 19, 2006
Would one of the moderators please delete Crowley's new ad in the garage room. it belongs in the bird room but really should not be on here at all.

Thank you

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
I went a head and pulled was already in the bird room anyway......


Oct 19, 2006
Thank you Jim. I saw it in the Garage just 10 minutes ago so that is why i said something about it.

I can't help it, I love animals.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
It was still in the garage Lance, thanks for speaking up~ I am an animal rescue volunteer and supporter and have no use for that being used as humor.


Oct 19, 2006
Your welcome Ken. My wife and I worked at FOCUS part time for a few years trying to adopt out as many cats as possible.

I know that they did a very intense study awhile ago, and it found that the way kids treated animals is how they ended up treating people. Cats are also used to help nursing home patients......that is an important job for them i think.

Sue me, but I get along with animals alot better than most humans. somewhat amus

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I work with and support the Michigan Animal Adoption Network/Animal Care Network

Ps I agree with you about how kids treat animals is how they end up being towrds adults or other kids. I also think animals are the best judge of charactor~ if an animal doesn't like/trust someone I won't either.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink

The black dane on the right, Maddy was a dog I rescued. She was being abused, and they crocked her right ear improperly, causing it to get infected; as well as never crocking the left. When I found her she was malnourished, ear infection, and didn't have proper shots she needed. The owner then didn't want to sell her, and I gave him the ultimatum to either give her to me, or I'm calling the authorites. He still refused and I called the authorities and they removed her from the property. I paid $1000 (donation to humane society) plus just under $1200 for her vet bills. She has had 2 litters of pups, the first having 9 pups total, and the second having 13. Shes about 4 and half years old, and healthy and happy as can be now.

Our humane society does a donation drive where you purchase pizzas and the proceeds go to them. I regularly receive a few free pizzas a year from my donation, plus my family purchases extra.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress

can be judged by the ways its animals are treated"

~ Mahatma Gandhi'

(1869-1948. Spiritual leader of India)

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
heads are going to roll on this one..............

Dog featured on Oprah accidentally euthanized

Posted: Nov 15, 2010 9:30 PM
Updated: Nov 15, 2010 10:09 PM

CASA GRANDE, AZ (KOLD) - A Pinal County Animal Control worker is on leave for euthanizing the wrong dog. But not just any dog, this dog saved 50 soldiers' lives in Afghanistan.

"Dogs were just a huge pick me up, they were our babies," Sergeant Terry Young said during a previous interview on Oprah.

Sgt. Young was deployed to Afghanistan in July of 2009, shortly after getting there he discovered a stray dog, he named Target.

Young explained, "It was February 11th 2010. It was nine o'clock at night and an individual with a suicide vest made his way onto the campground."

The suicide bomber was heading toward the barracks, where Sgt. Young and 50 other soldiers were living. Target and two other dogs attacked him before he could get inside.

In an interview, Young remembered, "Target and Rufus latched onto him. He was able to get the door open, but that was as far as he got and so he detonated himself at that point."

The soldiers were safe, but one dog died and Target and Rufus were badly injured.

"They were in a bad shape, the dogs had basically earned our respect. They earned the right to be treated like soldiers and 50 that's exactly how we treated them."

Once nursed back to health, Target was brought back here to the U.S. to live with Sgt. Young in Pinal County.

Recently, Target went missing and was picked up by Pinal County Animal Care and Control.

Target was taken to Pinal County Animal Care and Control Friday night. We're told the dog was not micro-chipped or licensed with the county.

When its owner came to pick up Target, the Animal Care officials discovered the sad mistake.

"This morning, an employee mistakenly took the dog out of its pen and euthanized it," Pinal County Public Information Officer Joe Pyritz told KOLD News 13 over the phone.

We're told that employee did not follow proper euthanasia procedures and ended up putting down Target instead of the dog it that was in the same pen.

Pyritz said, "They have been placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of the investigation."

Target may be gone too soon, but will always be remembered a hero.

Young said, "The dogs were definitely heroes that day and I cannot stress enough how many lives they saved that night."

KOLD News 13 tried to contact Sergeant Young today, but we were told he wasn't ready to talk about Target.

We're told the euthanasia procedures in Pinal County are now under investigation.


Oct 7, 2006
There is nothing like the joy you experience from getting a dog from the pound that is "defective" and a day from being killed. Every day they just look at you with that "look". What a blessing. I don't tell people I rescue dogs, I'm just say I'm too cheap to pay for one.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Ken Snow said:
'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress

can be judged by the ways its animals are treated"

~ Mahatma Gandhi'

(1869-1948. Spiritual leader of India)

and Gandi was a vegetarian Ken

so dont toot your horn too loudly till you're willing to give up meat.

that goes to all of you animal lovers


Oct 19, 2006
Sorry Mikey, I don't eat cats nor dogs.

I eat what God created to make my body strong and healthy. Chicken, beef (from cows, I don't believe the are sacred like in India), fish, seafood, and turkey.

I also eat lots of veggies. I eat more chicken than anything else.

My cats go crazy when I heat it up in the microwave. It's just another bird to them. Just like God wanted it to be.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Steven Hoodlebrink said:

The black dane on the right, Maddy was a dog I rescued. She was being abused, and they crocked her right ear improperly, causing it to get infected; as well as never crocking the left. When I found her she was malnourished, ear infection, and didn't have proper shots she needed. The owner then didn't want to sell her, and I gave him the ultimatum to either give her to me, or I'm calling the authorites. He still refused and I called the authorities and they removed her from the property. I paid $1000 (donation to humane society) plus just under $1200 for her vet bills. She has had 2 litters of pups, the first having 9 pups total, and the second having 13. Shes about 4 and half years old, and healthy and happy as can be now.

Our humane society does a donation drive where you purchase pizzas and the proceeds go to them. I regularly receive a few free pizzas a year from my donation, plus my family purchases extra.

I'm very happy you saved her Steve, but can I ask WHY is she having pups? The shelters are full of large breed dogs who outgrew their welcomes when they outgrew their cute puppy stage. Now there are 22 more dogs out there. Please have her spayed.

EVERYONE please have your dogs and cats spayed and neutered. You may think your dog or cat is the best in the world...your mom or cousin may say they would like a pup by them, you may think you have a nice pair and would like to make a little extra cash on the pups, but PLEASE even if purebred with papers, RESIST THE TEMPTATION TO BREED YOUR DOG OR CAT!!!!!!!! Every day thousands of beautiful, healthy, loving purebred dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters along with the mutts and "designer dogs". PLEASE DON'T BREED, please spay and neuter. I see their faces when I pull dogs from the shelters....scared, confused, anxious....beautiful dogs...Danes, Shepherds, Boxers, Labs, Retrievers, Huskies....and of course tons of American Bulldogs and Pit Bulls. Large dogs rarely get adopted out....people don't know their history and are too afraid to risk them with kids, other dogs (especially smaller dogs) and cats.

Here is a piece written by a shelter manager in the south, frustrated with the situation:

I think our society needs a huge "Wake-up" call. As a shelter manager, I am going to share a little insight with you all...a view from the inside if you will. First off, all of you people who have ever surrendered a pet to a shelter or humane society should be made to work in the "back" of an animal shelter for just one day. Maybe if you saw the life drain from a few sad, lost, confused eyes, you would stop flagging the ads on craigslist and help these animals find homes. That puppy you just bought will most likely end up in my shelter when it's not a cute little puppy anymore. Just so you know there's a 90% chance that dog will never walk out of the shelter it’s dumped at? Purebred or not! About 25% of all of the dogs that are "owner surrenders" or "strays", that come into a shelter are purebred dogs.

The most common excuses: "We are moving and we can't take our dog (or cat)." Really? Where are you moving too that doesn't allow pets? Or they say "The dog got bigger than we thought it would". How big did you think a German Shepherd would get? "We don't have time for her". Really? I work a 10-12 hour day and still have time for my 6 dogs! "She's tearing up our yard". How about making her a part of your family? They always tell me "We just don't want to have to stress about finding a place for her we know she'll get adopted, she's a good dog".

Odds are your pet won't get adopted & how stressful do you think being in a shelter is? Well, let me tell you, your pet has 72 hours to find a new family from the moment you drop it off. Sometimes a little longer if the shelter isn't full and your dog manages to stay completely healthy. If it sniffles, it dies. Your pet will be confined to a small run/kennel in a room with other barking or crying animals. It will have to relieve itself where it eats and sleeps. It will be depressed and it will cry constantly for the family that abandoned it. If your pet is lucky, I will have enough volunteers in that day to take him/her for a walk. If I don't, your pet won't get any attention besides having a bowl of food slid under the kennel door and the waste sprayed out of its pen with a high-powered hose. If your dog is big, black or any of the "Bully" breeds (pit bull, rottie, mastiff, etc) it was pretty much dead when you walked it through the front door. Those dogs just don't get adopted. It doesn't matter how 'sweet' or 'well behaved' they are.

If your dog doesn't get adopted within its 72 hours and the shelter is full, it will be destroyed. If the shelter isn't full and your dog is good enough, and of a desirable enough breed it may get a stay of execution, but not for long . Most dogs get very kennel protective after about a week and are destroyed for showing aggression. Even the sweetest dogs will turn in this environment. If your pet makes it over all of those hurdles chances are it will get kennel cough or an upper respiratory infection and will be destroyed because the shelter gets paid a fee to euthanize each animal and making money is better than spending money to take this animal to the vet.

Here's a little euthanasia 101 for those of you that have never witnessed a perfectly healthy, scared animal being "put-down". First, your pet will be taken from its kennel on a leash. They always look like they think they are going for a walk happy, wagging their tails. Until they get to "The Room", every one of them freaks out and puts on the brakes when we get to the door. It must smell like death or they can feel the sad souls that are left in there, it's strange, but it happens with every one of them. Your dog or cat will be restrained, held down by 1 or 2 shelter workers depending on the size and how freaked out they are. Then a shelter worker who we call a euthanasia tech (not a vet) find a vein in the front leg and inject a lethal dose of the "pink stuff". Hopefully your pet doesn't panic from being restrained and jerk. I've seen the needles tear out of a leg and been covered with the resulting blood and been deafened by the yelps and screams. They all don't just "go to sleep", sometimes they spasm for a while, gasp for air and defecate on themselves. You see shelters are trying to make money to pay employee pay checks and don’t forget the board of directors needs to be paid too, so we don’t spend our funds to tranquilize the animal before injecting them with the lethal drug, we just put the burning lethal drug in the vein and let them suffer until dead. If it were not a “making money issue” and we had to have a licensed vet do this procedure, the animal would be sedated or tranquilized and then euthanized, but to do this procedure correctly would cost more money so we do not follow what is right for the animal, we just follow what is the fastest way we can make a dollar. Shelters do not have to have a vet perform their euthanasia’s so even if it takes our employee 50 pokes with a needle and 3 hours to get the vein that is what we do. Making money is the issue here not loosing money.

When it all ends, your pets corpse will be stacked like firewood in a large freezer in the back with all of the other animals that were killed waiting to be picked up like garbage. What happens next? Cremated? Taken to the dump? Rendered into pet food? Or used for the schools to dissect and experiment on? You'll never know and it probably won't even cross your mind. It was just an animal and you can always buy another one, right!

I hope that those of you who still have a beating heart and have read this are bawling your eyes out and can't get the pictures out of your head, I deal with this everyday. I hate my job, I hate that it exists & I hate that it will always be there unless you people make some changes and start educating the public. Do research, do your homework, and know exactly what you are getting into before getting a pet. These shelters and humane societies exist because people just do not care about animals anymore. Animals were not intended to be disposable but somehow that is what they are these days.

Take care,


Supportive Member
Sep 1, 2007
Versailles ky
Ashley Mckendree
I second Lisas motion.

I respect my local humane society's volunteers, I give them free cleanings, and have pizza delivered to them once a month...
Because I could NOT do what they do, I would end up adopting every animal that came in and have to buy a HUGE farm for them all to live on.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Here's pictures I took at a shelter near Fresno (Valley Oak SPCA) with their own crematorium....anyone could just walk right up to it:



Take care,

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Another thing I can't emphasize enough to everyone....FENCE your yards! At least fence a run off the back door for your dogs to go outside without chance of straying off, or being attacked by wildlife or stray pets. Please don't tie dogs up outside, they are helpless, easy prey for wildlife or roaming strays, they can also become tangled and not be able to reach water/food/shelter or hung on their collars.

I've never understood why certain parts of the country have a problem with they think it's not neighborly or something....

Take care,
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Ken Snow said:
'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress

can be judged by the ways its animals are treated"

~ Mahatma Gandhi'

(1869-1948. Spiritual leader of India)

I personally wouldnt be quoting a pedophilia incest, adultery, weird fetishes, and sexual perversion that Gandhi was into. If the dude was alive today in would be in jail for life. Not to mention the guy liked to drink his own piss and cow piss too.

Just saying.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I have no knowledge of any of that Brent and I am sorry you were not able to just read the intent of the message instead of trashing a dead person's legacy.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
well if you believe the internets, Brent was right.

Big G was a freak in the sack.

but I betting Big Ken is too so what the hell.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Ken Snow said:
I have no knowledge of any of that Brent and I am sorry you were not able to just read the intent of the message instead of trashing a dead person's legacy.

Naw I understood your intent, I was just making conversation. Its not trashing a dead persons legacy when you talk about facts. Gandhi also called hitler a friend in letters he sent hitler.

Its cool ken im sure you didnt know about his fetishes, his love for enimas and sleeping naked with little girls. I personally would rather know the truth about someone instead of kicking it under the carpet.

Its just like how people hold that fraud of a person Mother Teresa in such high regards.

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