freaked me out today...


Jan 15, 2007
Amsterdam, NY
Ed Prevost
We did a large water damage in 2008 in a home that is about 150 years old. It was a vacation home for a couple that lived in NYC, about 4 hours away. They were not staying at the house at the time and gave us a key to come and go as we please. Lots of antiques in this home. Here's a list of the weird stuff that happened to us while we were there:

We showed up the second day to start pulling some serverly cupped wood floors and there were 4 antique wooden toys lined up in the middle of the living room. NOTHING was in this room when we left the previous day as we had empited it in preparation to pull floors. The homeowners were in NYC and no one else had access to the home but us. The homeowner did not own any antique toys or had she seen any in the home. Picked the toys up and placed them on the kitchen counter, pulled the floor. Showed up the next day, they were on the floor in the dining room.

We installed a dragon to heat the crawlspace. There was probably 2 1/2' to 3' clearance from floor to bottom of floor joists. We place about 50' of ducting in this crawl space. Came back the next day and it was all pulled out and laying in the floor of the basement area. I was freaked out. I personally crawled into this crawlspace and stapled the ductwork to the bottom of the floor joists. Lots of staples. I attempted to pull the ducting out and there was no way without crawling in 50' and pulling it out. Came back the next day, it was all pulled out and laying in the basement area.

I was glad to be done with that one.


Oct 22, 2007
Sparks NV
Chris Hagen
Jim Martin said:
I can't explain I said...there has to be a logical explanation for this...I don't believe in that type of stuff...

You should head out here and stay in Virginia City for a night, that might change your mind on the whole ghost thing.


May 27, 2011
I had a tool box move from one room to the next in a locked up building that had only one way in and out and there was no way that anybody came in behind me. The guys leasing the first floor told me that they used to rent the 2nd floor above for band space and some of the rooms would have locked doors, then open unlocked doors after they practiced. One of the guys dog would bark at walls and then tuck tail and hide. I cant explain how my sixty pound toolbox moved, but I know there was no way that anybody could have moved it without alerting me. Creaking floors and rattling tools in pull out drawers, it clanked just picking it up.
May 12, 2007
Bay City, MI
I know why you're here, Jim. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your Carpet Cleaning Truck. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Jim. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and you see how deep the rabbit hole goes.


May 27, 2011
How deep goes the rabbit, that's how far the rabbit hole goes.


Apr 6, 2007
Bruce Humphrey said:
I know why you're here, Jim. I know what you've been doing... why you hardly sleep, why you live alone, and why night after night, you sit by your Carpet Cleaning Truck. You're looking for him. I know because I was once looking for the same thing. And when he found me, he told me I wasn't really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It's the question that drives us, Jim. It's the question that brought you here. You know the question, just as I did.

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and you see how deep the rabbit hole goes.


Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Gary Berg was a good friend of mine. He was a carpet cleaner, who died of brain cancer. He and I had a lot of laughs in the relatively short time we knew each other- so much so that jokes and humor was a mainstay of our relationship.

The night after he was pronounced dead, I was at home and had a feeling that he was there, watching, trying to get through to me. I started to ask if he was there out loud, when suddenly, the smoke detector went off and scared the you- know- what outta me. I started laughing out loud and congratulated Gary for his, "trick".

BTW... There was nothing wrong with the detector or the battery. And I wasn't cooking anything.

My girlfriend is one of those people who can "see". One day, we were riding in my home town and she says, "There's a man here who says he's a relative of yours- an uncle. And he wants me to tell you that there's a black laquer box about this big (holding up her hands, showing me about the size of a cigar box) hidden at your house, that has a military war medal, a gold pocket watch, and a small oriental fan in it."

The medal, watch and fan had disappeared from our house a few years before, when my cousin, who had a drug problem, was hanging around a lot. He lived, unknown to the family, under our house for a while. The pocket watch was supposed to be for me, the medal was a Silver Star from WW2. And the fan was one my grandmother, who really had a thing for Asian art, really liked. And the box was hers as well.

So I asked her what the uncle's name was. "I don't know, but he's showing me this funny expression he does with his lips to make you laugh.". She tried to do it, but couldn't. But I could tell what she was trying to do, so I did it back to her the right way. "Does it look like this?", I asked. She busted out laughing and said, "Yeah! That's it exactly!."

Only my Uncle "Bickle" did that when I was a kid. He died when I was 7 and he was my favorite uncle.

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
Haven't found it yet. He said it's in a dark, musty place at the house. I've looked under it, but there are so many places to hide something. And Timmy was into digging holes and tunnels, so it could be under ground.

I told Lynn that one day when she's there with me, I'm going to draw an overhead map of the house, and a side view, showing underneath and the main floor, upstairs and attic, and see if we can pinpoint it that way. If I have a better idea of what Bickle said, in terms of where, I'll go back and look again.

Jim Williams

Oct 8, 2006
Bynum N.C.
Jim Williams
I have shared a few of my haunted stories on these boards over the years, the latest was at a townhouse I was cleaning for a lady whose Mother in law died there. As I was cleaning the stairs the doorbell rang. It was a nice westminster chime doorbell. I turned around and no one was there at the door and the lady was cleaning in the kitchen. She informed me that when she was cleaning out the bookshelves 2 books jumped off the shelves and one of them had $300 in it.

I lived in one house where my Wife and I saw a man walk across our bedroom one night and you could hear a plastic bag on the floor rustle as he walked on it. He stopped at our bed for a minute then kept walking. The next night I felt a hand on my head and looked up and saw a white figure standing over me and I screamed like a girl. When I screamed it put it's hand over my mouth. We got up and went to stay at my sisters for about a week, then came back and slept with the light on until we moved out. The bedroom door would also slam by itself.

The house we live in now is also haunted. We have someone who will come and sit on the bed sometimes and one night I saw someone walk down the hall. It is my Grandparents old house, over 100 years old.

There have been a few other experiences like when I was working in a basement in an old historic house and I couldn't get the basement door to open so I went to the outside entrance and went in and started working, then the door I couldn't open started opening and closing by itself.

Then there was the time I was in the kitchen of my inlaws fixing my dinner plate and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and no one was there. My Grandmother in law had passed away recently and I had gotten to know her pretty well and I'm guessing she was reaching out from the other side.

I never was a big beieiver in this stuff but there is no logical explanation for a lot of this stuff.

May be I'm haunted.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I didn't read all the comments, were the foot prints going into the room or coming out of the room

could be your april fool story


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
When I was 10-12 somewhere in there, those squiggly pens were all the rage to have at school. One night I had it sitting on the coffee table in my living room, I was watching tv, and it just started to buzz. I thought maybe the batteries were going bad, so I grabbed a new set, and threw 'em in. It still did it from every so often. I told my dad about it, and he thought I was nuts. Till one night we were both watching tv, and it started up. He said good one steven haha good trick. I was into magic then and he thought maybe it was a trick pen, that I had some sort of remote to. It was only then he realized I didn't have a remote.

It became a game, when we had company my dad would sit it on the coffee table, sit down and say "Go ahead play with it" few moments later it would start up. Our company's eyes would get really big like :shock: . My dad would let it go for a minute, and then he'd say "Alright now knock it off", and it'd quit.

My step mom is into metaphysics, I've seen some crazy crazy stuff, bits of energy constantly come through their home.

When my great grandmother passed away, she passed in her sleep with her white night gown on. We inherited her rocking chair, and set it in our living room. One night on the computer I saw a white figuring in the reflection of the monitor, go sit in her chair. My grandma would rock and tap her right hand on the arm and listen to music. I sat and watched in the monitor this white figure do just that, and when I turned to look at the chair, there was nothing there. But it happened numerous times, and at times I could swear I'd hear humming ever so faintly.

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