Free tile spinner tool


Supportive Member
Apr 30, 2007
Ogden, Utah
Tim Magaw
I would like to nominate me. I am an owner operator, have been struggling in business for 4 years now. I offer tile and grout cleaning but have to use a mop and bucket and scrub with my 175. because I am a one man show, I really dont have the time to upsell tile when I get to the home because I do not have the extra time it takes me to do just a regular kitchen or a small bathroom with out a tile spinner. And I have been thinking this over and it would allow me to upsell tile ( I could have had 3-4 in the past couple of days), and I would also like to be able to better my company over the next year to get myself in a position to be able to upgrade to a newer spinner and to be able to offer the tool to another cleaner on this board so we can pay it forward.


Do you have a glided wand Tim?

A $20 grout brush, 175 rotary and glided wand would work 1000 times better than a mop, bucket and 175 scrubber


Oct 19, 2006
Lardass, now i know why it takes so long for you to gather your thoughts....because you have your head so far up mikey's ass.

Get a life and a brain. You two should really stop trying to blow each other from across the country, that's probably what is causing the blood shortage in your fat heads. Surely, both of you could afford a hotel room half way between the two coasts. (Just in case your having a another bad day of stupidity, dave, you live in flor-a-dah, and that is on the east coast....of the united states of america.)

It sounds like you are really stressed out thinking about what letters to use to write down your thoughts. Don't beat yourself up just because you are a pitiful idiot. I am sure there are others that you could meet up with and talk to, like in a group session, but then you would have to know how to read directions and tell time. Too bad, maybe a five year old lives near by to you and would be willing to help.

I feel sorry for the two of you. I really do. I always feel sorry for adults that act like douches.

And mikey, stop being such a cry baby. Did little ol' me rain on your parade? I got some info for you and I hope you don't jump out window or shoot your self in the head......but not everyone in the world thinks that everything you say is absolutely right and perfect. There are other human beings (really there are) that have a different opinion than you do and they don't subscribe to your idea of you as master of the universe. Get over it and don't forget I told you so.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill i make more in a month than you do in a year!! so the florida jokes are kind of stupid.
if you knew anything you would know that i am not up mikeys ass at all you homo..
and the reason no one respects your opinion is because you are a loser..plain and
simple a loser. you dont have a company and you know nothing..every ones bitch.
mike can we change his user name to EB every ones bitch fits you well

Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
Mikey.... They have main restroom closed off this at the FAA.... Perfect timing for me to get this and show them what I can do.... Frrred

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
So Lance other than the day cleaning you spent with Eric Sofeild up here in Santa Cruz and the few days you spent with Eric Strate in your area, have you ever really used a truck mount and a wand and possibly. A tile tool? You spent the last decade trolling the boards for information and used crap but are still not in business. You hand out advice like a seasoned pro, when in reality you have maybe helped cleaned a few homes. I think I'll have to put a permanent "Fraud Alert" in your signiture.

And Lance, Im just going to be brutality honest here. For a guy who comes across as boarder line mentally retarded, you really should not be trying to talk smack to anyone. Those that know you personally have been shocked at your behavior.


Oct 19, 2006
Why don't you shove a fraud alert up your ass.

And be a good guy and help dave with his thinking disability. He seems to want to be just like you when, on the red board, you kept telling everybody that you were the only one that had all the answers.....oh ya, and then you got kicked off there didn't you? And now the V isn't even being built and Aerotech is still making their trucks. How long did it take for you to get all the mud off your face?

That's great dave that you make so much money. Too bad your just another jerk-off with money. Try to buy a personality and a secretary so that you will someday be able to write down things without losing your train of thought. I bet your so shallow that your idol is donald-dick trump. You don't have a clue so go buy one mr. moneybags.


Supportive Member
Nov 25, 2006
st augustine fla
dave gill
AWESOME!!!! he has a helmet so he wont bump his little head..
perfect. i love the disclaimer you gave him mikey...perfect for the loser boy..
so every ones bitch what is your response to this one? mike i tried to find the
video clip that we talked about but was unsuccessful it would have been classic..


Supportive Member
Apr 14, 2009
Navarre FL
Gulf Coast Carpet Care
Lance, you really don't know what you're talking about here. I'll give you 1/2 point, because the gekko (imo) is better for stubborn spots, but try cleaning 1,000-2,000 sq ft with a gekko, NOT realistic. The gekko is a tool designed for the "hard-to-reach" areas, behind toilets, under cabinets, along edges etc...OR if you really need to "blast" a stain away. It's NOT meant to clean whole areas of tile/grout.

It's like having a crevice tool to clean an entire room of carpet vs. a wand. The gekko is something that's needed from time-to-time for the above mentioned reasons, but the "main" tool to have is a spinner of any make.


Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
AdamHale said:

There is a really good guy in the area I live in. He is a supportive member and posts here. He enjoys the things he has learned from the board. We talk about subjects found here all the time. He does many things for the community and does charity work for his church. He strives very hard to be a great cleaner. He never cuts corners and works hard. He is someone you could trust your family with and to take a job for you when you hurt your back or are out of town.

A spinner tool would give him another way to make a little extra money for his family. He would be much appreciative to have the tool. Please consider Charles Lyman for the give away.

PS I have the same spinner tool and it has cleaned well for me for the last 3+ years.

Thanks Adam.

I would like to have this tool. Whenever I get a call for tile, I have to rent a turbo from my distributor. Not having one on the truck keeps me from up-selling tile cleaning on the spot. I feel like I miss a lot of opportunities by not owning my own tool.
Thanks for the consideration. And thanks to Scott for letting Mikey keep the demo.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
It's all your Charles. shiteatinggrin

Please let us know how it works out for you.

Some photos of b4 and afters along with the invoices you get from using it would be great


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Nampa Idaho
Adam Hale
Good things happen to good people!!!

Thanks Mike!!!

Charles you owe me lunch... :lol:

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Tim I'll sell you my rental turbo for $599. That's less them what you would have made off those 4 jobs you lost. I normally don't sell my rental until it has more rentals on it but reading what you wrote made me mad you lost that money for no good reason. Think about it. It won't be for sale to anyone else until it has 8 more rentals then it goes up for sale at $699 and I won't have another until it has 20 rentals or about a year.

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